Kalkiyuga is the period of judgment phase on the earth which comes along with kaliyug. It is that phase of time which is referred as the "Great Judgement time phase" in the books of both Bible and quran. Hinduism religious holy books states and gives reference to only the 4 phases of time cycle namely Bhakti kal(yug) (devotional time phase), Treta yug (karma Kal) (Deeds reaping time phase), Dwapar yug(Palit Kal)(Deeds resulting time phase), Kalyug(Kal(Sin) ka yug)(The Sin time phase). Along with kaliyug, there arrives kalkiyug (an offspring time phase of Kaliyug) which also marks the entry of the 10th incarnation of Lord mahavishnu called "kalki avatar" and makes it clearer that "The executor (punisher) as already taken birth and is ready to execute his sting operation of cleaning sin and this meaning stands synonyms with the term "Messiah or the son of God" in the holy books of both Bible and quran.

Kaliyuga is also the yuga(time) of demon kali. As per Julian calendar, kaliyuga has started at 3102 B.C and during this time all the planets of our solar system including earth and the sun and moon had stayed in alignment for a day and night, thereby marking the beginning of Kaliyuga in the astronomical science. Even the vedas and upanishads also gives us the record that the kaliyuga has crossed more than 5,000 years and the earth is now under the Divithya prarardha. The kalkiyuga will start during the Thirthiya praradha same time phase as kaliyuga and even during this time all the planets of our solar system along with moon and sun will align in one direction and would stay for one complete day and night.

In Atharva veda, it says "mrutyuloka janatam kaliyuga dwesham, moha, kamaturanam sarvanashe bhavathaha" meaning "People of this earth in modern civilised kaliyug will die with hatred towards each other, will lust for others things including wives and this will lead to a complete disturbed life thereby destroying the ultimate peace and goal of life."

Before this tradition of demon kali increases and destroys the entire mankind the Messiah, savior or God's creation Kalki would incarnate and save the mankind from it's destruction. Even this reference is found in all the holy religious books and in bhagvath githa, chapter 4, verses 7-8, Lord Krishna has stated "yada yada hi dharmasya, glanirva bhavathi bharatha, abyudyanam adharmashya, Tadatmanam srijami Aham, praritranya sadhunam, Vinashaya cha dushkritam, dharma sanstapana traye, sambhavami yuge yuge." thereby making it stronger and clearer that "whenever there is destruction in the moral virtues and practices of mankind thereby making ways for it's destruction, at that time would arise a savior, messaiah, protector, who would destroy the unwanted evils and would restore back the entire mankind. So this kalkiyuga can also be referred as the "period(age) of the Messiah(Savior, Protector)."