

eProsima is a small-medium enterprise which develops open source high-performance data communication solutions between applications. More specifically, the company focuses on networking middleware under the OMG standard scope, called Data Distribution Service (DDS) for Real-time systems(1). Headquartered in TresCantos Madrid, Spain, eProsima develops open source DDS middleware solutions, tools, and offers services like architecture studies or commercial support for their products.

eProsima products are designed by middleware experts with an open-source software (OSS) profile under an Apache 2.0 licence, which are present and implemented over different sectors such as: Robotics, Critical Applications (defense, aerospace, automotive) and IoT.

eProsima is an active member of different industry associations:

R&D projects


The company eProsima is part of several European Union - funded projects:

EU project: Ofera - micro-ROS



The Ofera project is a 4 years European Union's Horizon 2020 funded project  (Jan 2018 - Dec 2020, extended for one additional year until Dec 2021).

The project’s goal is to bridge the technological gap between the established robotic software platform for high-performance computational devices and the low-level libraries for microcontrollers.

Company Role:

eProsima leads the project, focuses their efforts on developing micro-ROS, a robotic framework, designed to target embedded and deep embedded robot components with extremely constrained computational resources and memory limitations. Compatible with the Robot Operating System (ROS 2) micro-ROS enables the interoperability of traditional robots with IoT sensors and devices, creating truly distributed robotic systems using a common framework. micro-ROS has adopted the ROS 2 like architecture in order to interoperate seamlessly with them.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 780785


The Ofera project partners are: eProsima, BOSCH, PIAP, FIWARE Foundation and Acutronic Robotics (Acutronic Robotics left the consortium in 2019).

ALMA: Human Centric Algebraic Machine Learning


Description: The ALMA project is an European funded project that focuses on the development of a new machine learning technique based on algebraic representations of data, the Algebraic Machine Learning (AML), and aims at developing a new generation of interactive, human-centric machine learning systems.

Company Role: eProsima coordinates the ALMA project and is responsible for the middleware architecture of the distributed learning concept and the integration with Robot Operating System (ROS 2) and Fast DDS.

Financing: ALMA received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952091.

Consortium: the diversity of the participants in this project, which range from small to multinational companies or universities, guarantees the variety of use cases and are namely: Algebraic.Ai, Champalimaud Foundation, DFKI - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, eProsima, FIWARE, Inria, TU Kaiserslautern, VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland, UC3M - Charles III University of Madrid.


EU project: DIH² - visual-ROS


Description: The DIH² - visual-ROS tool is part of a EU Horizon 2020 funded project , meant to be deployed by users who are not generally familiar with any specific programming language nor with the underlying details of the ROS2  stack.

Company Role: eProsima merges their Fast DDS and Integration Service (SOSS) technology in order to be implemented into this new tool throughout DIH² platform.  

The main functionality is to opèn the ROS 2 gates and bridge the gap between the factory automation domain and the robotics world, this tool is created with the intention to approach the medium-scale industrial actors belonging to a wide variety of areas to ROS2 features and functionalities.

Financing: DIH² received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824964.


ARIES Transilvania Blumorpho Cyric
Chalmers University of Technology International Data Spaces Association. iti Information Technologies Institute
Digital Hub Logistics European Dynamics eProsima
Eurecat Funding Box Fiware
ICENT Fraunhofer IMECC
iTechnic GmbH Linz Center of Mechatronics Irish Manufacturing Research
Intemac ISDI Loupe 16
Consorzio C.R.E.A.T.E Lithuanian Robotics Association PBN Pannon Business Network
PIAP PROXiNNOV Pomurski tehnološki park
VTT Technical Research Center of Finland SIRRIS Driving Industry by Technology VATP Ventspils Augsto Tehnoloģiju parks
SOFIA Techpark NCR National Centre of Robotics ROBO VALLEY

ROSIn Project: ROS2 Integration Service


Description: The ROSIn Project: ROS2 Integration Service is a 12 months ROSIN funded project  (June 2020 to June 2021)

The project aims to simplify the connection between ROS2 to other protocols and be able to enable ROS2 messages over WAN/Internet.  The project looks to develop a tool that communicates any middleware providing a generic framework to develop new systems connections.

Company Role: eProsima is the company involved in this project which is based in their integration service tool SOSS (System-Of-Systems Synthesizer).

Financing: The ROS2 Integration Service project received funding from the ROSin and ROS industrial organisations and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.

Extra sources:. Demos, Github. micro-ROS webpage, Ofera; ALMA.

See Also

  • eProsima - The Middleware Experts - Company Presentation


  1. ^ eProsima. (s. f.). eProsima - Company. Recuperado 1 de enero de 2021, de
  • Official website
  • Youtube tutorials
  • OMG Object Management Group
  • ROS Index
  • DDS Data Distribution Service
  • ROS industrial
  • micro-ROS
  • ALMA: Human Centric Algebraic Machine Learning
  • DIH2 - Digital Innovation Hubs
  • Horizon 2020

