
archive for a thing that i'm working on




The Legend of Dark Witch: Chronicle 2D Act would have some beta gameplay and original character designs shown off in NAN-A's Dark Witch 5th Anniversary Stream.[1] The first beta, compared to the final product, has a massive art style. Most characters also have different designs. There is also unused music playing in the background. The level design, text, and Game Over screen seem to be identical to the final game. The second beta is closer to the final product, with only two stages missing. The third and final beta is the closest to the final product. The only noticeable difference is Riva's boss fight background being pitch black.



Despite the games having 'Episode' in the title, the games aren't connected in their plot. However, the games do have some recurring elements in their plot, such as the Syega Crystals or Zizou being the main protagonist.



Syega is a magical crystal that allows regular humans to use magic. A majority of humans use it to help the human race. Some also study it to harness it's power better. Many of the bosses in the game use it as well. In the games, typically the antagonist takes the Syega and abuses it's power for their own gain. Zizou, the goddess of magic, stops the antagonist and saves the day.

The Legend of Dark Witch: Chronicle 2D Act




Riva, one of Rasil's princess, steals Syega. Zizou notices an imbalance in the world. Curious, Disguised in revealing minstrel clothes, Zizou heads out to find who stole the Syega. In-game, the 6 bosses you fight give you info about the missing Syega. Eventually, Zizou suspects who it is and heads straight for Riva's castle. On her way, Verri, Riva's guard, tries to stop Zizou but fails. In the final stage of the game, Riva is revealed to have stolen the Syega. Zizou tries to pressure Riva in to giving the Syega up, but Riva refuses, and they proceed to duel. After a short battle, Riva tries to tap into the Syega's power. Zizou reminds Riva that she is only human, and she could only use the powers of Syega for so long, but Riva uses the power of the Syega anyway. Riva goes into her awakened form, and Zizou fights Riva again. After another battle, Riva is finally defeated. After pressure from Zizou, Riva reluctantly agrees to return the missing Syega, and the game closes.



Riva's story is slightly altered from Zizou's story. Instead of Zizou trying to find who stole the Syega, Riva steals Syega. She fights the six main bosses and steals their Syega. When she gets to her castle, Verri tries to stop her from entering the castle, but she is fruitless. When she enters, she finds Zizou. From here, the game plays identically, but Riva ends up winning. Even when Riva wins, Zizou threatens to reveal who took the Syega, so Riva returns it regardless of which character you played as.

The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2: The Price of Desire

  1. ^ Early The Legend of Dark Witch 1 Art and Gameplay, retrieved 2022-04-02