
Karina Sanchez


Karina Sanchez, a 21 year old female born to a Cuban father and Mexican mother, is a senior at Santa Clara University(expected graduation June 2016). She is a Marketing major, with minors in Spanish and International Business. In addition to being a full-time student, Karina works as an Accounts Payable Student Assistant at the University Finance Office.





Karina enjoys dancing and immersing herself in her rich culture[1]. Although she enjoys every style of dance, salsa dancing is her passion. She takes pride in running the Salsa Clara dance team and during her second year as Captain, she is looking forward to bringing the art of dance to a new group of students. In addition to competing at the College Salsa Congress in Los Angeles every year, students on the team spend the year learning a routine which they perform around the Bay Area and the Santa Clara community.



When free time allows, Karina loves to travel. Her current list of accomplished travel destinations includes: Grand Canyon; Yosemite National Park; San Juan, PR; Mexico; Belize; Honduras; Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands; Haiti. Future locations Karina wishes to visit include: Cuba, Spain, Italy, and Greece.

  1. ^ "Culture". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 15 October 2015.