Amsterdamse Studentenvereniging Gay (A.S.V. Gay)

A.S.V. Gay
Amsterdamse Studentenvereniging Gay
FounderFien de Vries, Merel van Kessel, Suzanne Roodenburg and Nora Neuteboom
  • Netherlands

The student association A.S.V. Gay (Amsterdamse Studentenvereniging Gay) is based at the University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A.S.V. Gay is the Amsterdam student association for homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer students. It counts over 360 members and its main priority is entertainment and organizing events for queer students and allies since its foundation in March 2010. The association also campaigns for LGBTQIAP+ rights and does awareness campaigns for issues concerning the community. The association concerns itself with matters regarding the LGBTQIAP+ community and is open to queer and straight students.



A.S.V. Gay was founded in 2010 by Fien de Vries, Merel van Kessel, Suzanne Roodenburg and Nora Neuteboom. The association came about because the founders found student associations representing queer students in Amsterdam to be lacking.

In 2010, right after the foundation of A.S.V. Gay on February 23rd 2010, the founders get together with the COC to decide over the activities and committees of the association.

On July 1st 2010, the official member sign-up starts and Fien de Vries, Merel van Kessel, Suzanne Roodenburg and Nora Neuteboom become the founding board members.

In the same year, the student association hosts its first borrel event and takes part in the Canal Parade of Amsterdam Pride with UvA Pride.



The student association switches from a system where board members are present in committees to a system where committee chairmen are accountable to the commissaris Intern.

The A.S.V. Gay song is written by Thieu Driessen.

In the same year, the student association hosts a scientific congress themed around homosexuality and gender non-conformity for which students and researchers could send in their research.

The student association participates in the Amsterdam Canal Parade with their own boat.



The student association develops the A.S.V. Gay app for members.

Two members speak on behalf of the student association at the Homomonument.



The association organizes an event with EXIT (a gay bar in Amsterdam), called INV!TED which is a charity event to collect money for LGBTQIAP+ refugees. They raise 500 euros to donate to Regenboog Groep.

The association takes part in a student networking event with the non-profit organization Work Place Pride, focusing LGBTQIAP+ rights at the workplace.

(A.S.V. Gay participates at the Regenboog conference of the municipality of Amsterdam.)

The student association participates in the opening of Roze Hallen.



A.S.V. Gay organizes an election debate with speakers from almost every Dutch party (moet preciser zijn) for the Dutch national election of the parliament (Tweede Kamer).



The association writes its Social Safety Policy.



The board of the student association A.S.V. Gay consists of a:

  1. Chair
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasury
  4. Commissioner Internal Affairs
  5. Commissioner External Affairs
  6. Commissioner Public Relations (PR)



The student association is divided into multiple committees, each dedicated to a different part in the student association's activities.

  • Acquisition Committee
  • Activities Committee
  • Current Affairs Committee
  • Borrel Committee
  • First Years Committee
  • Party Committee
  • Yearbook Committee
  • Financial Audit Committee - treasury
  • Kweekweek Committee
  • Newsletter Committee
  • Ontrozing Committee
  • Pride Committee
  • Promotion Committee
  • Travel Committee
  • Alumni Committee
  • Confidential Advisers
  • Website Committee



The student association receives funding from the University of Amsterdam as an official student organization. Additionally, they are sponsored by Unique, and McKinsey & Company.