75 years of the great Victory


The 75th of anniversary of Victory in the Grear Patriotic war is celebrated in 2020.


This is one of the most memorable all over the world.

The defeat of the fascists Germany could be possible thanks to cooperations of countries and nations of Antifascist Union.

People of different nations and religions, of different social status acted according to V.Rasputin "like one impulse and spirit, like an insurmountable barrier."

The gelreat power of rebuff was thinkable due to changes owned by the Soviet government and Russian historical heritage.

True communists and their opponents, atheists and the faithful sustained one another facing the horrible German might. They saved people from the fascists obscurantism, stopped their aggression towards other countries and continents.

The Great Patriotic war ended 75 years ago. Several generations were brought up. The political map of the world was changed. The events of that war seem far faraway even for its soldiers.

Today we have new national traditions connected with the Victory Day. One of which is Immortal Regiment. This parade symbolises our immortal memory and blood ties of generation.

On the day of the March millions of people all over the country take part in the parade carrying the portraits of their dear ancestors who defeated the fascists and protected their motherland. Thus people demonstrate that this soldiers are still elive and their sacred.

Not long ago Rzhev Memorial , the biggest war memorial in Russia was constructed. The memorial was created in honour of all Society Soldiers on the spight of bloody Rzhev fights of 1942-1943.

The War Parade on Red Square in Moscow held in 2020 was the case of the anniversary celebrations. It took place on 24th June-the very date of the Parade of 1945.

The outcome and the consequences of the World War ll are grand in scale and significance. It is still plays an important role for citizen of people of the number of countries state policies.

This victory is the important symbol of freedom which could unite nations, religions and nations from Europe to Asia, from America to Africa. Category:War