


here are the steps to creating science fiction for schools:begginer perspective:


author info(Eric.o.smith)



science fiction or sci-fi is a fascinating subject to write about,and can often be a popular subject or middle school assignment .writing a really good sci-fic story isn't that hard at all,but there are some things you need to in mind.



1.planning your plot.writing a good plot is essential for your story. Imagine yourself on your own planet,floating in space or deep inside some unknown universe.The crazier it sounds,the better your story will be.Mix up your plot with different locations or events but don't make it too broad,as this will confuse and potentially bore your readers.

2. THINK ABOUT YOUR characters.Every good story needs characters.Characters can be based on a fictional person,someone you know or even someone famous. Sci-fi usually refers to some time in the future or past,so try to base your characters on the period in time you are writing for,but it doesn't need to be completely accurate to that time period.

3.Prepare yourself to start writing.Get out your pen and paper or fire up your favorite text editor on your computer (when working at home) and get comfortable.if you are working at home,bring anything to work work-space that you might need,like snacks water or cool drink.if you concentrate better with music,use some headphones and listen to something that will help you think. Avoid listening to songs that you may sing along to,as this will break your concentration.

4.Start Writing. Start writing your story based on the plot and characters you created.Start your story with a gripping intro and lead back up to this moment somewhere down the line in your story.don't stress the small details too much, as these take up time and most school assignments are limited to a certain amount of words.

5.Fact check your story.if your is based in the future,you can write pretty much anything you want,but if your story is set in the past,be sure to check your facts when writing about past. events.Incorrect facts about past events could end up costing you marks.

6.End your story with a bang.Every story needs a gripping ending.Nobody likes cliffhangers and your teacher is no exception.Don't end your story while some parts of the plot or story line is still unfinished.For example, Aliens invade Mexico in the year 5050,but you never expand on why they came or what they came to do.This will surely end up costing you marks.


  • Always fact check past events when including them in your story.
  • plan your story so you can finish it in the number of allocated words if this is required by your teacher.

See also
