Rimini buildings


Ampitheatre [1][2][3]

Biblioteca Gambalunga [4]

Castel Sismondo [5][6][7][8]

Galli [11]

Grand Hotel (AR13 S-O)[12]

Fulgor [13][14]

Lyceum (ill Alberto Melucci) [15]

Museo degli Sguardi [16] (AR19 S-O)[8]

Necropolis [17]

Piazza Tre Martiri [18]

Porto (AR08 S-O)[20]

Sant'Agostino [21]

Santa Chiara [22]

Santa Colomba [23]

Santa Maria dei Servi [23]

Santa Maria ad Nives [2]

Tempio Malatestiano [5]

Walls [24][25]

Rimini settlements


Bellaria [26]

Borgo San Giovanni [27][17]

Borgo San Giuliano [28][26]

Riccione [29][30]

San Lorenzo in Strada [26]

Rimini streets


Corso d'Augusto [27]

Via della Fiera [27]

Piazza Cavour (VP) [31]

Rimini history


Ariminum [3][25]

Malatesta [24]

Napoleonic (AR09 N-D)[23]

1920s (AR14 N-D)[32]

1930s [27]

Post-war [33]

1970s [31]

Coats of arms [19][21]

Rimini people


Francesco Gaetano Battaglini [4]

Luciano Luzzi (AR08 S-O)[34]

Alberto Marvelli [35]

Alfredo Panzini [26]

Giovanni Venerucci [2]

Rimini society


Publiphono [36]

Romagna [26][37]

Romagnol [38]

Romagnol is often interlaced with Italian, in the words of Baldini, "simply because reality has changed".[39]

Marecchia [3]

San Marino


Fatti di Rovereta [40]



Rubicon (see 20 LONG ARTICLE)[12]

clocks [41]


  1. ^ "Nella mappa della Rimini romana c'infilano anche l'Anfiteatro "integro" e ripulito del Ceis" [The "intact" and cleaned Ceis Amphitheatre is also included in the map of Roman Rimini]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). 7 November 2018. Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  2. ^ a b c "Augusto, Tiberio e Venerucci: arrivano tre busti per celebrare la Rimini romana e risorgimentale" [Augustus, Tiberius and Venerucci: Three busts arrive to celebrate Roman and Risorgimento Rimini]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). 13 March 2016. Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  3. ^ a b c Cavallari, Stefano (2014). "Alla ricerca del primo porto romano" [Finding the first Roman port] (PDF). Ariminum. September–October 2014 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 18–20. Retrieved 14 February 2024.
  4. ^ a b De Vita, Salvatore (29 May 2023). "Francesco Gaetano Battaglini e il giallo (risolto) di quando venne al mondo" [Francesco Gaetano Battaglini and the (solved) mystery of when he came into the world]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  5. ^ a b Rimondini, Giovanni (21 August 2019). "Il ponte davanti all'Arco d'Augusto: gli scavi in corso e i beni culturali di Rimini" [The bridge in front of the Arch of Augustus: The ongoing excavations and the cultural heritage of Rimini]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  6. ^ a b Rimondini, Giovanni (10 August 2021). "Davanti al castello hanno fatto la fabbrica della nebbia, ma chi ha visto l'interno non è rimasto meno allibito" [They built a fog factory in front of the castle, but those who saw the inside were no less shocked]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  7. ^ a b "Perché i riminesi domani sera si ritrovano in due piazze diverse" [Why tomorrow night, the people of Rimini will find themselves in two different squares]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). 18 August 2021. Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  8. ^ a b Giovanardi, Alessandro (2013). "Un museo senza sguardi" [A museum without glances] (PDF). Ariminum. September–October 2019 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 5. Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  9. ^ Brullo, Davide (15 April 2017). "Bufale felliniane? I retroscena di un "inedito"" [Fellini hoaxes? The behind-the-scenes of an "unpublished"]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 12 February 2024.
  10. ^ "L'ex direttore dei musei comunali: "Il nuovo spazio felliniano non ha tenuto conto dei ritrovamenti archeologici già noti"" [The former director of the municipal museums: "The new Fellini space did not take into account the archaeological finds already known"]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). 18 September 2020. Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  11. ^ Cucci, Anna Maria (2013). "Manichini d'autore" [Mannequins of an author] (PDF). Ariminum. November–December 2013 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 26–31. Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  12. ^ a b Rimondini, Giovanni (2013). "Il Grand Hotel e la Cassa di Risparmio" [The Grand Hotel and the Cassa di Risparmio] (PDF). Ariminum. September–October 2013 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 16–18. Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  13. ^ Brullo, Davide (16 January 2018). "Riapre il Fulgor? Una bieca (e brutta) operazione turistica. "Il Comune ha rifiutato il mio catalogo 'felliniano'. Offerto gratuitamente". Parla l'editore Guaraldi" [Will Fulgor reopen? A sinister (and ugly) tourist operation. "The Municipality rejected my 'Fellinian' catalogue. Offered free of charge." Publisher Guaraldi speaks.]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 12 February 2024.
  14. ^ Brullo, Davide (1 January 2018). "Un Fulgor nel deserto. "La Nacion" battezza l'imbarazzante vuoto che segna la Rimini felliniana" [A Fulgor in the desert: "La Nacion" christens the embarrassing void that marks Fellini's Rimini]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 12 February 2024.
  15. ^ Valmaggi, Marina (3 October 2022). "Sessant'anni fa gli inizi di Cl a Rimini, Marina Valmaggi: "una novità assoluta nella Chiesa e nella città"" [Sixty years ago the beginnings of CL in Rimini. Marina Valmaggi: "An absolute novelty in the Church and in the city".]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 12 February 2024.
  16. ^ "Su Rimini qualche svista di troppo nella nuova "Guida rapida d'Italia" del Touring" [A few too many oversights about Rimini in Touring's new "Quick Guide to Italy".]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). 12 April 2021. Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  17. ^ a b De Vita, Salvatore (11 December 2021). "Borgo San Giovanni: l'equilibrio che fa la differenza" [Borgo San Giovanni: Balance that makes the difference]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  18. ^ a b "La storia della statua di Cesare, che dopo 74 anni potrebbe tornare in piazza Tre Martiri" [The story of the statue of Caesar, which after 74 years could return to Piazza Tre Martiri]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). 15 April 2019. Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  19. ^ a b Fiorini, Andrea (31 December 2018). "An Urban Archeological Project in Rimini. Preliminary Report (2017-2018). The Contribution of Building Archaeology to Research and Conservation". GROMA: Documenting Archaeology. 3. University of Bologna. doi:10.12977/groma18. ISSN 2531-6672. Retrieved 17 January 2024.
  20. ^ Rimondini, Giovanni (2008). "Il dibattito sui due porti antichi nel settecento" [The debate on the two ancient ports in the 18th century] (PDF). Ariminum. September–October 2008 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 16–18. Retrieved 14 February 2024.
  21. ^ a b Rimondini, Giovanni (18 July 2020). "La chiesa di Sant'Agostino e la pittura riminese del Trecento famosa nel mondo" [The church of Sant'Agostino and the world-famous fourteenth-century Rimini paintings]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  22. ^ Pagammo, Lussi (27 April 2021). "Scoperta un'epigrafe del 1700 nel Santuario della Madonna della misericordia" [An epigraph from 1700 discovered in the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Misericordia]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  23. ^ a b c Zavatta, Giulio (2009). "I disegni inediti di Constant Bourgeois e Prosper Barbot" [The unpublished sketches of Constant Bourgeois and Propser Barbot] (PDF). Ariminum. November–December 2009 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 10–12. Retrieved 15 February 2024.
  24. ^ a b Vita, Salvatore De (8 February 2018). "Il monumento peggio conservato di Rimini? Le mura malatestiane" [The worst preserved monument in Rimini? The Malatesta walls]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  25. ^ a b Valdameri, Carlo (2015). "Le torri poligonali" [The polygonal towers] (PDF). Ariminum. November–December 2015 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 16–17. Retrieved 16 February 2024.
  26. ^ a b c d e Monti, Claudio (4 July 2023). "Panzini in bicicletta da Milano a Bellaria: il viaggio che ha fatto storia compie 120 anni" [Panzini by bicycle from Milan to Bellaria: The journey that made history turns 120 years old]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 12 February 2024.
  27. ^ a b c d De Vita, Salvatore (23 November 2023). "Quanto erano visionari gli amministratori comunali di un secolo fa" [How visionary were the municipal administrators of a century ago]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  28. ^ Grillo, Giulio (29 July 2022). "A che santo votarsi? A Rimini San Giuliano sembra conti più di San Giovanni" [To what saint should one devote oneself? In Rimini,, San Giuliano seems to count more than San Giovanni]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  29. ^ Brullo, Davide (3 June 2017). "Se "ParcoPoesia" chiude la Giunta Gnassi deve dimettersi" [If "ParcoPoesia" closes, the Gnassi board must resign]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 12 February 2024.
  30. ^ Brullo, Davide (28 June 2017). "Ma che ci fa il titanico (e intoccabile) Sergio Zavoli in Senato?" [But what is the titanic (and untouchable) Sergio Zavoli doing in the Senate?]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 12 February 2024.
  31. ^ a b Pagammo, Lussi (15 December 2020). "Piazzetta Teatini: la scultura "decapitata" (da circa 40 anni)" [Piazzetta Teatini: the "decapitated" sculpture (from about 40 years ago)]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  32. ^ Catrani, Alessandro (2013). "Pietro Palloni, nuovo podestà di Rimini" [Pietro Palloni: Rimini's new podestà] (PDF). Ariminum. November–December 2013 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 14–17. Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  33. ^ Montemaggi, Andrea (2014). "L'offensiva della Linea Gotica" [The offensive of the Gothic Line] (PDF). Ariminum. September–October 2014 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 8–11. Retrieved 14 February 2024.
  34. ^ Cecchini, Adriano (2008). "Luciano Luzzi" (PDF). Ariminum. September–October 2008 (in Italian). Rimini Rotary Club: 46. Retrieved 16 February 2024.
  35. ^ "Alberto Marvelli "à la carte" piace anche a Gnassi" [Gnassi also likes Alberto Marvelli "à la carte"]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). 10 October 2014. Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  36. ^ Pagammo, Lussi (30 July 2018). ""Voglio mettere un altoparlante sulla testa di ogni riminese": l'incredibile avventura della Publiphono" ["I want to put a loudspeaker on the head of every Rimini resident": The incredible adventure of Publiphono]. Riminiduepuntozero (in Italian). Retrieved 12 February 2024.
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  38. ^ "Per imparare a conoscere il dialettale Baldini anche in lingua italiana" [To learn the Baldini dialect also in Italian]. Corriere Romagna (in Italian). 5 March 2019. Retrieved 2024-02-16.
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