S-matrix in one dimension




Consider a localized one dimensional potential barrier  , subjected to a beam of quantum particles with energy   .They incident on the potential barrier from left and right.The solution of Schrödinger's equation outside the potential barrier are plane waves and are given by:


for the region left to the potential barrier and


for the region right to the potential barrier,

where   is the wave vector while the terms with coefficients   and   represent the incoming waves whereas with the terms with coefficients   and   represent the outgoing waves.The outgoing waves are connected to the incoming waves by a linear combination described by the S-matrix


Elements of this matrix completely characterize the scattering properties of the  .

 , , 

Unitary property of S-matrix


The unitary property of S-matrix is directly related to conservation of probability current in quantum mechanics.The probability current   of the wave function   is defined as


The current density to the left of barrier  ,similarly the current density to the right of the barrier is  . According to conservation of probability current density  .This implies the S-matrix is a unitary matrix

Time-reversal symmetry


If the potential V(x) is real,then system posses time-reversal symmetry.Under this condition if   is a solution of Schrödinger's equation,then   is also a solution.The time-reversed solution is given by:


for the region left to the potential barrier and


for the region right to the potential barrier, where the terms with coefficient B*,C*represent incoming wave and terms with coefficient A*,D* represent outgoing wave.So they are again related by the S-matrix :

  or  .

Now,the relations   and   together yield a condition  . This condition in conjunction with the unitary relation implies that the S-matrix is symmetric as a result of time reversal symmetry:


Transmission coefficient and Reflection coefficient


Transmission coefficient from the left of the potential barrier is  ,when  .Thus  .

Reflection Coefficient from the left of the potential barrier is  ,when  .Thus  .

Similarly,Transmission Coefficient from the right of the potential barrier is  ,when  .Thus  .

Reflection Coefficient from the right of the potential barrier is  ,when  .Thus  .

The relation between transmission coefficien and reflection coefficient is:   and  . This relation is the consequence of the unitary property of S-matrix.

Optical theorem in one dimension dimension


In the case of free particle  .The S-matrix is then, . Now whenever V(x) is different from zero,there is A departure of S-matrix from the above form.This departure is measured by two complex functions of energy,r and t,which are defined by   and  .The relation between this two function is given by:


The analogue of this identity in three dimension is known as optical theorem.