Balancing a disc

Balancing a circle

Let the triple   be the angle, distance and weight of a particle from the centre of the disc.

Let P be some particles on a unit disk such that a given diameter axis   means that the sum of perpendiculars from P to   is zero. Let   be a distinct other axis with the same property.

Prove that all   have this property.

Consider two axis orthogonal to each other and a set of weights with the above property (which can be achieved by calculating the position of the   weight after the first   weights have been placed).

Note that the perpendiculars to a new rotated orthogonal pair of axes from a given weight all lie on the circumference of the circle centred halfway between the origin and the weight, radius half the full distance from O to W.

This applies to each weight, and so there are a set of circles each with a common point on the circumference of the origin and the new axes intersect with these circles at the new distances.

From trigonometric identities, we have:


We know:


If   is the original angle, and   is the rotated amount, then we have:


and summing:


The resultant weighted vector at the origin is therefore zero, and this is invariant over axis rotation.

Or, the lines midway between two are balanced, and this process continues ad infinitum.

Convex function proofs


Consider  ,  . Then:







Consider  ,  . Then:





So need to prove:




or, dividing by  :







Catalan q-polynomials


The Catalan q-polynomials   count the number of blocks present in the diagram under the diagonal height k, and start


The sum of the coefficients of   give  .

To generate the next level, we add a horizontal and vertical step. The horizontal step is always placed at the origin, and the vertical step can be placed anywhere off the bounding diagonal, and is the first time the path touches the diagonal.

The first path from the convolution is inserted along the (k-1)-th diagonal created by the two endpoints of the new steps, and the second is placed along the k-th diagonal.

With Dyck words, where the new template is  , where   is a Dyck word of length k. The X step is always first, and the Y step comes after a k-length Dyck word.

The new polynomial is therefore the heights of the previous polynomials, plus the rectangle created by the insertion.


For example,  .

Cubic polynomial




The local minima and maxima are given by the zeroes of the differential of  .


i.e., by the quadratic formula, when


Let the two roots be  .

Let w.l.o.g.   is the local maxima and   is the local minima.

  and :  have several terms equal, so


which is essentially a quadratic.

We require


and if X is the common terms of each side, then this becomes


Round Robin

  • 12 34 56
  • 13 26 45
  • 14 25 36
  • 15 23 46
  • 16 24 35
  • 12 34 58 67
  • 13 24 57 68
  • 14 25 36 78
  • 15 26 37 48
  • 16 27 38 45
  • 17 28 35 46
  • 18 23 47 56

GF for cubes


The general relation is given by the Eulerian numbers.













The meaning of logic



0000 (0) FALSE
0110 (6) XOR
1001 (9) NXOR
1111 (F) TRUE


0001 (1) AND
0011 (3) A
0101 (5) B
0111 (7) OR


0100 (4) LT
1100 (C) NB
1101 (D) LTE
1110 (E) NAND


0010 (2) GT
1000 (8) NOR
1011 (B) GTE
1010 (A) NA

Partial sums of binomials


Pythagorean and 2 squares


Let   be a Pythagorean triple, with a even.

Then both   and   are square numbers with roots r and s.


e.g. (48, 55, 73) ->73-48=25 (5) and 73+48=121 (11)

therefore 73=3^2+8^2

GF for Catalan numbers


Catalan number

Start with the GF for the central binomial coefficient.


Integrating and setting the constant to   from the case   yields


Divide by x to get


Primitive roots


Primitive root modulo n

The order of an element is the smallest k where  .

k divides  . Testing a candidate against each possible k returns negative if and only if the candidate is a primitive root.

a/k 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 4 1 2 4 1
3 3 2 6 4 5 1
4 4 2 1 4 2 1
5 5 4 6 2 3 1
6 6 1 6 1 6 1

Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares

(5) can be proved by Euler's criterion. It also tells us that if  ,


which is the sum of two squares by (1). (2), (3) and (4) can then be used to find it.

Finding primitive roots for primes


For each prime p of p-1, remove k^p from 1,..,p-1 as k runs over the same range. Only primitive roots remain.

Fermat's little power test

  if and only if  

For example,   is never divisible by 13, 17, etc..., but is by 29.

Chinese Remainder Theorem


Say  , and also   with p,q primes, and a,b least residues.

Note that   is   and  . Similarly   is   and  .

Therefore   and  , and so  

Plane partition GF


Plane partition

The GF is


Consider instead the much simpler GF of


The n-th term is the number of partitions of n into at least 0 parts + partitions of n-1 into at least 1 part + partitions of n-2 into at least 2 parts + etc...



The GF for at least k parts is




and we have counted the single x twice.

Coordinates of circumcentre


Let   be coordinates  . Then the midpoints of AB and AC are


The perpendiculars are


and the equations of the perpendiculars through the midpoints are


with equality when




and then




zeta log functions






Hamiltonian cycles


Hamiltonian cycles

Generate the permutations of all vertices. Remove all those with non-adjacent vertices.



Two cuts are adjacent if the corresponding partitions differ by only 1 vertex.




Given a problem, we subdivide it into individual cases, and run each tasks concurrently, remembering and collating each result.

Base conversion


An integer in base b can be written as


and the same integer in base d is


If  , then the first equation becomes


Expand this using the binomial formula to get


and collect by like terms in d to get the second equation.

We want to add two bytes A and B. We use auxiliary bytes C and D to store the carries and answer, and a carry flag for the final bits.

Let C be initially zero, and a,b,c,d be aligned bits.

Then   and  

where   is XOR and c' is the next carry bit.

Presentation of the sphere group


The presentation of a group is defined by the generators of the groups involved and their identities.

The sphere group is obtained by tending k to infinity for two cyclic groups g and h, order 4k.

There are two types of identities, the polar identities, from the fact that both poles are stable points, hence given  ,  , and the equator identities, from the two routes from pole to pole,  .

The torus doesn't have either of these identities.

The first corresponds to the fact that if one of the generators is rotations   about the z axis (i.e. the x-y plane), then it affects only x and y components, of which the singularity at   is not affected, and so it is a stable point of  .

The second describes a contour, where the order of the two groups is halved (i.e. order 2k) due to the lack of a pole. The path then moves close to the pole, does half a circle around the inner circle, back to the equator, but on the other side, and then back around the outer circle.



Homotopy cam be used to define the trivial fundamental group. Let   be a point inside   and  . Then there exists a tuple   such that  . If   is not available, then the fundamental group is not trivial.



Both the sphere and the torus also can be generated with the product group of a line segment and a circle, where the line segment is a polar axis and forms a normal to the plane containing the circle. The radius of the circle is determined by the height from the origin.

The sphere is therefore generated by an interval   and the torus by (-a,a). As such, the torus is not compact.

Curve theorem


There exists a straight line through any torus which cuts the surface 4 times (compared to the spherical 2). Alternatively, an angle and height determine 2 points on the sphere and 4 points on the torus.

Rotational axis


If a group is seen to 'rotate' the other group, then the pole relation is  . Pre-multiplying by   and post-multiplying by   (or vice versa) gives the equatorial relation, as  .

This indicates that a position/direction couple (i.e. a displaced vector) can be spun around it's position (unlike with a torus).

Client-Vendor-Bank model


The Client-Vendor-Bank model (CVB) involves the oAuth model.

Only the Authentication and Authorization layers are used, along with vendorId and vendorSecret. These are registered with the Bank.

The steps involved are:

1. C sends V transaction request

2. V asks C for Authentication with vendorId and transaction details from B

3. B replies to V with the AuthCode for the transaction

4. V posts AuthCode, vendorId and vendorSecret to B

5. B commits the transaction and sends receipt to V

6. V sends receipt to C

This model has minimal external interference, and is secure as B has two potentially conflicting items for the same transaction.