User:DELOCHE JEAN/sandbox


Jean Deloche, was born on September 19th, 1929 at Grand-Bornand, Haute-Savoie. He is retired but, however, still works in the Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient (EFEO) at Pondicherry, India as an associate research scholar.



From 1961 to 1962, Jean Deloche is a professor at the lycée Suryavarman II in Siemréap, Cambodia. From 1962 to1966, he is the director of the Alliance Française of Madras. In 1966, he joins EFEO as a ‘chargé de recherche’, then as a ‘maître de recherche’, posted in Pondichéry. In 1982, he obtains the ‘Doctorat d’Etat ès Lettres et Sciences Humaines". From 1992 to 1994, Jean Deloche was the head of the centre for History and Archaeology of EFEO, Pondicherry
Most of his publications onwards are related to the history of technology in India and the edition of French manuscripts having a relevance to the economic and social history of India.

Prizes and distinction


2008  : Hirayama Prize awarded by the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris.

Bibliography (1968 - 2013)



  • Recherches sur les routes de l'Inde au temps des Mogols. Étude critique des sources, EFEO, Paris, 1968, 141 pp., XXX pls.
  • Voyage en Inde du comte de Modave, EFEO, Paris, 1971, 593 pp.
  • Les ponts anciens de l'Inde, EFEO, Paris,1973, 90 pp., XI pls.
  • Les mémoires de Wendel sur les Jat, les Sikh et les Pathan, EFEO, Paris, 1979, 186 pp.
  • La circulation en Inde avant la révolution des transports, EFEO, Paris 1981, t. I, La voie de terre, 336 pp., XL figs., t. II, La voie d'eau, 320 pp., XLVI figs.
  • Contribution à l’histoire de la voiture en Inde, EFEO, Paris, 1984, 156 pp.
  • Les aventures de J.B. Chevalier dans l'Inde orientale (1752-1765), EFEO, Paris, 1984, 205 pp.
  • Mémoire de René Madec (en collaboration avec Max Vigne), Alliance française, Pondichéry, 1983, 226 pp.
  • The Ancient Bridges of India, SBISR, New Delhi, 1984, 121 pp.
  • Techniques militaires dans les royaumes du Dekkan au temps des Hoysalas (XIIe-XIIIe siècle), d'après l'iconographie, Artibus Asiae, 47, 3/4,1986, pp. 147-232.
  • Le cheval et son harnachement dans l'art indien, coédition Caracole-EFEO, Lausanne, 1986, 93 pp.
  • Statistiques de Pondichéry (1822-1824) par A. Bédier et J. Cordier, IFP, Pondichéry, 1988, 398 pp.
  • Historique et Statistique de Karikal (1825) par J. Cordier, vol. II, IFP, Pondichéry, 1989, 428 pp.
  • Military Technology in Hoysala Sculpture, SBISR, New Delhi, 1989, 50 pp. & XXXVI pls.
  • Statistiques de Chandernagor (1823, 1827, 1838) par J. Cordier et A. Bédier, IFP, Pondichéry, 1990, 271 pp.
  • Horses and Riding Equipment in Indian Art, Indian Heritage Trust, Madras, 1990, 27 pp., 53 pls.
  • Wendel's Memoirs on the origin, growth and present state of Jat power in Hindusthan (1768), tr. J. Walker, IFP, Pondichéry, 1991, 154 pp.
  • Comte de Modave's Account of Bengal (1773-1774), tr. P.N. Gosh, Calcutta, 1992, 143 pp.
  • Transport and Communications in India prior to Steam Locomotion, tr. J. Walker, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, vol. I, Land Transport, 1993, 325 pp, vol. II, Water Transport, 1994, 290 pp.
  • Anquetil Duperron, Voyage en Inde (1754-1762). Relation de voyage en préliminaire à la traduction du Zend-Avesta (en collab. avec M et P.S. Filliozat), EFEO-Maisonneuve & Larose, Paris 1997, 530 p.
  • Senji (Gingi), Ville fortifiée du pays tamoul, EFEO-IFP, Paris-Pondichéry, 2000 392-X pages
  • Hindusthan Mein Jaat-Satta (hindi), traduction de Wendel's Memoirs on the origin, growth and present state of Jat power in Hindusthan (1768), en collab. avec Vir Singh, Delhi, 2000, 239 p.
  • Le papier terrier de la ville blanche de Pondichéry, 1777, présentation, analyse du document et établissement du plan parcellaire, I.F.P., Pondichéry, 2002, 175 p.
  • Jean-Baptiste Chevalier (1729-1789,) le dernier champion de la cause française en Inde, co-édition E.F.E.O-Les Indes savantes, Paris, 2003, 192 p.
  • Origins of the Urban Development of Pondicherry acccording to Seventeenth Century Dutch Plans, co-édition I.F.P.- Royal Netherlands Embassy, Pondicherry, 2004 , 57 p.
  • Le vieux Pondichéry (1673-1824) revisité d’après les plans anciens, IFP-EFEO, Pondichéry, 2005, 160 p.
  • Senji (Gingee), A Fortified City in the Tamil Country, IFP-EFEO, Pondichéry, 2005, 391 p.
  • Studies on Fortification in India, IFP-EFEO, Pondichéry, 2007, 267 p.
  • CD-Rom Pondicherry Past and Present / Pondichéry hier et aujourd’hui, collection Indologie 107, Pondichéry, 2007.
  • Adventures of Jean-Baptiste Chevalier in Eastern India (1752-1765), Guwahati,, 2008, 214 p.
  • Four Forts of the Deccan, IFP-EFEO, Pondichéry, 2009, 206 p.
  • Pierre Sonnerat, Nouveau Voyage aux Indes Orientales (1786-1813), IFP-EFEO, Pondichéry, 2010, 377 p.
  • A Study in Nayaka-Period Social Life: Tiruppudaimarudur Paintings and Carvings, IFP-EFEO, Pondichéry, 2011, 137 p., 206 photos
  • History of Technology in India, vol. II, Medieval Period, ed. H. Mukhia, New Delhi, 2012, 7 chapters:

5.2. Coastal Craft and Shipbuilding; 5.3. Inland Navigation: the Gangetic Rivers; 5.4. Boats of the Gangetic Plains; 6.2. Road Engineering and Works; 6.3. Bridge Building in the Indian Subcontinent; Horse Harnessing in the Indian Subcontinent; 7.1. Systems of Fortification in Medieval India.

  • Ancient Fortifications of the Tamil Country as Recorded in Eighteenth Century French Plans, IFP-EFEO, Pondichéry, 2013, 138 p., 4 colour plates, 41 figures, 111 photos.
  • Old Mahé (1721-1817) according to Eighteenth Century French Plans, Pondichéry, 2013, 39 p., 27 colour plates.
  • Contribution to the History of the Wheeled Vehicles in India, IFP-EFEO, Pondichéry (sous presse).


  • Le mémoire de Moracin sur Macilipattanamu: un tableau des conditions économiques et sociales des provinces côtières de l'Andhra au milieu du XVIIIe siècle, BEFEO, t. LXII, 1975, pp. 125-150.
  • Techniques anciennes de constructions navales en Inde: le problème de la liaison des bordages (sources et méthode), CNRS, Asie du Sud, Traditions et changements, Paris, 1979, pp. 33-42.
  • Etudes sur la circulation en Inde, I. Les ponts anciens de l'Inde (addenda et corrigenda), BEFEO, t. LXVI, 1979, pp. 31-44, XII pls.
  • Etudes sur la circulation en Inde, II, Les voitures hoysala, BEFEO, t. LXX, 1981, pp. 13-20, XVIII pls.
  • Etudes sur la circulation en Inde, III, Le bateau de Tirupputaimarutur (Sud de l'Inde), BEFEO, t. LXXII, 1983, pp. 1-11, VIII pls.*
  • Geographical considerations in the localisation of ancient sea-ports in India, IESHR, 20,4, 1983, pp. 39-48. L’article a été reproduit dans R. Chakravarti (ed.), Trade in Early India, O.U.P., New Delhi, 2001, pp. 312-325.
  • Etudes sur la circulation en Inde, IV, Notes sur les sites de quelques ports anciens du pays tamoul, BEFEO, t. LXXIV, 1985, pp. 141-166.
  • Etudes sur la circulation en Inde, V, Le chenal de Pampan et la route de pèlerinage de Ramesvaram : un exemple d'aménagement ancien, BEFEO, t. LXXIV, 1985, pp. 167-182, X pls.
  • Etudes sur la circulation en Inde VI, Bornes milliaires de l'Andhra Prades, réservoirs à eau du Karnataka et monuments religieux du sud liés à la route, BEFEO, t. LXXV, 1986, pp. 37-46, VIII pls.
  • Etudes sur la circulation en Inde, VII, Konkan Warships of the XIth-XVth centuries as represented on memorial stones, BEFEO, t. LXXVI, 1987, pp. 165-184, 14 figs.
  • Ramayana's setu as seen by Appayya Diksita (en collaboration avec P.S. Filliozat), ABORI, Poona, vol. LXVIII, 1987, pp. 457-469.
  • Les relations franco-indiennes à travers l'histoire (exposé présenté à la 3e biennale internationale de l'Alliance Française, New Delhi, 9 mars 1987), délégation générale de l'Alliance Française en Inde.
  • L’Inde au temps de Napoléon, in Jean Tulard, Dictionnaire Napoléon, Paris, Fayard, 1987, éd. 1999, vol. I, pp. 16-18
  • Musical Instruments in Hoysala Sculpture, BEFEO, t. LXXVII, 1988, pp. 57-68, 42 photos.
  • Tiruvannamalai, le site dans sa région, in Tiruvannamalai, un lieu saint sivaïte du sud de l'Inde, EFEO, Paris, 1990, t. II, L'archéologie du site, pp. 1-14.
  • Les voyageurs français et la connaissance de l'Inde moghole aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles ; les débuts de la cartographie scientifique en Inde; la technologie nautique dans l'océan Indien, in Passeurs d'Orient, Encounters between India and France, Paris, 1991, pp. 4-11.
  • Boats and Ships in Bengal Terracota Art, BEFEO, t. LXXVIII, 1991, pp. 1-50, XXVI pls.
  • 18. Etudes sur la circulation en Inde, VIII, De la trouée de Palghat et du plateau de Maisur à la pédiplaine tamoule : liaisons routières anciennes et vestiges de chemin, BEFEO, t. LXXVIII, 1991, pp. 51-85, 40 photos.
  • Wheeled Vehicles and Land Transport in India (XVIth-XIXth centuries), Journal of the Japan-Netherlands Institute, vol. III, 1991, (Papers of the First Conference on the Transfer of Science and Technology between Europe and Asia since Vasco da Gama (1498-1998), pp. 190-206.
  • La France et l'Inde, Trois siècles de dialogue, in G. Zuili et J. Boyé, Pondichéry, Chandernagor, Karikal, Mahé, Yanaon, Les anciens comptoirs français de l'Inde, Paris, 1992, pp. 2-9.
  • Etudes sur les fortifications de l'Inde, I, Les fortifications de l'Inde ancienne, BEFEO, t. LXXIX. 1, 1992, pp. 89-131.
  • Itinerary Measures and Milestones in Thirteenth Century Tamil Country, in Pandit N.R. Bhatt Felicitation Volume, Delhi, 1994, pp. 596-603, 7 photos.
  • Bridge-Building in Nineteenth Century India : Indigenous Empiricism and European Technology, in Yamada Keiji (ed.),The Transfer of Science and Technology between Europe and Asia, 1780-1880, The second Conference on the Transfer of Science and Technology between Europe and Asia since Vasco da Gama (1498-1998), Kyoto, Nov. 3-7, 1992, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 1994, pp. 95-115.
  • Etudes sur les fortifications de l'Inde, II, Les monts fortifiés du Maisur méridional, première partie, BEFEO, t. 81, 1994, pp. 219-266, 73 photos.
  • Etudes sur les fortifications de l'Inde, II, Les monts fortifiés du Maisur méridional, deuxième partie, BEFEO, t. 82, 1995, pp.231-262, 24 photos.
  • The Grand Trunk Road in History, in Raghubir Singh, The Grand Trunk Road, a passage through India, Aperture, New York, 1995, pp. 8-13.
  • Iconographic evidence on the development of Boat and Ship structures in India (2nd c. B.C.-15th c. A.D.) : a New Approach, in H. Ray & J. F. Salles (ed.), Tradition and Archaeology, Early Maritime Contacts in the Indian Ocean, New Delhi, 1996, pp. 199-224.
  • Human Porterage in India, The India Magazine, vol. XVI, N° 3-4, February-March 1996, pp. 44-50.
  • Mysore Hill Forts (1400-1800), paper presented at the 9th International Seminar on Indo-Portuguese History which was held at the Indian Science Academy, New Delhi, December 1998, New Delhi, 2000.
  • Senji (Gingee) New Researches on Fortified City, PUSH, Pondicherry University Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. I, Number 1 & 2, January & July 2000, pp. 83-92.
  • Leschenault de Latour, Notice historique, statistique et commerciale sur les établissements français dans les Indes, avril 1815 (établissement du texte et présentation), Revue historique de Pondichéry, vol. XX, 2001, 1ère partie, pp. 7-31.
  • Milestones of the Mughal Period in the Haidarabad Region (Andhra Pradesh), in The Portuguese, Indian Ocean and European Bridgeheads, 1500-180, Festschrift in Honour of Professor K.S. Mathew, Fundaçao Oriente, Tellicherry, 2001, pp. 549-557.
  • Etudes sur les fortifications de l’Inde, III, La fortification hindoue dans le Sud de l’Inde (Ve-XVIIIe siècle), B.E.F.E.O., t. 88, 2001, pp. 77-134.
  • The true Toponymy of the Senji Region, PUSH, Pondicherry University Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 3, Number 1, January 2002, pp. 65-74.
  • Etudes sur les fortifications de l’Inde, IV, La fortification musulmane dans le Dekkan méridional (XVe-XVIIIe siècle), B.E.F.E.O., t. 89, 2002, pp.
  • Senji in the days of the Nayakas :the Urban centre, PUSH, Pondicherry University Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 4, Number 1, 2003, pp. 75-95.
  • Gunpowder Artillery and Military architecture in South India (15-18th century), Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 40, No. 4, Decembre 2005, p. 573-595.
  • Mysore Hill Forts (1400-1800) in L. Varadarajan, Indo-Portuguese Encounters, Journeys in Science,Technology and Culture, New Delhi, 2006, pp. 796-817.
  • Old Pondicherry : New Evidence, New Interpretations, Revue historique de Pondichéry, vol. XXII, 2007, pp. 125-135.
  • Etudes sur les fortifications de l’Inde, V, La forteresse de Daulatabad au Maharashtra, B.E.F.E.O. 2005, t.92 , pp. 181-239.
  • Water Resources in the Hill Forts of South India (14-18th century), Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 43, No. 1, March 2008, pp. 43-56.
  • Du village indien au comptoir de la Compagnie des Indes, Pondichéry (1673-1824), in G. Le Bouédec & B. Nicolas (édit.), Le goût de l’Inde , Rennes, 2008, pp.116-125.
  • Stable-Ships of Tiruppudaimarudur and Tirukkurunkudi (South India), Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 44. No 4, December 2009, pp. 551-567.
  • The Water-Works of Senji Fort (16th-18th century), Revue Historique de Pondichéry, vol. XXIII, 2009, pp. 83-87.
  • Roman Trade Routes in South India: Geographical and Technical Factors (c. 1st century B.C. - 5th century A.D.), Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 45. No 1, March 2010, pp. 34-46.
  • Journal de route de Tranquebar à Madras (1765) par Louis Bruno, Revue Historique de Pondichéry, vol. XXIV, 2010, pp. 63-95.
  • Silting and Ancient Sea-Ports of the Tamil Country, Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 47, No 2, June 2012, pp. 261-269.
  • Water Supply Systems of the Senji (Ginge) Fort in the Tamil Country (16th-19th Century, Indian Journal of History of Science (sous presse).


  • Cordier, Historique et Statistique de Karikal, vol. I, 1971, in IESHR, vol. X, No.1, 1973, pp. 96-97.
  • H.K. Naqvi, Urban Centres and Industries in Upper India, 1556-1803, 1968; H.K. Naqvi, Urbanisation and Urban Centres under the Great Mughals, 1972, in Journal Asiatique, 1978, pp. 198-201.
  • A.C. Roy, A History of Mughal Navy and Naval Warfares, 1972; B.K. Apte, History of the Maratha Navy and Merchantships, 1973, in Journal Asiatique, 1978, 201-204. et aussi in IESHR, vol. XV, N°4, pp. 530-533.
  • S. Gole, Early maps of India, 1976, in Journal Asiatique, 1978, pp. 204-206.
  • Moti Chandra, Trade and Trade Routes in Ancient India, 1977; B. Srivastava, Trade and Commerce in Ancient India, 1968, P.C. Prasad,Foreign Trade and Commerce in Ancient India, 1977; A.K.M. Farooque, Roads and Communications in Mughal India, 1977, in Journal Asiatique, 1978, pp. 381-388.
  • A.K.M. Farooque, Roads and Communications in Mughal India, 1977, in IESHR, vol. XV, N°1, 1978, pp. 120-122.
  • P.C. Prasad, Foreign Trade and Commerce in Ancient India, 1977, in IESHR, vol. XV, N°1, 1978, pp. 127-132.
  • S. Khadirvel, A History of the Maravas (1700-1802), 1977, in Journal Asiatique, 1979, pp. 220-221., et aussi in IESHR, vol. XIX, N° 3&4, 1982, pp. 422-424.
  • P.V. Bedge, Ancient and Medieval Town-Planning in India, 1977, in Journal Asiatique, 1980, pp. 189-192.
  • S.P. Verma, Art and Material Culture in the Paintings of Akbar, 1978, in Journal Asiatique, 1980, pp. 192-193.
  • F. Bernier, Voyage dans les Etats du Grand Mogol (éd. F. Bhattacharya), 1981, in Journal Asiatique, 1982, pp. 193-195.
  • I. Habib, An Atlas of the Mughal Empire, 1982, in IESHR, vol. XIX, N° 3&4, 1982, pp. 408-411.
  • Trois romans historiques sur l'Inde: M. Larneuil, Roman de la Begum Sombre, 1981, R. Vincent, Le temps d'un royaume, Jeanne Dupleix, 1982, I. Frain,Le Nabab, 1982, in Journal Asiatique, 1983, pp. 395-398.
  • H.C. Verma, Medieval Routes to India : Baghdad to Delhi, a Study of Trade and Military Routes, 1984, in Journal Asiatique, 1984, pp. 461-464.
  • M. Vignes, L'histoire du nabab René Madec, 1983, in Journal Asiatique, 1984, pp. 464-465.
  • S. Chandra (ed.), The Indian Ocean, Explorations in History, Commerce and Politics, 1987, in The Indian Historical Review, vol. XIII, 1986-87, pp. 266-268.
  • François Martin , Mémoires, Travels to Africa, Persia and India, 1664-1670, ed. & tr. A. Ray, 1990; India in the 17th c., Memoirs of François Martin, tr. & annot. L. Varadarajan, 1981-85, vol. I, parts 1&2, vol. II, parts 1&2, in BEFEO, 1991, t. LXXVIII, pp. 342-346.
  • Jean-Marie Lafont, La présence française dans le royaume sikh du Penjab, 1822-1849, in BEFEO, t. 81, 1994, pp. 383-386.
  • Indrani Ray, The French East India Company and the Trade of the Indian Ocean, a collection of Essays, Lakshmi Subrahmaniam ( éd.), 1999, in BEFEO, t. 86, 1999, pp. 475-476/
  • George Michell and Mark Zebrowski, Architecture and Art of the Deccan Sultanates, The New Cambridge History of India, in Arts asiatiques, vol. 55; 2000, pp.182-184.
  • Dominic J.Davison-Jenjins, The Irrigation and Water Supply Systems of Vijayanagara, Manohar American Institute of Indian Studies, New Delhi, 1997 313 pp., dont 122 texte et 91 pp. d’illustrations, B.E.F.E.O., 2001, pp. 357-359.
  • S. Jeyaseela Stephen, Letters of the Portuguese Jesuits from Tamil countryside (1666-1688), translated from Original Portuguese, Pondicherry, Institute for Indo-European Studies, 2001, 390 p., B.E.F.E.O., 2001, pp. 382-383.
  • Préface au livre de S. de Bourbon & Lucien Jailloux, Les Bourbons de l’Inde, éditions Christian, Paris, 2003, p. 5-6.
  • Préface au livre de P. Bourdat, Les grandes pages du Journal d’Ananda Ranga Pillai, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2003, p. 7-8.
  • Himanshu Prabha Ray, (ed.) Archaeology of Seafaring : The Indian Ocean in the Ancient Period, ICHR, Delhi, 1999, pp.352, The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 41, 2 (2004), pp. 225-227.
  • Subash Parihar, Land Transport in Mughal India, Agra Lahore Mughal Highway and its Architectural Remains, Aryan Books International, New Delhi, 2008, 353 pp, 68 figures, 16 colour plates, 143 monochromes plates, The Hindu, 28-02-2008.
  • R. Balasubramaniam, The Saga of Indian Cannons, Aryan Books International, New Delhi, 2008, 332 pp., hundreds of illustrations in colour and black and white, Current Science, vol. 95, No.2, 25 July 2008, pp. 261-262.


  • Old Pondicherry (1673-1824) Revisited, 9 colour panels, Pondichéry, 2004.
  • Old Mahé (1721-1817) according to Eighteenth Century French Plans, 8 colour panels, Pondichéry, 2013.

Biographical note on Jean Deloche on the EFEO website
Conference by Jean Deloche at Lorient on June 6th, 2007
Conference by Jean Deloche at the third biennal celebration of the Alliance Française at New Delhi on March 9th, 1987 on the CIDIF website
2008 List of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres award winners : HIRAYAMA Prize awarded to Jean Deloche

Categories:Orientalism Indology