
Drogula, Fred K. "Plebeian Tribunes and the Government of Early Rome*: Journal of the Australian Society for Classical Studies Journal of the Australian Society for Classical Studies." Antichthon 51, (2017): 101-123. doi:

  • This source will be used to improve the information provided regarding the relationship between the Council of the Plebs and the Tribune, as well as provide some basic information regarding the tribune. Page 115 details this relationship, and highlights the importance of these bodies. I will create a new section on the function of the Council of the Plebs, with information supplemented from various sources. Within this section I will create a small subsection on the Tribune of the Plebs which will detail the relationship between the Council and the Tribune. I will not go into great detail regarding the Tribune of the Plebs as there is an additional Wikipedia page detailing this topic, which I will link to in this Article.

Develin, R. "Comitia Tributa Plebis." Athenaeum 53, (1975): 302.

  • I will use this source to address some confusion in the distinction between the concilium plebis (council of the plebs) and the comitia tributa populi in an additional subsection on the comitia tributa, within the new section on the function of the Council. The distinction between the comitia tributa and the council of the plebs is currently not mentioned in the Wikipedia article. This information is discussed thoroughly throughout the document. The strict terminology proposed by Laelius Felix regarding this matter is discussed on pages 309 and 310, which I will reference in the subsection on the comitia. Other perspectives will also be considered.

Farrell, J. "The Distinction between "Comitia" and "Concilium"." Athenaeum 64, (1986): 407.

  • This source will be used to supplement information regarding both the function of the council as well as the distinction between a concilium and a comitia. An excerpt from page 408 highlights the distinction between a concilium and a comitia. This source also details various theories (pp 408 - 409) by Laelius Felix and G. W. Botsford pertaining to the distinction between these terms, which I will briefly address in the new subsection on the comitia tributa. The acceptance and following of these theories is addressed on page 409 as well as challenges to Laelius’ theory, which will also be used to supplement the subsection on the comitia tributa.

Lintott, Andrew. Constitution of the Roman Republic, The. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Accessed February 4, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central.

  • This source will be used to supplement information on the function of the Plebeian Council, both as its own unit as well as part of the roman constitution. The Wikipedia Article currently does not contain a section on the function of the Council, so I will create one using information from this source. The Council of the Plebs is discussed on pages 34, 53-5, 121-2, 202 and 210, which will supplement the section on the function of the council. The source also touches on the Tribune of the Plebs, which I will use in the subsection on the Tribune.

Wolters, Eric. "Leges, Plebiscita, Et Rogationes: Democratization and Legislative Action, 494 - 88 Bc." Order No. 1554380, University of South Florida, 2014.

  • This source will speak to the legislative actions of the concilium plebis, and terminology related to the concilium (i.e plebiscita), which I will include in a new subsection within the section of the function of the Plebeian Council. Information on the Concilium Plebis itself is located on pages 25 - 27, which will be used to supplement information on the function of the Council as well as its history/creation. Legislative actions such as Rogationes, Plebiscitas and leges are discussed on pages 45-70, and provide information that will be used in the subsection on legislative actions. Pages 45 & 46 specifically address the definitions of the  Rogationes, Plebiscitas and leges, which will be included in this subsection.

Ridley, Ronald T. "Livy and the "Concilium Plebis"." Klio 62, no. 2 (1980): 337.

  • I will use this source in order to address the legislation of the concilium plebis, as well as address trials before the concilium plebis. Information from pages 338-345 will be used to supplement the information on Legislative action as well as provide examples of such legislation in the subsection on legislative action. Pages 347-350 discuss Tribunician Trials before the concilium plebis, which will be used to supplement information in the on the history of the Council of the Plebs, which is already included in the Wikipedia article. This section will include the subsections which are currently already there; From 509 to 471 BC, From 471 to 27 BC and After 27 BC.