User:Jnestorius/2018 Irish Presidential election nominations

<2018 Irish Presidential election


Constitution of Ireland Article 12 section 2°
Every candidate for election, not a former or retiring President, must be nominated either by:
i not less than twenty persons, each of whom is at the time a member of one of the Houses of the Oireachtas, or
ii by the Councils of not less than four administrative Counties (including County Boroughs) as defined by law.
Presidential Elections Act 1993 Part II

14.—(1) A candidate at a presidential election shall be nominated in accordance with the provisions of this Part.

(2) A nomination shall be effected by means of a nomination paper or nomination papers in such one of the prescribed forms as may be appropriate.
(4) A nomination paper purporting to nominate a person to be a candidate at an election shall be delivered by the person or one or more of the persons making the nomination to the presidential returning officer not earlier than 10 a.m. on the second day (excluding any excluded day) next following the date of the presidential election order and not later than 12 noon on the last day for receiving nominations.

16.—(1). A council of a county or a corporation of a county borough may, by resolution (of the intention to propose which not less than 3 clear days' notice has been given in writing to every person who, at the time when such notice is given, is a member of the council or the corporation, as appropriate) resolve to nominate one named person to be a candidate at a presidential election.

(2) A resolution under this section shall not be passed before the date of the making of the presidential election order in respect of the presidential election to which the resolution relates and, subject to sections 30 and 31,[pea 1] such a resolution shall not be rescinded.
(3) A resolution passed under this section shall be given effect to by means of a nomination paper in the form prescribed for this purpose sealed with the seal of the council or corporation concerned.
(4) A nomination paper referred to in this section shall state the names (the surname being stated first), address and occupation (if any) of the person thereby nominated to be a candidate and shall also state all such matters as are required by the nomination paper to be stated therein.
(5) A nomination paper referred to in this section which is delivered to the presidential returning officer in accordance with section 14 and which is regular and valid on its face shall (unless the contrary is shown) be conclusive evidence that the resolution mentioned therein was duly proposed and passed in accordance with this section on the date stated in that behalf in the nomination paper at a meeting properly convened and held of the council or corporation whose seal is affixed to the nomination paper.
(6) The presidential returning officer shall furnish free of charge a nomination paper or papers to any council of a county or corporation of a county borough applying therefor.
(7) Without prejudice to sections 30 and 31,[pea 1] where, in accordance with section 14 , the presidential returning officer receives from the council of the same county or the corporation of the same county borough 2 or more nomination papers which are regular and valid on their face and which purport to nominate different persons to be candidates at the said election, the following provisions shall have effect:
(a) any 2 or more of such nomination papers which purport to give effect to resolutions passed on the same day shall be invalid, and all (if any) of such nomination papers which purport to give effect to a resolution passed on a subsequent day shall also be invalid,
(b) subject and without prejudice to paragraph (a), that one (if any) of such nomination papers which purports to give effect to a resolution passed on a day earlier than that on which any of the resolutions to which the others of such nomination papers purport to give effect was passed, shall alone be regarded and the others of such nomination papers shall be invalid.
(8) Four valid nomination papers each nominating the same person to be a candidate in pursuance of a resolution passed in accordance with this section by the council of a different county or the corporation of a different county borough shall be necessary to constitute a nomination of the person by councils of counties or corporations of county boroughs.
(9) The exercise of the powers conferred by this section shall be, in the case of the council of a county, a reserved function for the purposes of the County Management Acts, 1940 to 1991, and, in the case of the corporation of a county borough, a reserved function for the purposes of the Acts relating to the management of the county borough.

18.—(1) The presidential returning officer shall number consecutively in the order in which they are received all nomination papers (whether or not they appear to be regular and valid on their face) purporting to nominate in accordance with this Act a person to be a candidate at the election which are delivered in accordance with section 14 and, for that purpose, shall, immediately after receiving any such nomination paper, endorse thereon the said consecutive number thereof.

(2) The numbers endorsed on nomination papers by the presidential returning officer in pursuance of this section shall (unless the contrary is shown) be conclusive evidence of the order in which such papers were received.

19.—(1) Whenever the presidential returning officer receives in accordance with section 14 a nomination paper purporting to nominate a person to be a candidate at an election, the officer shall—

(a) forthwith give by post or otherwise to the person named in the nomination paper as a candidate at the election notice in writing stating that the presidential returning officer has received the nomination paper and that the person is purported to be nominated as aforesaid (as the case may be) by a named council of a county or corporation of a county borough or by members (who need not be named) of the Oireachtas or by a former or the retiring President, and
(b) give public notice of the receipt of the nomination paper.
(2) The omission of the presidential returning officer to give or the failure of the person named as aforesaid to receive the notice referred to in subsection (1) shall not relieve the latter person from the obligation imposed on the person by this Act to attend at the ruling on nominations.
  1. ^ a b s. 30 "Withdrawal of candidature" and s.31 "Death of a candidate"
S.I. No. 329 of 2018 : Presidential Elections (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations 2018, Part II, Form No 1
(Section 16 of the Presidential Elections Act 1993)
No. ..........
(To be inserted by Presidential Returning Officer)
..................................................................................................................* *Insert month and year of the poll/election
1. The Council of the County (City) (City and County Council) of ......................... in pursuance of a resolution passed on the .......... day of .................... hereby nominate the person named under to be a candidate at the above-mentioned election to the office of President.
Surname of

Other Names
(if any)
2. The Council of the County (City) (City and County Council) of ......................... declare that—
(a) the person hereby proposed to be nominated to be a candidate is eligible for election to the office of President, and
(b) the person has consented to the proposed nomination.
Sealed with the Common Seal of the Council of the County (City) (City and County Council) of
in the presence of
(Member or official of local authority).
Signed: .......................................................................
Authorised Officer
Date: ...................................................................



citizensinformation : Local authority meetings


  • Part VI Meetings and Proceedings of Local Authorities
  • SCHEDULE 10 Meetings and Proceedings of Local Authorities
  • SCHEDULE 14A PART 3 Reserved Functions to be Performed by the Local Authority
    No.44 Nominating a person to be a candidate at a presidential election.

S.I. No. 66/2002 - Local Government Act, 2001 (Meetings) Regulations, 2002


Votes for candidates at council meetings
Council CCs[t 1] P[t 2] Speeches[t 3] Nomination[t 4] Votes[t 5]
Cas[t 6] Doh[t 7] Duf[t 8] Fee [t 9] Fre[t 10] Gal[t 11] Gro[t 12] Moy[t 13] Mul[t 14] Sha[t 15] Smy[t 16]
Carlow 15 Aug[1] 10 Sep[2] Add, Nom Add Add Add DNS Add
Cavan None[n 1] 10 Sep[2] Nom (7–0–11)[2] (FG, SF abstained[4])
Clare 7 Sep[5] 17 Sep[6] Add, Nom Add Regrets Add Add Regrets Regrets Add Add
Cork City 3 Sep[7] 3 Sep[8] Add Add Add, Nom (14–0–11)[7] Add Add Add
Cork Co 6 Sep[9] 24 Sep[9][n 2] Regrets; proposal due[10] Regrets proposal WD[10] Add Add; [10] Regrets WD[n 3] WD[n 4]
Donegal No date set as of 31 Aug[12] Add
Dublin 13 Sep[10] 13 Sep (voted 29-9-2 not to nominate anybody)[10][13] Add Add Add Add Add
Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown None[14]
Fingal 10 Sep 10 Sep 2.33pm[8] DNS[n 5] Add, Nom (14–5) WD[n 6] Add (no proposer)
Galway City 20 18 3 Sep (9 candidates[8][16]) 10 Sep[8] Add Add Add Add Nom (7–1–8) Add, WD[n 6] Add Add Add
Galway Co 27 10 Sep 10 Sep[n 7][8] (7 votes: 6 ind, 1 FF) Nom (12 votes: FG, Ind, 1FF) (6 votes: 6 FF)
Kerry 3 Sep[19] 17 Sep[20][6] Prop, Nom (14 votes) Add, Prop (2 SF; 3 votes) Add Add
Kildare 27 Aug 2pm,[21][22] 11 Sep[23] 24 Sep[6] 11 Sep 11 Sep 27 Aug 27 Aug 11 Sep[n 8] 11 Sep, Nom 27 Aug 27 Aug
Kilkenny 23[6] 31 Aug,[24] 10 Sep[25] 17 Sep[14] DNS[25][26] DNS[26] Nom 5-7-11[6] 31 Aug due 31 Aug due Add 10 Sep 31 Aug due DNS[25][26] Add 10 Sep 31 Aug due 31 Aug due; WD[n 4]
Laois 17 Sep[27][n 9] 17 Sep,[6][n 10] 24 Sep[n 11] Add-due Add, WD[n 10] Add-due Add-due
Leitrim 3 Sep[29] 10 Sep[8] Add Add, Nom Add
Limerick 32 (8 abstained) 18 Sep 10:30 "open invite";[30] "a number" turned up[31] 18 Sep[31] Nom 21 (FF and FG) Prop 3 (Ind)
Longford 18 Sep 11am[32][33] |group="nb"|name=""}} 18 Sep (No nomination)[31] Add
Louth 5 Sep evening (6 no-shows of 7)[34][n 12] 17 Sep[36][n 13] Add, WD[n 12]
Mayo 10 Sep[37] 10 Sep DNS DNS DNS DNS, Nom 12–10 DNS DNS App 3–16[37]
Meath 27 Aug 10am[22] 3 Sep[29] Add, Nom (17 votes) Add (2 votes) (7 votes) Add Add Add Add Add
Monaghan 10 Sep[38][14][n 14][n 15] None[n 15] 10 Sep 10 Sep No resp Regrets Regrets No resp No resp Add-due Add-due Add-due
Offaly 10 Sep[8] 17 Sep[8] Add Add Add, WD[n 6]
Roscommon 18 16 (1 abstained)[14] 5 Sep afternoon (8 spoke)[40] 10 Sep[8] Add, proposed, 2 votes Add, proposed, 3 votes Add, Nom (10 of 16, incl 4 FF 1 FG[8]) Add Add
Sligo 12 Sep[41] 24 Sep[41] Add, proposed Add Add Add,[n 16] Add Add Add, WD[n 3] WD[n 4]
South Dublin 20 Sep[8] 20 Sep[14][42] No nominations[42]) Add Add Add[n 17]
Tipperary 40 22 (18 absent, 1 abstain) 18 Sep afternoon[31] Nom (13 votes) Prop (8 votes)
Waterford 17 (1 abstain) 31 July,[43] 14 Sep[44] 14 Sep[44] 14 Sep 14 Sep Proposed (2 votes Ind) Add, Nom (14 votes, incl FF FG Lab Ind) 31 Jul 31 Jul 14 Sep asked not to vote 14 Sep Absent 31 Jul[n 18]
Westmeath 27 Aug 3pm;[22] 10 Sep[2] 17 Sep[n 19] Add 27 Aug Add 10 Sep
Wexford 5 Sep morning[34] 10 Sep 4pm[8][14] Add, proposed, 10 votes Add Nom 16 votes Add
Wicklow 3 Sep[46] 10 Sep[2] Add, Nom[n 20] Add Add Add
Total 4 4 4 5
  1. ^ Total number of councillors
  2. ^ Number of councillors present at nomination meeting
  3. ^ Date[s] on which candidates addressed council
  4. ^ Date of meeting at which nomination vote was held
  5. ^ "6–2–9" means "6 for, 2 against, 9 abstentions" in vote on resolution to nominate
  6. ^ Peter Casey
  7. ^ Gemma O'Doherty
  8. ^ Gavin Duffy
  9. ^ Patrick Feeney
  10. ^ Joan Freeman
  11. ^ Seán Gallagher
  12. ^ John Groarke
  13. ^ Marie Goretti Moylan
  14. ^ Sarah Louise Mulligan
  15. ^ Kevin Sharkey
  16. ^ James Smyth

zzz to add:[23]

  • "William Delaney 1957-1970" (Seamas Nolan; spoke in Kilkenny 31 Aug, and Kerry 3 Sep[19][48]) Mannix Flynn said disrespectful and considered running himself in protest.[49] Proposed by SF and seconded by ind in Kerry 17 Sep;[20] 4 votes
  • Patrick Melly (DNS Kilkenny 10 Sep)
  • "candidate X" [anonymous] wrote to Carlow and Clare:[5] who "would travel to Downing Street to demand the return of the six counties of Northern Ireland and change the title of president to King of Ireland".[50]
  • Charles Mc Manus, a GP from Drumshanbo based in Dunkineely, wrote to Longford and Leitrim councils.[51][52]
  • Norma Burke aka "Bunty Twuntingdon-McFluff", a Near fm 90.3 broadcaster, addressed Dublin City Council in a satirical speech condemned by some councillors as insulting.[53] Burke said her performance was intended to highlight the plethora of ill-informed unqualified self-publicists among the candidates.[10][13] "She says she broke no rules. She applied to speak, sent her request by email and was asked to present herself to be nominated."[13] She interrupted the South Dublin meeting on 20 Sep from the public gallery.[42]
  • John O'Hare entered the race Sep 13, addressed Waterford Sep 14[44] and South Dublin Sep 20.[42]




  1. ^ Gallagher was the only candidate proposed (by FF councillor John Paul Feeley) and the council dispensed with candidate addresses[3]
  2. ^ The meeting scheduled for 20 Sep was moved forward to 13 Sep "amid concerns any delay could render the decision as effectively meaningless".[9] The nomination motions scheduled for 13 Sep were withdrawn as Gallagher and Freeman had already secured enough nominations[10] Councillor Diarmaid Ó Cadhla later said he would propose O'Doherty in time for the 24 Sep meeting.
  3. ^ a b Sharkey withdrew from the race on 17 September.[6]
  4. ^ a b c Smyth withdrew from the race on health grounds on 17 September.[11]
  5. ^ Councillor Jimmy Guerin criticised O'Doherty's conspiracy theory around the murder of his sister Veronica[15]
  6. ^ a b c Withdrew having previously secured the requisite nominations.[15]
  7. ^ A non-statutory vote on nominating Gerard Craughwell was due on 23 July 2018, until Craughwell withdrew his candidacy that day.[17][18]
  8. ^ Gallagher did not ask for a nomination as he already had the requisite number of nominations.[23]
  9. ^ Some councillors were concerned the date was too late as candidates would already have secured sufficient nominations.[27]
  10. ^ a b Gallagher, only proposal, withdrew, and council didn't nominate anybody else.[6]
  11. ^ O'Doherty due to be proposed[28]
  12. ^ a b Duffy withdrew on 17 Sep having already gained the requisite nominations, and suggested the council might reschedule addresses from candidates unable to travel from Roscommon meeting on 5 Sep.[35]
  13. ^ Voted not to nominate anyone but left open to councillors to propose anyone later.[20]
  14. ^ "Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County Council David Maxwell said he made sure the dignity of the Office of President was upheld when selecting who to invite."[38]
  15. ^ a b After the 10 september meeting, the council proposed a meeting on 13 September to hear from any other candidates and vote on a nomination.[14] As no nomination motions were received by the 11 September deadline, the later meeting was cancelled.[39]
  16. ^ Said he was not seeking further nominations[41]
  17. ^ Mulligan refused to finish speaking after reaching the time limit and was escorted from the chamber.[42]
  18. ^ Sharkey complained after the 31 July meeting that, despite writing to the council, he had not been invited to speak; the council responded that it had invited those who replied to its newspaper notice.[45]
  19. ^ Nobody nominated as all three proposals withdrawn as already nominated by 4 councils each.[6]
  20. ^ unopposed after Freeman had already secured a fourth nomination[47]


  1. ^ "'Dragon' Gavin is front runner for council's presidential nomination". Carlow Nationalist. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  2. ^ a b c d e "Freeman and Gallagher secure nominations for Áras bids". 10 September 2018. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  3. ^ Enright, Seamus. "Gallagher pitches Presidential bid to Cavan County Council". Anglo Celt. No. 5 September 2018. Retrieved 13 September 2018.
  4. ^ "Cavan gives backing to Seán Gallagher - Northern Sound". Northern Sound. 10 September 2018. Retrieved 13 September 2018.
  5. ^ a b "Presidential Hopefuls To Present To Clare County Council Today - Clare FM". Clare FM. 7 September 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.; "Presidential Election Hopefuls Make Their Cases To Clare County Council". Clare FM. 8 September 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i Fitzgerald, Martina (17 September 2018). "Sharkey withdraws from nomination race for presidency". Retrieved 17 September 2018.
  7. ^ a b "Cork City Council nominate Senator Joan Freeman to contest Presidential election". Evening Echo. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Joan Freeman joins Sean Gallagher as official candidate". The Irish Times. 10 September 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  9. ^ a b c Riegel, Ralph (7 September 2018). "Cork County Council to move decision on nominating presidential candidate forward to next week". Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g Sheehy, Paschal (13 September 2018). "Councillor seeks to endorse O'Doherty for Áras bid". Retrieved 14 September 2018.
  11. ^ "Jimmy Smyth backs out of Presidential race due to ill health". Breaking News. 17 September 2018. Retrieved 17 September 2018.
  12. ^ Britton, Matt (31 August 2018). "Donegal council Cathaoirleach is open to meeting with Presidential candidates". Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  13. ^ a b c Lord, Miriam (13 September 2018). "Presidential hopefuls take a dander down Daft Avenue". The Irish Times. Retrieved 14 September 2018.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g "Presidential round-up: 13 local authority decisions so far". The Irish Times. 10 September 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  15. ^ a b McMorrow, Conor (10 September 2018). "Guerin hits out at O'Doherty at Fingal meeting". Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  16. ^ Siggins, Lorna (6 September 2018). "Nine potential presidential candidates made pitches to Galway City Council". The Irish Times. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  17. ^ Fitzgerald, Martina (18 July 2018). "Freeman writes to councils seeking Presidential run". Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  18. ^ Murray, Sean (23 July 2018). "Gerard Craughwell says he's not running for the presidency because he can't afford it". Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  19. ^ a b Kelleher, Sinead (8 September 2018). "Four presidential candidates address Kerry County Council -". The Kerryman. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  20. ^ a b c Gallagher, Conor; Lucey, Anne (17 September 2018). "Peter Casey receives first council nomination for presidential race". The Irish Times. Retrieved 17 September 2018.
  21. ^ MacNamee, Garreth (27 August 2018). "'Would you tell us if you were in a secret organisation?' The race for the Áras stumbles on". Retrieved 13 September 2018.
  22. ^ a b c Lehane, Mícheál (27 August 2018). "Murphy expected to sign order for Presidential Election". Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  23. ^ a b c "Kildare County Council hears from potential candidates". 11 September 2018. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  24. ^ Tiernan, Damien (31 August 2018). "Kilkenny Council hears from presidential hopefuls". Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  25. ^ a b c Grace, Edwina (11 September 2018). "Kilkenny County Council hears from two more Presidential hopefuls". KCLR 96FM. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  26. ^ a b c Grace, Edwina (10 September 2018). "Presidential hopefuls to appear before Kilkenny County Council today". KCLR 96FM. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  27. ^ a b Hartnett, Alan (10 September 2018). "Four Presidential candidates coming to Laois next week - Laois Today". Laois Today. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  28. ^ Mullooly, Ciaran (18 September 2018). "Tweet". Twitter. Retrieved 19 September 2018.
  29. ^ a b "Gavin Duffy secures first local authority nomination in Presidential race". 3 September 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  30. ^ "Meeting organised to allow Presidential candidates address Limerick City and County Council". City and County Council. 31 August 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.; Rabbitts, Nick (9 Aug 2018). "Limerick council set to hear from presidential hopefuls". Limerick Leader. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  31. ^ a b c d e "Peter Casey secures nomination to contest presidency". 18 September 2018. Retrieved 18 September 2018.
  32. ^ Shannonside News. 13 September 2018 {{cite news}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  33. ^ Councillors expressed disappointment that only one candidate turned up.[31]
  34. ^ a b "Presidential hopefuls address councils". 5 September 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  35. ^ "Kevin Sharkey pulls out of Presidential race". 17 September 2018. Retrieved 17 September 2018.
  36. ^ McGee, Harry (11 September 2018). "At least five candidates to contest presidential election". Irish Times.
  37. ^ a b McNulty, Anton. "FF councillors back Gallagher in Áras bid". Mayo News. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  38. ^ a b "Presidential hopefuls to meet Monaghan County Council this morning". Northern Sound. 10 September 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  39. ^ "Race for Aras an Uachtarain begins as Monaghan chooses not to support a candidate - Northern Sound". Northern Sound. 11 September 2018. Retrieved 13 September 2018.
  40. ^ "Local presidential candidates lose out in Roscommon Council nominations - Shannonside". Shannonside. 6 September 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  41. ^ a b c Magnier, Eileen (12 September 2018). "Sligo County Council hears from potential candidates". Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  42. ^ a b c d e Begley, Ian (20 September 2018). "'Was that a smart comment? Don't you silence me' - two presidential hopefuls kicked out of council chamber after heated exchange". Irish Independent. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
  43. ^ "Three hopefuls in bid to secure Áras nomination". 31 July 2018. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  44. ^ a b c Tiernan, Damien (14 September 2018). "Duffy secures four nominations to enter Áras race". Retrieved 14 September 2018.
  45. ^ Pownall, Sylvia (3 August 2018). "Presidential hopeful and former Father Ted actor 'disappointed' after snub". dublinlive. Retrieved 13 September 2018.
  46. ^ Buchanan, Myles (8 September 2018). "Presidential hopefuls set out their visions at Wicklow County Council -". Bray People. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  47. ^ "Gallagher sweeps on to ballot paper in just one day to challenge for Áras -". Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  48. ^ Riegel, Ralph; Doyle, Kevin; Larkin, Laura (3 September 2018). "'Super Monday': Gavin Duffy secures first nomination from Meath County Council". Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  49. ^ Kelly, Olivia. "Mannix Flynn considers presidential run". The Irish Times. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  50. ^ McCarthy, Justine (12 August 2018). "Séamus Nolan's 10th President campaign denied audience". The Sunday Times. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  51. ^ Cosgrove, Liam (25 Aug 2018). "Longford councillors to hear from presidential candidates". Longford Leader. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  52. ^ "Donegal GP among those considering a bid for the Aras - Ocean FM". Ocean FM. 28 August 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2018.
  53. ^ McDermott, Stephen (13 September 2018). "'An insult to the office of President': Dublin councillors not at all happy with standard of today's presentations". Retrieved 14 September 2018.