Jesse Lee Don Pringle aka Jesse Pringle (floydier) is a self-taught musician who’s experienced with music composition and digital art mediums. He aims to deliver his best results to his clients and collaborators. He made an account at using “floydier” as an alias. It came from the Pink Floyd and boredom therefore making it random so he ran with it. It’s pronounced “floyd er”.

Space-art caught his eye after looking at some wallpapers at – from there on, he wanted to make really cool art designs, and with the help of others on forums, he became well at Photoshop graphics while getting other opinions on certain subjects – landscapes – space objects – the merits of composition – and help from favorite artists that inspired him.

He grew up playing the drums, guitar and keyboards at a young age. His parents are both talented musicians.

In the last 10 years Jesse’s been busy learning and trying new things to create entertaining media for himself and others, usually in the form of royalty-free music or visuals.

He works as a freelancer using his studio and equipment to produce sounds that ranges from the likes of soundtrack styled ‘scores’ to help him create unique music. He likes a range of styles from bands and genres like 90’s grunge, Pink Floyd, Kansas, Peter Gabriel, E.L.O. The Eagles, Led Zeppelin, and classical music .

He’s continued to do art throughout the years mainly to support his cinematic music band, making records.