Stay hydrated during Ramadan Water is the most important fluid that replenish your thirst during Ramadan. Unfortunately though, most people do not drink enough but have only small amounts at Iftar and then forget to drink water until the next day!

60 –70% of your body is made of water and any reduction in your water intake can affect your body’s cells and nerves from functioning properly. This is why it is absolutely essential to compensate the loss of water in your body, because dehydration can cause undesirable side effects such as: constipation, headache, dizziness, tiredness and dry skin. Water plays a signifi cant role in weight loss and maintenance, be-cause it helps to get rid of toxins and reduce the feeling of hunger. This is why it is important to drink small quantities of water throughout the night Drink at least eight glasses of water everyday. If you are exercising and are outdoors in hot weather, you lose more fluids. So make sure you drink more water.