Different ways multicultural education ignores minority students:


Multicultural Education in classroom settings has been a hidden factor that affects students with a diverse culture. Although, multicultural education has positive approaches on helping students there are ways in which it does not fully benefit all of those who need it. There are several factors on how it does positively influence all students, one is ”It generally it ignores the minority students’ own responsibility for their academic performance.” Students are seen as being self care takers for their own education meaning they are the ones to held responsible for their consequences even if it results on affecting the student even more. A second factor is “multicultural education theories and programs are rarely based on the actual study of minority cultures and languages.” The idea of multicultural education has increasingly been noted that it lacks the exploration of minority communities yet in the actual school environment exploration of minority children/students has occurred. And lastly “The inadequacy of the multicultural education solution fails to to separate minority groups that are able to cross cultural and language boundaries and learn successfully even though there were initial cultural barriers.”, in other words the students who belong to minority groups and are able to excel are left in the same classroom setting with those who are struggling. These factors shows how multicultural education has positive intentions but in the societal spectrum it lacks aspects that are crucial for the development of minority students.[1]

In the U.S. educational system deciding which individuals or students need the assistance in hopes of becoming successful has been becoming a significant factor when viewing the idea that diversity is incrementing drastically. Taking into consideration this view it is also important to make note of that the core curriculum nor the multicultural education can create a change toward the students who were already struggling academically.


  1. ^ "Understanding Cultural Diversity and Learning" (PDF).