Answers to Module 7 Questions


The media that I have uploaded is original photography from Surry Hills, Sydney Australia, in JPEG format. I have chosen a CC BY-SA licence. The image will be shared under the category of Nature Photography, and I will describe it as 'Sunset in NSW'.

Sunset in Surry Hills, Sydney NSW Australia.

Practicing Citations


"On January 7, 1978, exactly one week after Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the shah of Iran, hosted a New Year's Eve party where the president of the United States, Jimmy Carter, toasted to the shah's health and long life, Ettelaat, a national newspaper in Iran, published an article critical of Ayotallah Ruhollah Khomeini, accusing him of being connected with a foreign power."[1]

"Although people's participation in affairs governing their lives dates back to the beginnings of human society, the concept has taken on a new significance as societies have grown in size and complexity."[2]

"People Power's policy was rejected by the Labor and Liberal parties yesterday."[3]

"On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the first People Power revolution in the Philippines, history played one of its twisted ironies."[4]

  1. ^ Schock, K 2005, Unarmed Insurrections People Power Movements In Non-democracies, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, USA.
  2. ^ Hollnsteiner, M 1976, ‘People Power: Community Participation in the Planning and Implementation of Human Settlements’, Philippine Studies, vol. 24, no.1, pp.5-36.
  3. ^ Tomazin, F & Ker, P 2006. ‘People Power pokies policy’, The Age, September 5, viewed 15 March 2021,
  4. ^ Lijauco, C 2021. ‘1986 People Power: A Look Back At The Historic EDSA Revolution’, Philippines Tatler, February 23, viewed 22 March 2021,