User:J.K.Herms/drft art on splmtoday

SPLMToday identifies itself as the “official website for the SPLM & SPLA.” has characteristics of a phishing site.  The editors’ names are not given.  The authoritativeness of the site hasn’t been verified.  Personal information and donations have been solicited.

(SPLM and SPLA, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement and Sudan People's Liberation Army, are the armed forces and the governing party of the Republic of South Sudan.)

[Drft. update to new SPLMToday art.]



The domain name was registered by G.L. Loro, Amsterdam, on October 24, 2003.[1]  SPLMToday in its current form began publishing on March 25, 2004, identifying itself as the “official website for the SPLM & SPLA.”  The site it replaced had been “taken down by persons of malicious intent.”[2]

The site’s home page has invited visitors to send donations (2004–2005)[3] or to disclose their names and e-mail addresses (2005–2011).[4]

By the time South Sudan became independent, the site, representing itself as “Official website of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement … © 2011 [by] Official SPLM Site,” was receiving nearly half of all web traffic from search queries for “SPLM.”[5]

Editors’ names and credentials


An editor’s name is stated in the first issue: “The new [2004] website … hopefully shall be kept updated regularly by Lt. Col. Tulio Ayaho Odong of the SPLA.”[6]

Current editors are not identified.

SPLMToday doesn′t disclose whether any editor or “member of [the editor′s] immediate family” has a “significant financial interest” in or affiliation or relationship with any person or entity discussed by the editor (other than SPLM itself) or any competing person or entity.[7]

Editorial policy


SPLMToday’s mission is to publish news related to “SPLM and GOSS” (Government of South Sudan) and to “connect [Sudanese] communities in [the] diaspora and at home.”[8]

Publisher or sponsoring organization




The copyright-management information notice identifies the copyright owner as “Official SPLM Site.”[9]

The original (2004) site was sponsored in part by SPLM Benelux Chapter, Hague, Neth.[10]

Donations and personal information (users’ names and e-mail addresses) have been solicited by the publisher.  See, e.g., SPLMToday Home Page (2005) (“Donations … Help the Cause (business: donations[at] (currency code: EUR) (item: SPLMToday Website) {Make a Donation} (alt: Make payments with PayPal)  Donate and help us make a difference!”).[3]  No information from required company filings or other evidence that SPLMToday is not a phishing site is provided.

Other publications



Accuracy and verifiability


The Contacts page indicates that “SPLM HQ [Headquarters] Southern Sector” can be asked for further information or clarification about material published on the site.  An e-mail address (at and a Skype name are given.[11]



Of all Web searches for “SPLM” during the month (June 2011) immediately before South Sudan became independent, 48% led the user to SPLMToday.[5]


  1. ^ Whois Domain Name Record (July 10, 2011), [1] (“Created-Date: Oct 24, 2003 … is a domain name registered by G.L. Loro.  The site is based in Amsterdam ….”).
  2. ^ SPLMToday Home Page (Mar. 25, 2003), [2] (“Welcome to the New Sudan Official Website!  Hello and welcome to the redesigned official website for the SPLM & SPLA.…  [S]ome … spelling … mistakes did … occur in the rush to get this website online and active to replace the old website that was taken down by persons of malicious intent.”).
  3. ^ a b SPLMToday Home Page (Apr. 3, 2005), [3] (“Donations: Make a Donation”).
  4. ^ Official SPLM Website Home Page (July 2011), (“For email updates, please subscribe below: Name [user_name_form]; E-mail [user_email_form].”).
  5. ^ a b Alexa Internet: Splm Site Information (July 9, 2011), [4] (“Search Analytics for splm.  Sites Receiving the Most Traffic from This Query: 48.0%; 12.6%; 8.6%; …  Updated Monthly”).
  6. ^ SPLMToday Home Page (Mar. 25, 2004), [5] (“Hello and welcome to the redesigned official website for the SPLM & SPLA.  Although we have experienced numerous problems with our previous website we … have come back with a new and improved website featuring news and information … related to Sudan.  The new website … hopefully shall be kept updated regularly by Lt Col Tulio Ayaho Odong of the SPLA.…  [Some] mistakes did … occur in the rush to get this website online … to replace the old website that was taken down by persons of malicious intent.”).
  7. ^ See generally Full Disclosure of Interests Form, Am. Psychol. Ass'n (2009) (“Full Disclosure of Interests.…  [C]heck one ….  I declare that:  __ Neither I nor any member of my immediate family have a significant financial arrangement or affiliation with any … services [or persons or entities] … discussed in my paper, nor any potential bias against another … service;  [or]  __ I (or an immediate family member) have a significant financial interest or affiliation with the following … services [or persons or entities] used or discussed in my paper.  Name … and nature of relationship with each”).  For one strong point of view concerning potentially distorting influences, see Posting of billieth to,35912 (Aug. 11, 2010, 08:42 CET) (“NCP ... is mature in politic to confuse [S. Sudan government leadership], has enough money to bribe some key figures in SPLM, and has more friends than SPLM.”).
  8. ^ SPLMToday Launches a Renewed Site, SPLMToday, Sept. 1, 2005, News sec., [6] (“[W]e, members of the SPLMToday web team, are proud to launch the new and improved official New Sudan site, ….  SPLMToday hopes to filful some of the objectives it was original[ly] constructed to achieve.  Updating the site with fresh SPLM- and GOSS-related news as well as connecting our communities in diaspora and at home will be our priority.”).
  9. ^ SPLMToday Home Page (July 10, 2011), [7] (“ …  © 2011 Official SPLM Site”).
  10. ^ Posting of Gore L Loro to (Jan. 9, 2004) (“The SPLM Chapter in the Netherlands has helped to pay some of the fees required to get [the SPLM/A site] where it is.”).
  11. ^ SPLMToday Contacts Page (2007– ), [8](“Contacts: … SPLM HQ Southern Sector | email: info [at] | skype: splmhq_juba | HQ: Juba, Sudan”).

[[Category: Political parties in Sudan]] [[Category: Politics of South Sudan]] [[Category: Presidents of South Sudan]] [[Category: Rebel groups in Sudan]] [[Category: Secession in Sudan]] [[Category: Second Sudanese Civil War]] [[Category: Sudan People's Liberation Movement]] [[Category: Sudanese politicians]]