
  1. Hundred Years' War, 1345–1347 (4)
  2. Battle of Leptis Parva (7)
  3. Spendius (10)
  4. Hasdrubal, son of Hanno (12)
  5. Battle of Oroscopa (15)
  6. Siege of Breteuil (17)
  7. Gisco (27)
  8. Roman withdrawal from Africa (255 BC) (28)
  9. Battle of Winwick (32)
  10. Siege of Aiguillon (47)
  11. Black Prince's chevauchée of 1355 (49)
  • 5 further articles not created by me, but taken to good article status with fewer than 50 edits in their page history at the time the bot adds the good article icon.
  1. Arintheus (31)
  2. Lucius Manlius Torquatus (praetor 49 BC) (32)
  3. Lancaster's chevauchée of 1346 (42)
  4. Gaius Vettius Sabinianus Julius Hospes (47)
  5. Female Red Guards of the Finnish Civil War (48)




  1. Publius Cornelius Dolabella (consul 10) 2007; June 7, 2018
  2. Battle of Caen (1346) 2006; January 22, 2019
  3. Battle of the Saw2006; April 21, 2021
  4. Treaty of Lutatius 2007; June 1, 2021
  5. Siege of Tunis (Mercenary War) 2009; November 13, 2020
  6. Hamilcar's victory with Naravas 2010; September 18, 2021
  7. Battle of the Great Plains 2006; March 4, 2023
  8. Battle of Cirta 2006; March 28, 2023
  9. Battle of New Carthage 2008; June 26, 2023


  1. Petronius Maximus 2003; May 21, 2018.
  2. Zoe Porphyrogenita 2003; May 14, 2018
  3. Constantine VIII 2002; May 16, 2018
  4. Macuahuitl 2005; 22 July 2018
  5. Gothic War (535–554) 2005; 16 July 2018
  6. Michael IV the Paphlagonian 2002; 17 July 2018
  7. Septimius Severus 2001; June 25, 2018
  8. Constantine III (Western Roman emperor) 2002; July 9, 2018
  9. Theodora Porphyrogenita 2002; 13 July 2018
  10. Anastasius I Dicorus 2002; 26 July 2018
  11. Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus 2004; 31 July 2018
  12. Maurice (emperor) 2002; August 14, 2018
  13. Battle of Neville's Cross 2003; September 16, 2018
  14. Isaac I Komnenos 2002; 6 October 2018
  15. Justin I 2002; October 2, 2018
  16. Lucius Neratius Marcellus 2004; 5 October 2018
  17. Battle of Auberoche 2005; November 20, 2018
  18. Battle of Lunalonge 2005; 13 December 2018
  19. Battle of Damme 2003; December 17, 2018
  20. Battle of Blanchetaque 2005; January 20, 2019
  21. Battle of Cape Ecnomus 2004; March 12, 2019
  22. Siege of Calais (1346–1347) 2005; June 15, 2019
  23. Battle of the Aegates 2004; March 10, 2021
  24. Battle of Drepana 2004; February 23, 2020
  25. Battle of the Bagradas River (255 BC) 2005; April 26, 2020
  26. Battle of the Lipari Islands 2004; April 22, 2023
  27. Mercenary War 2004; 27 April 2020
  28. Battle of Adys 2005; April 30, 2020
  29. Battle of Panormus 2005; May 27, 2020
  30. Battle of Dunbar (1650) 2004; September 3, 2021
  31. Battle of Ticinus 2004; September 16, 2020
  32. Third Punic War 2002; September 25, 2020
  33. Punic Wars 2001; October 16, 2020
  34. Battle of Utica 2005; November 11, 2020
  35. Battle of Inverkeithing 2005; December 13, 2020
  36. Anglo-Scottish war (1650–1652) 2004; September 5, 2021
  37. Constans II (son of Constantine III) 2004; 18 February 2023
  38. Battle of Zama 2003; April 24, 2023

Calendar TFA


1. Siege of Aiguillon, Battle of Calais, Treaty of Lutatius

2. Battle of Auberoche, Burnt Candlemas, Constantine III (Western Roman emperor)

3. Siege of Calais (1346–1347), Battle of Dunbar (1650)

4. Battle of Pontvallain

5. Battle of the Bagradas River (255 BC)

6. Treaty of Guînes

7. First Punic War

8 Second War of Scottish Independence

9. Third Punic War

10. Battle of Cape Ecnomus, Battle of the Aegates

11. Battle of Dupplin Moor

12. Lancaster's chevauchée of 1346

13. Battle of Bergerac

14. Razing of Friesoythe

15. Mercenary War, Second Punic War

16. Roman withdrawal from Africa (255 BC), John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke

17. Battle of Neville's Cross, Gascon campaign of 1345

18. Battle of Lagos

19. Siege of Berwick (1333), Battle of Adys, Battle of Halidon Hill, Battle of Poitiers

20. Battle of Inverkeithing, Battle of Rethymno, Battle of Heraklion

21. Battle of the Saw, Battle of Lake Trasimene

22. Siege of Lilybaeum (250–241 BC), Lancaster's Normandy chevauchée of 1356, Weardale campaign, Anglo-Scottish war (1650–1652)

23. Battle of the Trebia

24. Battle of Blanchetaque, Battle of Sluys

25. Black Prince's chevauchée of 1355, Second Battle of Cape Finisterre

26. Battle of Caen (1346), Crécy campaign, Battle of Crécy, Battle of Drepana, Battle of Panormus

27. Battle of New Carthage

28. Truce of Calais

29. Battle of Oroscopa

30. Hundred Years' War, 1345–1347

31. Siege of Guînes (1352)

Jack of all trades


1 Agriculture, food and drink, Poutine, 1.6.19

2 Art and architecture, Coxton Tower, 2.8.19

3 Engineering and technology

  • 3.1Computing and engineering
  • 3.2Computing and engineering reassessments
  • 3.3Transport

4 Geography and places. Goat Canyon (Tijuana River Valley), 8.6.18

5 History, Constantine V, 16.6.19

6 Language and literature, A Ball for Daisy , 18.6.19

7 Mathematics

  • 7.1Mathematics and mathematicians

8 Media and drama, Arthur Wing Pinero , 18.2.19

9 Music, Leda Valladares, 3.11.20

10 Natural sciences, Eunice Newton Foote, 20.7.22

11 Philosophy and religion, Joan of Leeds, 18.4.19

12 Social sciences and society, Problematic social media use, 1.7.19

13 Sports and recreation, Hyborian War, 17.3.20

14 Video games, [[

  • 14.1Video games
  • 14.2Video games reassessments

15 Warfare, Japanese battleship Hyūga, 23.2.18