Hello there, thank you for checking out my page! Yes, I know my name is rather difficult to remember. Just call me Dark. This description is a bit of a placeholder for now.

I’ve used Wikipedia for many reasons over the years, and so I have finally decided to make an account so I can contribute more. I think it’s an incredibly useful and impressive compendium of information and resources, and it really encourages one to learn and explore further concepts, ideas, and events. I find it amazing that thousands of people like you and me can accumulate, collaborate, and validate so much knowledge on every topic imaginable, for everyone to use.

That being said, I am currently very inexperienced with the tools available to me, so please me patient with me if you have a problem with any of my edits! I will mostly focus on typos and grammar. I will be editing mostly from PC, but occasionally via mobile.

Outside of editing I’m an undergrad, and enjoy activities like gaming, language learning, drawing and the piano.

Prized Hoard of Miscellaneous Userboxes


I don’t understand syntax :(