Socrates (example)
The Ancient Greek philosopher
Born470 BC
Died399 BC

Subject's popular name (birthdate – death) can be a lead-in to the subject's real, formal, or extended name. Describe the subject's nationality and profession(s) in which the subject is most notable. Provide a description of the subject's major contributions in the immediately relevant field(s) of notable expertise.[1]



Ensure that the following sections are organized by year. For instance, the section Marriage and children might be presented before or after the Expanded descriptions, and vice versa.

Early life


Explain the subject's early life historically using a journalistic style.[2]

[[Image:Image(s) that captures subject's major contribution(s).ext|thumb|left|Photo caption]]

Expanded description


If an event that occurred in the life of the subject requires further explanation, elaborate.

Marriage and children


If the subject married and produced offspring, describe the marriage and list the immediate offspring.

  • Subject's Son (birthdate – death) If notable, provide a brief single-line description.
  • Subject's Daughter (birthdate – death) If notable, provide a brief single-line description.

Death and afterward


[If applicable] Legacy If any, describe. See Charles Darwin for example.

Philosophical and/or political views


Wikipedia is not a soapbox for individuals to espouse their views. However, views held by politicians, writers, and others may be summarized in their biography only to the extent those views are covered by reliable sources that are independent of the control of the politician, writer, etc.

Published works


If any, list the works organized by date of publication. See Charles Darwin for example.

Honours, decorations, awards and distinctions


(If any)



Include a bibliography listed in MLA format. Use for assisted MLA-formatted bibliography entries, or OttoBib for automatic bibliography creation from a list of ISBN numbers. See Reference management software for additional tools.

Always cite your sources! No original research![3]

See also


List related internal (Wikipedia) articles in alphabetical order. Common nouns are listed first. Proper nouns follow.

References/Notes and references

  1. ^ Last, first (date). Name of page. Page xx. Publisher: xxxx
  2. ^ Last, first (date). Name of page. Page xx. Publisher: xxxx
  3. ^ Last, first (date). Name of page. Page xx. Publisher: xxxx

Further reading


List official websites, organizations named after the subject, and other interesting yet relevant websites. No spam.

{{DEFAULTSORT:King, Zachary}}

B. J. Fogg

BJ Fogg (1962- ) is an innovator and professor, best known for creating systems to change human behavior. He founded and directs the Persuasive Tech Lab at Stanford University, has organized conferences on mobile health, and was the first scientist to articulate the concept of "captology," a word he coined in 1996 to describe the overlap between persuasion and computers. In 2008, Fortune named him one of the "10 new gurus you should know"[1].

In 2005 Fogg stopped using the word "captology." His current work he calls "Behavior Design," which comprises a set of models for understanding how behavior works, as well as a set of methods he has created to help innovators create successful products.

He advocates three maxims:

Fogg Maxim #1: "Help people do what they already want to do." Fogg Maxim #2: "Help people feel successful." Fogg Maxim #3: "Simplicity changes behavior."

As a doctoral student at Stanford University (1993-1997), Fogg used methods from experimental psychology to demonstrate that computers can change people's thoughts and behaviors in predictable ways. His thesis was entitled "Charismatic Computers." His thesis advisors were Clifford Nass, Byron Reeves, Terry Winograd, and Phil Zimbardo.

Fogg founded the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab. He directed the Stanford Web Credibility Project, which published How Do People Evaluate a Web Site's Credibility? Results from a Large Study in 2002. The Lab received a grant from the National Science Foundation in 2005 to support experimental work investigating how mobile phones can motivate and persuade people, an area the lab calls "mobile persuasion." In 2003 Fogg published the book Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do. This book lays the foundation for captology.

The co-founder of Instagram was Dr. Fogg's student in 2006. As part of a design project, this student—Mike Krieger—created a concept called "Send the Sunshine" that would later become Instagram.

In 2007, Fogg created a Stanford course about Facebook Apps. Using what Fogg calls "Mass Interpersonal Persuasion," his students engaged over 16 million people in 10 weeks with projects done for the class.

He is the founder and director of Stanford's periodic Mobile Health conference.

Fogg has created a new model of human behavior change. In 2011, the World Economic Forum's Wellness Workplace Alliance selected the Fogg Behavior Model as their framework for health behavior change. However, the model has been criticized as inadequate for behavior change in gamification [citation needed]. In December 2011, Fogg created a new way to develop permanent habits from baby steps.[2]

Fogg is the brother of Linda Fogg Phillips, an author and speaker on the issues of social media and parenting.[3] He has a master’s degree in the humanities and a Mormon background.[4]


  • Persuasive Technology: Using computers to change what we think and do[5] (2003)
  • Mobile Persuasion (with Dean Eckles; 2008)
  • Texting 4 Health (with Richard Adler; 2009)
  • Facebook For Parents (with Linda Fogg Phillips; 2010)

See also



  1. ^ Reingold, Jennifer (11 August 2008). "10 new gurus you should know". Fortune. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
  2. ^ "Tiny Habits w/ Dr. Fogg - Behavioral Change". Retrieved 2015-01-13.
  3. ^ Williams, Linda Fogg. "Facebook: A Blessing and a Curse". From the blog Effective Family Communication, date unknown.
  4. ^ Leslie, Ian. "The scientists who make apps addictive". 1843. No. October/November 2016. Economist Group. Retrieved 21 October 2016.
  5. ^ Fogg, B.J. (2003). Persuasive technology using computers to change what we think and do ([Nachdr.]. ed.). Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. ISBN 978-1558606432.

{{DEFAULTSORT:Fogg, B. J.}} Category:American psychologists Category:American computer scientists Category:Human–computer interaction researchers Category:Stanford University alumni Category:Year of birth missing (living people) Category:Living people