
A mural in Brixton shows Bowie in his classic Aladdin Sane make-up[2] Nothing to live for

Tears and tributes for their Starman: Bowie fans shocked by singer's death from cancer lay flowers at impromptu street shrines around the world

Following his death, fans of Bowie gathered at impromptu street shrines around the world.[3] At Bowie's mural in his hometown of Brixton, south London which shows him in his Aladdin Sane character, fans joined in mass singalongs of his songs.[4] Other memorial sites included Berlin, Los Angeles and outside his apartment in New York.[5]

while statues were daubed with the Aladdin Sane lightning stripe in tribute.[6]

The mural, which is situated on the wall of Morley's Department on Brixton Road, shows Bowie with his flash make-up from 1973 'Aladdin Sane' ...

[5] Other memorial sites included Berlin, Los Angeles and outside his apartment in New York.[5]

Fans lay flowers at David Bowie mural in London with street party ... www.nme.com/news/david-bowie/90702 3 days ago - The mural, which is situated on the wall of Morley's Department on Brixton Road, shows Bowie with his flash make-up from 1973 'Aladdin Sane' ...

which have sprung up around London  Last night devotees flooded a square in Brixton, South London near star's birthplace for a mass singalong Other sites in London, New York, Berlin, Los Angeles and the Netherlands became memorials to the singer Fans said they felt like they had known the megastar personally as they mourned his death from liver cancer

Fans of David Bowie were seen weeping today as they left flowers at impromptu shrines which have sprung up in the wake of the star's death from liver cancer.

Many mourners were unable to contain their grief while paying tribute to the singer - a day after his life and music were commemorated by a raucous all-night party in South London.

Devotees last night joined in mass singalongs of Bowie's biggest hits, including Starman and Let's Dance, while nearby statues were daubed with the 'Aladdin Sane' lightning stripe in a moving tribute to the singer.

Thousands more around the world, in cities including New York, Berlin and Los Angeles, gathered at sites connected to Bowie after learning of his shock death, and created shrines in his memory.

Success in any field never comes easy. It comes when people have guts and determination, and when they choose to stick out the rough parts. You don’t succeed in spite of challenges, you succeed because of them.

turiapittI love getting out of my comfort zone because it's the only way your confidence can grow. How do you get out of your comfort zone?

I like to be challenged. I don't like the easy way, I like to be challenged - ultimate warrior

Curried Chicken Fried Rice with peas, Mixed Grill (no liver) with fries, Kebab's chicken (Pakora) and ketchup with fries.

KFC (Zinger Meal with Strawberry milkshake), McDonald's (Big Mac, fries, Quarter pounder, McWrap, Chocolate Muffin)

Chocolate Hobnob biscuit, Chocolate Digestive biscuit, Ginger nuts, Mr Kipling Slices/French fancies, Cookies (choc chip)

Cadbury Animals, Dairy Milk fruit and nut, Wispa, Crunchie, Creme Egg, Maltesers, M&M peanut, Galaxy, Snickers, Mars, Twix, Terry's Chocolate Orange, Celebrations, KP choc dip, Cadbury Fingers "Let's dance and sing and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year." Doritos, McCoys, Pringles

Coke, Cherry Coke, Pure Orange

Ben & Jerry's, Cornetto.

Kellogg's Start (5 grams fibre per 100), Frosties, Coco pops, Pop Tarts, Coco Shreddies (9 grams fibre per 100)...recommended fibre per day 18g plus. Check Krave

Toast (nutty crust) and butter, Soda farls toasted and butter, Wheaten bread toasted with butter, Pancakes, doughnuts (iced), Muffins/buns (lidl)

Spaghetti Bolognese, Chips in baps (with butter and ketchup), hot dogs

To do: Frédéric Mistral ‎ to match French version

Paralysis topic

"One thing to remember is that everyone is making errors in judgement every day, but the price is often small or invisible."

What Would You Do If...Say your spinal cord was completely regenerated;

I would be too enthralled to sleep at first... I would walk around find my sister, parents and best friend and tackle them to a bear hug. Drag my younger sister outside, run, jump dance around a while. Roll on the floor, stand up, repeat. Then go up and down the stairs several times just because I can. Go to my old bedroom, upstairs, and sprawl on my comfy blue carpet visiting my memories and joys. Swim in my pool, no matter the temp. Go to the park and swing. Take a long, long shower STANDING under the water and washing myself. Sex. Go to my boxing gym and let out the built in frustration and let it flood into the excitement. Go workout with my younger sister. Climb a tree and ride a horse. Pick up and play with my cat. Make a snow angel, go sleigh riding or jump in a pile of leaves. Feel the full of everything on my body. STRETCH! Be able to use a bathroom and go on my own.  I'd probably shower again then call it a night, I'd crawl into bed, Alone, so I can spread out, move where ever I want, roll in the blankets and lay however I like. Play "The Game" with THEM <a game my best friend and I created.> Later: Find another Military Mud Run to do. Get back into TOP shape and call the Police Academy I got accepted to and ask for the opportunity. Go back to trapeeze. Go to school and back to work teaching my little munchkins gymnastics. DISNEY!!   Ahh the luxury it'd be. I would take in and wholly appreciate EVERY moment thereafter. No Fear!

paralysis; don't have luxury to make those mistakes anymore, whether I learn anything or not. I'm not able to make dumb decisions cause I  lack the independence and freedom. Therefore what's the point of learning a lesson, if you're not tempted sometime, and use your new knowledge to learn to avoid said temptations with willpower. 

(resp)If you choose to dwell on your past and what you cannot do anymore, you are simply perpetuating your current state of disdain for living and experiencing life. We all decide what we like or dislike by our experiences, go out and experience all that you can, participate in discussions about what you saw, felt, tasted or heard. There is nothing wrong with your eyes, ears, taste buds or brain!

It takes away your abilities along with your freedom that comes with Independence. Takes away your youth completely in my opinion takes your away your life leaves you with a lesson of life's spits in your face. Now you have no choice but to behave as if you learned a lesson, rather than still having the ability to make mistakes  but use better judgment and willpower, to avoid them because of past experience and lessons learned. 

Nutrition is almost perfect to avoid infections and osteoporosis, drink only water or milk. Eat organic no sugar, lots of vitamins, get my greens, almost never drink, never smoke. But it's hard for me to respect or appreciate that because no matter how much I disciplined my self for nutrition and exercise, my body still deteriorates because of paralysis! It's inevitable

Another subject...Id take hand, walking, BBS, and sexual function aka full regentaive treatment over food and water any day. I'll drink from a lake and hunt rabbits, birds etc.


We will start with the young men then.  $2,000,000 in cash is sitting on a table in front of you.  Which one of you will step up and have his penis chopped off for it?  Come on, toughen up!  Being dickless is nowhere near as bad as being a paraplegic.  Not even remotely, remotely close.  No, I think it’s safe to say that few will step up.  But notice that in not being willing to chop off his penis for $2,000,000, a young man is in effect saying, roughly, that he would work full-time jobs for forty years straight and give up a life of wonderful, financially independent freedom in order to avoid losing something that does not even remotely compare to what I have lost.

The feeling I experience is a frantic, frenzied, desperate distress.  It is a feeling of such indescribably painful, anguished, and helpless confinement.  How can I describe it?  I’ve seen pools that have what amount to giant sheets of bubble wrap floating on them to keep the heat in.  It’s something like I imagine it would be like to fall on top of one of them, into the pool.  It would engulf and suffocate you.  You would desperately writhe to get free.  Or in a movie I saw a man handcuffed to a pipe on a sinking ship.  The water was coming up around him as the ship went down.  Can you imagine how frantically terrified you would be in that situation?  That’s what I feel like.  I want to scream but I don’t.  The feeling is absolutely nightmarish.  I’ve heard stories about people with spinal cord injuries that lie on their beds and just scream over and over and over.  I know what they feel like.  I need to move.  I need to move.

This is not life.  This is what I don’t think anyone understands.  I don’t feel small inside.  It’s not that if only I had the strength I could live a triumphant life as a paraplegic.  It’s that if only a life I could love was possible I would push toward it with all of my might.  Through this experience I have come to be aware of strength I might never have known before.  The things I would endure to escape from this cage have no limits.  I would suffer any pain, endure any hardship.     Recently I went to a park with woods all around.  I grew up in the northeast and the woods in Nashville are similar.  My love for nature is almost unbounded.  As I looked at the woods I thought of a poet who once described “tears that take a full day to form”.  No phrase could possibly better describe the kind of aching sorrow I felt as I sat there gazing at those beautiful, joyous woods.  I was dying inside, staring at something I was profoundly, adoringly in love with but could not reach out and embrace.  How I longed to bound through those woods, to climb and explore and be free.  But they were part of another world I would never live in again.  Do you know the feeling of your heart breaking?  It’s something I feel all the time now.  My heart breaks over and over and I feel it every time I set eyes on something I am in love with and can no longer do.  It breaks slowly and agonizingly sometimes, but other times it’s a sharp pang like a knife twisting in my soul.             Another thing I feel day after day, constantly, is unbearable humiliation.  This is the best word I can think of for the feeling, but it’s not humiliation in the sense of being synonymous with “embarrassment”.  I can feel it when I am all alone.  It’s just the ever-present feeling of never being able to have what I want, do what I want, or be who I want.  A good example is the sexual humiliation I feel all the time.  I have a tremendous desire inside of me for sexual gratification but it is now impossible.  Is it so strange to think how powerful that desire is?  Look at male animals in the wild, how they fight unrelentingly and often kill each other over that desire, so strong is it.  I have that inside of me and can never discharge it.  I can never make love to a woman again.  I am forever sexually humiliated, cuckolded.  Legless, dickless, dragging around a corpse.              Humiliation.  Constantly forced against my will.  Constantly deprived of the things I want.  Enslaved to this horrible corpse I can never get free from.  A slave is precisely what I feel like.  A degraded, humiliated, slave who is helpless to improve his miserable lot in life.  Frankenstein called himself “A miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity, pitiable to others and intolerable to myself . . . wasting in impotent passions.”  That’s what I feel like every single day.  I am forced to feed on the scraps from life’s table.  I will not!  My incapacitation is agonizing.  The frustration is unbelievable.  I said it once already and I’ll say again that I am so tremendously physically disabled that it defies description.  Almost everything I do burdensome, onerous, hindered, agonizingly leaden.  Words just fail to explain it.


At twenty-two, even without a traumatic injury, young adults are struggling with identity, character, and purpose. Your son has been thrust into having to grow up quickly and may need outside resources to help him along


You need to forgive yourself most accidents are stupid and unnecessary but they are accidents and a spinal cord injury is one that you can't take back and changes your life for ever.

I'm a C7, motor complete (sensory incomplete) after jumping into a lake and taking an unnecessary risk 7 months ago that led to my life going from extraordinary to shit in one moment. All of the past pleasures that were tools to cope with stress in able bodied life that I had (gym, long hot shower that I could actually feel, sex, hugs) are all gone or defunct to an extent where they no longer serve the purpose. So now, more stress, less tools, less fun, more planning, more accidents, less upside. Life is a shell of what it used to be. I ultimately feel horribly trapped and powerless. I don't want to die, but i dont want to live like this. What choices do I have? How is this OK? How is it going to BE ok? I'm not who I was before, this new incarnation of ME is horrible.

http://higherthansuperman.com/before-my-accident/ I don’t remember much of the accident but this is what I know, I decided to be a hero and go back to the workshop on my trail bike which became the biggest mistake of my life. I turned back I ran straight into a freshly pruned bush. There was a branch in the bush that hit my helmet and pulled it off my head separating my scull from the top of my spine. My old friends have drifted away but I have made several more like nurses and other quadriplegic’s and paraplegic’s. Also people who have seen my advertisement for carers in the paper have phoned to meet me.

tony was in car accident last year (9 September 2014) and sustained a c2 complete, his head was completely snapped off from spine ,he ended up having his head reattached with metal plate, consultants say he will never,walk ,talk, eat or breath on his own again,the past nine month have been a rollercoaster,he has had pneumonia three times since xmas,they now think he has it again, some c2 injuries can talk and eat,just been able to talk would be a milestone for tony,they can,t let cuff down in trachi as they say he will choke,as his swallowing reflexes are paralised,tony is still going through the depression state and it is unbearable seeing him like this,

Everything was on track and life was sweet for Zane Conroy on the morning of January 26, 2010. The 27-year-old woke up in Sydney excited for a day of sunshine, beers to celebrate Australia Day. But what Zane didn’t realise was a split second decision would change the course of his life. Whilst enjoying a day by the harbour, looking over the iconic Harbour Bridge on January 26, Zane dove into the crystal blue water, which to his horror was only 30 centimetres deep. The young man hit his head, becoming instantly paralysed.

‘I took a deep breath and dived in and went headfirst into 30 centimetres of water. ‘My whole body weight landed on the skin of my neck. I hit my head and I instantly knew I was paralysed.’  What has stayed with Conroy is the memory that he had been so concerned about the water depth before his horrific accident. ‘The thing is at about 3pm I was the one who said “we can’t jump off here, it’s too shallow”

Grieving; SCI is like carrying the corpse of a loved one around on your back. I've lost my legs, yet they remain there to remind me of what I've lost. I can't feel them or move them, but they remain there, useless and often holding me back in transfers and moving position. Loss for me turns to resentment because I'm stuck with this lifeless reminder of what once was. I hate my legs because they refuse to work. I hate death because it has stolen some beautiful people from me, but I at least don't have to worry about them spasming while I transfer into a car, knocking me into the ground. I deal with my injury because there's no other way. Do I cry at night because of it? Yes. Do I get angry and lash out? All the time. It is because we are stuck with the reminder that we don't work properly every single day. We carry the corpse of our lives lost around with us. If we were to do that with our (dead) loved ones, people wouldn't be surprised that we were unable to deal with it. They'd be more surprised by us carrying on as if it made no difference.

June 2010 car accident. In my head on logic alone their are so many things wrong with my disability. I have read that children born with a disability are often happier then those who aren't. Reasoning is that is all they know. So when it comes to my life I do miss the things I took for granted. I miss my job, and most people would not say that. I miss my freedom. I miss my income. I miss my big boy toys (MOTORCYCLES, TRUCKS, and CARS). I miss being who I was. I was happy. Now maybe I am irritated by the drugs I take, or the random ass comments from strangers, the paranoia from my family, the ignorant assholes who think that they are king of the world or the fact I piss in a bag rather than a toilet. Maybe it is any number of the stupid things that I go through on a regular basis. Now I am fairly confident I will never be as happy as I was prior to my accident. Honestly to anyone who think that they are happier I will call BS on because if you bring up a time before your accident it usually ends in tears. I have been angry since day one. I was mad that I made my family hurt. I was mad that my choice to do whatever I did to cause my accident affected them financially mentally, and physically. So I took the anger and decided to not be a burden on anyone. Logically it works out for everyone except me. But it works. I just wish someone told me the goddamn truth about living in a wheelchair.Because I know based on my complaints from my perspective that their is always something that is worse off then when you were abled.



The mind set of many of the public is to see the chair rather than the person. I've lost count of the number of conversations had about me in my presence without me being talked to.


Take in enough carbs to fuel your workouts and protein to recover.

  1. 1.Start

GOMAD: How to Gain 25lbs in 25 Days with Squats & Milk http://stronglifts.com/gomad-milk-squats-gallon-gain-weight/

There's an easy, fast & cheap way to gain weight naturally: GOMAD. Any “hard gainer” will gain weight drinking 1 US Gallon Of Milk A Day. This article will teach you how to gain weight with GOMAD.

5'11 (1.80). 1KG for each cm over 1 meter...so...80KG, 176lbs or just over 12.5 stone is ideal weight (currently 73KG...just over 11 stone)...plus 10lbs over that for total ideal weight...so just over 13 stone).

  1. 2.Once start training.

Impact Weight Gainer Weight Gain Formula (2.5KG, strawberry flavour, each serving 100g, 2 times per workout day with whole milk, after workout, and later in the day...1 time in four other non workout days)



Impact Whey Protein

  1. 1 Premium Whey Protein (1KG, each serving 25g, 3 times per day with whole milk, before, after, and later in the day)



- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (3 days/week) is good, don't workout more than that. - Bike on days in between - Do "whole body workout; free weights; intermediate"

Stronglifts 5×5 uses five free weight compound exercises: the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Overhead Press and Barbell Row. You do three of these exercises each workout, three times a week, for about 45 minutes per workout. You Squat every workout, three times a week. 5×5 stands for five sets of five reps. These are the sets and reps you do on every exercise except Deadlifts. Deadlift is only one set of five reps (1×5) because doing more would beat you up. Plus, Squatting three times a week will get you stronger at Deadlifts since it works similar muscles.

StrongLifts 5×5 consists of two full body-workouts:

Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EP2g3Sj3qSw

Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3Mh9o7JPU

You train three times a week, alternating workout A and B, and resting at least one day between two workouts. You never train two days in a row because your body needs days off to get stronger.

You’ll build that muscle while training less. Because you’re getting a full body workout with only five exercises. So no more gym rat, no more one muscle a day, no more five times a week B.S. Just three workouts, done. And you can actually have a life outside the gym. Here’s how StrongLifts 5×5 will work each muscle in your body using only three compound exercises per workout, three times a week, for about 45 minutes per workout… http://stronglifts.com/5x5/#Exercises

Total-Body Training The 3-day-per-week, full-body workout plan by Chad Waterbury


Every session is going to consist of six exercises. Why? Because my empirical evidence has shown that natural trainees can consistently maintain six exercises per session without burning out.

It’s imperative to base your exercise selection around compound, multi-joint exercises. Four out of the six exercises for each session must be compound exercises. Six sissy-assed, single-joint isolation exercises ain’t gonna do the trick. But, you can perform a few of my recommended single-joint exercises for two of the six exercises. Here’s the list you must choose from:

Compound Exercises

Chest: Incline, flat, decline barbell or dumbbell bench presses. Wide-grip dips.

Back: Upright or horizontal rows. Pull-ups or pulldowns with pronated, semi-supinated, and supinated grips.

Deltoids: Standing or seated military presses with a barbell or dumbbells utilizing pronated, semi-supinated or supinated hand positions.

Quads: High-bar full barbell squats, hack squats or front squats. Squats - http://stronglifts.com/squat/

Lower Back/Hips: Traditional and/or sumo-style deadlifts or Good Mornings. Power cleans or snatches.

Single-Joint Exercises

Biceps: Barbell curls, hammer curls or preacher curls.

Triceps: Lying barbell or dumbbell triceps extensions, and pronated or supinated grip pressdowns.

Deltoids: Front, side or rear dumbbell raises.

Hamstrings: Glute-ham raises or leg curls.

Calves: Standing, seated or donkey calf raises.

Stick to the above list of exercises for optimal results.

Ben & Jerrys,

Omar - Vicky

Jen jade, stu 66

The first documented instance of figure-shaped biscuits (gingerbread man) was at the court of Elizabeth I. She had the gingerbread figures made and presented in the likeness of some of her important guests.[7]

The most popular biscuit to dunk in the UK is the chocolate digestive.[8]



Read more: http://www.nationalledger.com/pop-culture-news/lady-gaga-amp-lupus-larry--252830.shtml#ixzz2vJYEcsSA

http://wholeintentions.com/2011/10/treating-candida-naturally/ Pau D’Arco – this herb has a two-fold effect against candida. First, it helps to gently loosen the bowels, creating a mini colon cleanse (not to the point of diarrhea). Then its anti-fungal, immune-stimulating, and anti-tumor properties get to work. It inhibits and destroys candida. It is most effective in tea form. To make Pau D’Arco tea, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1-2 teaspoons of herb. Steep for about 15 min., strain herbs, and drink 2 to 3 cups a day.

http://www.healthjunction.co.uk/frontier-natural-products-cut-and-sifted-pau-d-and-039-arco-bark-16-oz-453-g&currency=GBP&language=en Frontier Natural Products - Cut & Sifted - Pau d'Arco Bark - 16 oz (453 g)

http://www.bulkherbstore.com/Pau-D-Arco-Bark-Cut?s=pau#a_aid=WholeIntentions The Incas and native tribes of South America use pau d’arco bark externally as a poultice or decoction for treating skin diseases including eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections. The recent popularity of pau d’arco in western herbology is attributed to its antifungal activity in treating systemic yeast infections like candida albicans. Yeast infections often accompany or follow antibiotic therapy and can be especially resistant to conventional treatment. The antifungal action of pau d’arco is used to combat these infections by drinking the tea thrice daily. Pau d’arco is an excellent herbal source of calcium. It is also diuretic and antipyretic.

Three cups of Pau D'arco daily for one week. Three tablespoons of Coconut Oil daily for one week. Four garlic cloves daily for one week...etc.

Dana Vulin https://au.news.yahoo.com/sunday-night/features/a/25171837/dana-vulin-revealed-the-girl-behind-the-mask/

Vitamin C Crystals 3 lbs - Asto Nutrition http://astronutrition.com/now-vitamin-c-crystals-3-lbs.html?q=%2Fnow-vitamin-c-crystals-3-lbs.html

Natures Way Coconut Oil - My Natural Market http://www.mynaturalmarket.com/Nature-s-Way-Organic-Extra-Virgin-Coconut-Oil-16-oz.html?osCsid=ebr4die9f70ivv2c5q2hlstdg3 . Frontier Sea Salt - Luxebc http://www.luxebc.com/supplements-c394/salt-natural-salt-c581/frontier-natural-products-culinary-spices-sea-salt-fine-grind-32-oz-907-g-p4609/s4609?gclid=CJLh04yYmMECFVDKtAodalYASQ

  1. ^ . BBC. 14 January 2015 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-35283801. {{cite news}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  2. ^ "David Bowie fans create makeshift London shrines". BBC. 14 Janaury 2015. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ "Bowie 'died from liver cancer'". New Zealand Herald. 14 January 2016.
  4. ^ "David Bowie fans create makeshift London shrines". BBC. 14 January 2015.
  5. ^ a b c "Tears and tributes for their Starman: Bowie fans shocked by singer's death from cancer lay flowers at impromptu street shrines around the world". Mail Online. 14 January 2015.
  6. ^ "David Bowie fans create makeshift London shrines". BBC. 14 January 2015.
  7. ^ "A History of Gingerbread Men". Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses. Retrieved 2014-01-04.[dead link]
  8. ^ "Chocolate digestive is nation's favourite dunking biscuit". The Telegraph. 2 May 2009
  9. ^ Margaret Scanlan (2006). "Culture and Customs of Ireland". p. 163. Greenwood Publishing Group
  10. ^ "Transcripts". CNN.. Retrieved March 7, 2014