Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA)


Territory-wide System Assessment (Abbreviation :TSA; Chinese: 全港性系統評估) is an assessment introduced by The Education Commission (Chinese: 教育統籌委員會) in the report of "Reform Proposal for the Education System in Hong Kong" (Chinese: 香港教育制度改革) in September 2000. The Territory-wide System Assessment is held in June every year since 2004 for students of Primary 3, Primary 6 (implemented in alternate year starting from 2011) and Secondary 3. The Territory-wide System Assessment is designed for facilitating learning and teaching after evaluating the average learning standard of the students in the subject of Chinese language, English language and Mathematics at the end of key stage 1-3.

Primary Students doing the Territory-wide System Assessment




The Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) is a territory-level assessment launched and administered by the Education Bureau (Chinese: 教育統籌委員會) since 2004. The aims of the Territory-wide System Assessment is to objectively assess the basic learning competencies and learning progress of the students at different stages of learning. The capabilities of students are analysed through the Territory-wide System Assessment in order to improve the effectiveness in learning and teaching. Educational policies can be reviewed with the help of the data collected through the Territory-wide System Assessment. The Territory-wide System Assessment is conducted in the form of pencil and paper (except Chinese and English oral assessment) and the examined subjects are Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics.  The Territory-wide System Assessment is compulsory for all Primary 3, Primary 6 and Secondary 3 students from government subsidized schools. The assessment results of the students with intellectual disabilities, e.g. suffering from dyslexia can be excluded after getting medical approval.

Subjects Examined


Chinese Language


The assessment of Chinese language is divided into 5 sub-papers each focus on a specific skill of reading, writing, listening, oral and multimedia information respectively. Meanwhile, candidates from primary three, six and secondary three will be chosen randomly to apply the test of multimedia information in every school.

Listening Assessment
Primary three and Primary six

Assessment Time: 40 minutes

Number of questions: 2

Question Form: short essay (mainly narrative, descriptive essay) and practical writing (letter, invitation card, memo, notice, diary, journal, etc)

Word Limitations: No

Secondary three

Assessment Time: 75 minutes

Number of Questions: 2

Question Form:Specified writing and practical writing (mainly announcement, notice, speech and reports, etc)

Word Limitations: No

Listening Assessment

  • Assessment Time: approximately 20 minutes
  • Type of Recording: two to three parts (depends on the recordings’ nature)
  • Recording Format: recording will only be played once
  • Question Form: Multiple choice questions

Reading Assessment

Primary three and Primary six

Assessment Time: 25 minutes

Number of Questions: two short stories and one to two practical writings (depends on the questions’ nature)

Type of passages: narrative, exposition and practical writing (letter, invitation card, etc)

Question Form: Multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, sentence ordering, short questions, etc

Secondary three

Assessment Time: 30 minutes

Type of passages: Vernacular Chinese (Narration, Description, Exposition, Argumentation, and lyrical literature. etc), Classical Chinese, practical passage

Question Form: Multiple choice questions

Multimedia Information Assessment
Primary three and Primary six

Assessment Time: 15 minutes

Participants: 30 students

Type of Video: two to three parts (depends on the videos’’ nature)

Video Format: video will only be played once

Question Form: Multiple choice questions

Secondary three

Assessment Time: 15 minutes

Participants: all secondary three students

Video Format: video will only be played once Question Form: Multiple choice questions

Oral Assessment

  • Assessment Time: approximately four to eight minutes

Participants: twelve to twenty-four students

Form of Assessment:

  1. Storytelling through pictures
  2. Group Discussion
  • Secondary three

Assessment Time: approximately seven to eleven minutes

Participants: twelve to twenty-four students

Form of Assessment:

  1. Individual Speech
  2. Group Discussion

English Language


The assessment of English language in primary school is divided into 3 sub-papers each focus on a specific skill of reading and  writing, listening and speaking respectively. The assessment of English language in secondary school is divided into 4 sub-papers each focus on a specific skill of reading, writing, listening and speaking respectively. Candidates from every school will be chosen randomly to attend the speaking assessment.

Reading and writing Assessment


The question form of Reading part is Multiple choice question. The Writing part requires to write an essay based on a topic or write a story based on the pictures given.

Primary three

           Assessment time: 25 minutes

           Word limit for Writing part: Write about 30 words

Primary six

           Assessment time: 50 minutes

            Word limit for Writing part: Write about 80 words

Secondary three

          Assessment time for Reading part: 30 minutes

          Assessment time for Writing part: 40 minutes

          Word limit for Writing part: Write about 150 words.

Listening Assessment


The question form of primary school assessment is Multiple choice question while the question forms of secondary school assessment are Multiple choice question and filling the blanks. Each recording will be played twice.

Primary three

           Assessment time: 20 minutes

Primary six

           Assessment time: 30 minutes

Secondary three

           Assessment time: 25 minutes

Speaking Assessment

  • Primary three

           Preparation time: 2 minutes

           Assessment time: 3 minutes

The assessment is divided into two parts. Part 1 is reading alone and part 2 is answering one question asked by teacher.

Primary six

           Preparation time: 2 minutes

           Assessment time: 3 minutes

The assessment is divided into two parts. Part 1 is reading alone and part 2 is answering one question asked by teacher.

Secondary three

           Preparation time: 3 minutes

           Assessment time: 2 minutes

          Candidates are required to give an individual presentation



The assessment of Mathematics is provided in both Chinese and English according to different needs of students. Every student from all schools have to apply this assessment.

  • Assessment time:
  1. Primary three: 40 minutes
  2. Primary six: 50 minutes
  3. Secondary three: 65 minutes

  • Dimension:
  1. Number and Algebra
  2. Shape and Space
  3. Measures
  4. Data Handling



       See also:   2009 flu pandemic in Hong Kong

  • = In 2009, because of the first known cluster of local transmission of the flu pandemic in Hong Kong, the Education Bureau (Chinese:教育局) ordered the closure of all primary schools and the cancellation of the Territory-wide System Assessment this year. However, the listening assessment which had been held on 23 and 24 June was not affected. =


  • In the Secondary 3 Chinese Language Territory-wide System Assessment 2014, two schools wrongly distributed the reading and writing papers to the students and this was the first case since the start of TSA in 2004. The two schools involved were the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Sun Hoi Directors' College and the PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School respectively.


  • Parents concerning the effects brought by the TSA started an online petition, requesting a cancellation of the Primary 3 TSA test.
  • October 30 --- Kau Yan School , a private primary school in Sai Ying Pun, announced that it would boycott the tests this academic year, saying the scheme was not in line with the school's mission and was no good for students.
  • October 31 --- The Education Bureau (Chinese: 教育局) admitted that there were problems with the controversial Territory-wide System Assessment and had set up a committee to review the scheme.


  1. Unknown author (2011). Education Reform Highlights. Education Bureau . The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Retrieved from Education Bureau website: http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/about-edb/policy/edu-reform/
  2. Unknown author (2015). Territory-wide System Assessment. Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. Retrieved from website: http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/en/sa_tsa/tsa/
  3. Unknown author. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. Retrieved from website: http://www.bca.hkeaa.edu.hk/web/TSA/en/Faq.html
  4. Unknown author. Question Papers and Marking Schemes.  Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. Retrieved from website:  http://www.bca.hkeaa.edu.hk/web/TSA/en/2012priPaper/PriIndex.html