User:Jnestorius/Meanderings of Memory

Meanderings of Memory

Citations of Meanderings of Memory in the first edition if the Oxford English Dictionary
Headword (class) Meanderings ref Quotation Form and/or sense Ref
chapelled (ppl adjective) I. 182 The Chapelled templer chapelled [ned 1]
cock-a-bondy I. 65 Who can trim a cock~abundy, turn a rod with him? cock-a-bondy [ned 2]
couchward I. 182 Care for your couchward path. couchward [ned 3]
day I. 149 Day-drowsiness and night's arousing power. "23. General combinations; c. With agent-nouns and words expressing action, '(that acts or is done) by day, during the day, as distinguished from night'" day-drowsiness [ned 4]
dike/dyke (noun) I. 15 Dyke-cloistered Taddington, of cold intense. "10. attrib. and Comb." dike-cloistered [ned 5]
dike/dyke (noun) I. 53 The dikeside watch when Midnight-feeders stray. "10. attrib. and Comb." dikeside [ned 6]
droop (adjective) I. 87 In the droop ash shade. droop [ned 7]
dump (adjective) [n 1] An heiress doughy-like and dump. "2. Of the consistence of dough or dumpling; without elasticity or spring" [ned 8]
epistle (verb) I. 35 Tis noted down--Epistled to the Duke "2. b. To write (something) in a letter." [ned 9]
extemporize I. 47 Matter to sustain The staggering extemporizer's pain extemporizer [ned 10]
fancy I. 79 The *fancy-grazing herds of freedom's pen. "B. attrib and Comb; 1. General relations; (c) Instrumental, originative and adverbial" fancy-grazing [ned 11]
flambeau I. 166 Flambeaued folly of the long procession. flambeaued [ned 12]
flesh (noun) I. 157 Air coloured, scarcely carnate, or a flesh. "5.b. ellipt. for flesh-colour" [ned 13]
foodless I. 10 Galls them no more their foodlessness or fag. foodlessness [ned 14]
fringy I. 206 Fluttering as the mantle's fringy rim. "2. furnished or adorned with a fringe or fringes; covered with fringes." [ned 15]
full (adjective) I. 79 Where *full-dug foragers at evening meet In Cow-bell concert. "12. Comb. a. with nouns forming combinations used attrib." full-dug [ned 16]
gigantomachy I. 128 One is the sculptor, of the statue nice, Or Gigantomachies of rock and ice. "2. A representation of [ the war of the giants against the gods]" [ned 17]
goal (noun) I. 131 With a giddy foot and *goal-ward rush. "6. attrib. and Comb." goalward [ned 18]
hearthward I. 206 Hag of the hearthward cringe and tripod stool. lemma [ned 19]
idol I. 211 A heathen lamp supplies With meagre beam his *Idol-anchored eyes. "10. Comb.; e. instrumental and locative" idol-anchored [ned 20]
inscriptionless I. 71 A margin stone I crave Inscriptionless, or chiselled by the wave. inscriptionless [ned 21]
lump (verb3) I. 12 I the mattress spread, And equal lay whatever lumps the bed. "1. b. To form or raise into lumps." [ned 22]
peaceless I. 20 Coins that were tinkled, ever shook In pouch of peacelessness. peacelessness [ned 23]
rape (verb2) I. 87 With art's refinement he would ... rape the soul. "4. To transport, ravish, delight" [ned 24]
re- (prefix) I. 21 O too *re-brutalized! O too bereaved! "5. b. prefixed to verbs and sbs. which denote 'making (of a certain kind or quality)', 'turning or converting into —', esp. those formed on adjs. by means of the suffix -ize" re-brutalize [ned 25]
revirginize Where that cosmetic .. Shall e'er revirginize that brow's abuse revirginize [n 2]
reliefless I. 23 Alone reliefless in thy cold distress reliefless [ned 27]
rheumatize I. 57 Raw November's rheumatizing grass. "2. To make rheumatic, affect with rheumatism." [ned 28]
sanctuaried I. 175 If a thought Should cream the blood in sanctuaried court. sanctuaried [ned 29]
sap (noun5) I. 164 He crowned his head but with another cap Than Cardinal's—for that he wants no Sap. "A simpleton, a fool." [ned 30]
sarcophage I. 210 Yon vermined Sarcophage. "2. A flesh-eater" [ned 31]
scarf (noun1) I. 109 Scarf-like and ethereally slight. "7. attrib. and Comb." scarf-like [ned 32]
scavage (verb) I. 56 The brain will scavage and the breast unstuff. scavage [ned 33]
shoe I. 163 He looked submission with a shoeward eye. "6. attrib. and Comb.; c. Special comb." shoeward [ned 34]
slippery I. 64 Thou silvery-backed, and slippery-bellied Eel. "9. Comb." slippery-bellied [ned 35]
sun I. 196 Sunfaced choristers. "12. Comb.; c. Similative and parasynthetic" sunfaced [ned 36]
templed (ppl adjective) I. 114 We .. Rambled such river sides and templed lands. "3. Furnished or adorned with a temple or temples." [ned 37]
transplanter I. 21 So thence uprooted with transplanter care, In other soil it scents another air. transplanter [ned 38]
tribe (verb) I. 104 Her nature may with thine be tribed. tribe [ned 39]
tribunal I. 32 Tribunalled judge, he weds the weaker cause, Holds sternly up as he lays down the laws. tribunalled (adjective) [ned 40]
trouse I. 86 The belted blouse Of velvet black, and closely-fitting trouse. trouse [ned 41]
trunked (adjective) I. 132 The trunked forest's deep Where graces dance. trunked "I 1. Having a trunk, as a tree" [ned 42]
un- (prefix) I. 15 A thing *unmental, mannerless and crude. un- "7. freely prefixed to adjectives of all kinds" unmental [ned 43]
un- (prefix) I. 76 Hope, *uncelestialized by heathen hand. un- "8. prefixing to past participles; a. Simple past pples. in -ed; (c) forms in -ized" uncelestialized [ned 44]
un- (prefix) I. 5 Worn As weary nakedness, *unshooned, unshorn. un- "9. Adjectival forms in -ed, from substantives" unshooned [ned 45]
unbusy (adjective) I. 196 If bigotted, or most unbusy herd, O'er stocked with time and talent, were preferred. unbusy [ned 46]
unstuff I. 56 The brain [it] will scavage and the breast unstuff. unstuff [ned 47]
vermined (adjective) I. 210 Yon vermined Sarcophage. vermined [ned 48]
vulgar (adjective) I. 149 She was not *vulgar-viewed, her thinkings took The self-same tenor. "14. Comb." vulgar-viewed [ned 49]
warmthless I. 100 Vain and virtueless and warmthless grown. warmthless [ned 50]
wen (noun1) I. 111 The wen-necked women. "1. c. Applied to the swelling on the throat characteristic of goitre. Also Comb." wen-necked [ned 51]
whinge (noun) I. 170 With cur-like whinge to such soft cutting whip. whinge [ned 52]
width I. 98 The *widthless road. widthless [ned 53]


  1. ^ Not specified in OED (1st ed.)
  2. ^ Not in OED (1st ed.) under "revirginize"[ned 26] or "re- (prefix) 5. b."[ned 25]



