Robert Dilts
Born1955 (1955)
Occupation(s)Author, Professional speaker

Robert Dilts (born March 21, 1955) has been a developer, author, trainer and consultant in the field of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) since its creation in 1975 by John Grinder and Richard Bandler.

Dilts has made many personal contributions to the field of NLP including the authorship of the Encyclopedia of Systemic NLP. He is best known for his work on beliefs and strategies.

Dilts is the author of numerous books including Sleight of Mouth on a set of language patterns for shifting beliefs, Changing Belief Systems with NLP, Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-Being with Tim Hallbom[1] and Suzi Smith and many others. He is also the primary author of NLP, Volume 1 with Richard Bandler, John Grinder and Judith Delozier.

He founded Behavioral Engineering - a software company with William Hanley in 1981. There he developed numerous education software programs. Math and Spelling Strategy were licensed by Apple Computer as part of its Special Delivery Software.

As a student at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) in the 1970s, Dilts was the author of the comic strip "Jimmy the Geek".[1] Dilts graduated from UCSC in 1979.[2]




  1. Hall, L. Michael (1995/2000). Meta-States: Mastering the Higher Levels of Mind, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  2. Hall, L. Michael (1996). Dragon-Slaying: Dragons to Princes, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  3. Hall, L. Michael (1996). The Spirit of NLP: The Process, Meaning and Criteria for Mastering NLP, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  4. Hall, L. Michael (1996). Languaging: The Linguistics of Psychotherapy, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  5. Hall, L. Michael (1996). Becoming More Ferocious as a Presenter, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  6. Hall, L. Michael; Bodenhamer, Bobby (1997/2006). Time-Lining: Advance Time-Line Processes, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  7. Hall, L. Michael (1997/2001). NLP: Going Meta, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  8. Hall, L. Michael; Bodenhamer, Bobby (1997/2005). Figuring Out People: Reading People Using Meta-Programs, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  9. Hall, L. Michael; Belnap, Barbara P. (1997). SourceBook of Magic, Volume I, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  1. Hall, L. Michael; Bodenhamer, Bobby (1997/2005). Mind-Lines: Lines For Changing Minds', Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  2. Hall, L. Michael (1998). The Secrets of Magic, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  3. Hall, L. Michael (2001). Communication Magic, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  4. Hall, L. Michael (1997-1999). Meta-State Magic: Meta-State Journal, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  5. Hall, L. Michael; Bodenhamer, Bobby (1997). When Sub-Modalities Go Meta, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  6. Hall, L. Michael; Lederer, Debra (1999). Instant Relaxation: How to Reduce Stress at Work, at Home and In Your Daily Life, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  7. Hall, L. Michael; Bodenhamer, Bobby (1999). User's Manual of the Brain: Volume I, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  8. Hall, L. Michael

L. Michael Hall; Bobby Bodenhamer; Bolstad;Richard; Hamblett, Margot (2001). The Structure of Personality: Personality Ordering and Disordering Using NLP & Neuro-Semantics, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.

  1. Hall, L. Michael (2000). The Secrets of Personal Mastery, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  2. Hall, L. Michael (2007). Winning the Inner Game, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  3. Hall, L. Michael (2001). Games Fit and Slim People Play, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  1. Hall, L. Michael (2001). Games for Mastering Fear, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  2. Hall, L. Michael (2001). Games Business Experts Play, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  3. Hall, L. Michael (2003). The Matrix Model: Neuro-Semantics and the Construction of Meaning, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  4. Hall, L. Michael (2002). User's Manual of the Brain, Volume II, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  5. Hall, L. Michael (2002). MovieMind: Directing Your Mental Cinemas, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  6. Hall, L. Michael (2002). The Bateson Report, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  7. Hall, L. Michael (2002). Make it So! Closing the Knowing-Doing Gap, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  8. Hall, L. Michael (2003). Source Book of Magic, Volume II, Neuro-Semantic Patterns, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  9. Hall, L. Michael (2003). Propulsion Systems, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  10. Hall, L. Michael (2004). Games Great Lovers Play, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  1. Hall, L. Michael (1985). Emotions: Sometimes I Have Them/Sometimes They Have Me, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  2. Hall, L. Michael (1987). Motivation: How to be a Positive Influence in a Negative World, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  3. Hall, L. Michael (1987). Speak Up, Speak Clear, Speak Kind, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  4. Hall, L. Michael (1996). Apocalypse Then, Not Now, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  5. Hall, L. Michael (1996). Over My Dead Body, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  1. Hall, L. Michael; Duval, Michelle (2002). Meta-Coaching Vol. 1: Coaching Change, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  2. Hall, L. Michael; Duval, Michelle; Dilts, Robert (2011), Meta-Coaching Vol. 2: Coaching Conversation (3rd ed.), Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  3. Hall, L. Michael (2007). Unleashed: How to Unleash Potentials for Peak Performances, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  4. Hall, L. Michael (2008). Self-Actualization Psychology: The Psychology of the Bright Side of Human Nature, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  5. Hall, L. Michael (2009). Achieving Peak Performance: The Science and Art of Higher Levels of Performance, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  6. Hall, L. Michael (2009). Unleashing Leadership: Self-Actualizing Leaders and Companies, Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  7. Hall, L. Michael (2010). The Crucible and the Fires of Change', Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  8. Hall, L. Michael (2011). Benchmarking: The Art of Measuring the Unquantifiable', Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  9. Hall, L. Michael; Gambardella, Pascal (2011). Innovations in NLP: Volume I', Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  10. Hall, L. Michael (2011). Neuro-Semantics: Actualizing Meaning and Performance', Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.
  11. Hall, L. Michael (2012). Systemic Coaching: Coaching the Whole Person with Meta-Coaching', Neuro-Semantic Publication, Clifton, CO.


  1. Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A New Psychotherapy, 1978, Realities Conference Presentation Papers, San Francisco, CA.
  2. Dilts, Robert, Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Organizational Development, 1979, Organizational Development Network Conference Presentation Papers, New York, NY.
  3. Dilts, Robert, Let NLP Work for You, Real Estate Today, February, 1982, Volume 15, Number 2.
  4. Green, J.D. & Dilts, Robert, Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Family Therapy, in Family Counseling and Therapy, Horne & Olsen editors, 1982, Peacock Publishers, Inc., Itasca, IL.
  5. Dilts, Robert & Epstein, Todd, NLP in Training Groups, 1989, Dynamic Learning Publications, Ben Lomond, CA.
  6. Hollander, Jaap & Dilts, Robert, NLP & Life Extension: Modeling Longevity, 1990, Dynamic Learning Publications, Ben Lomond, CA.
  7. Dilts, Robert & Feldenkrais, Moshe, NLP of the Body, 1990, Dynamic Learning Publications, Ben Lomond, CA.
  8. Dilts, Robert, Applications of NLP in Health: Overview of the Seven C’s Model, Anchor Point, August 1992, Salt Lake City, UT
  9. Dilts, Robert, NLP and Self-Organization Theory, Anchor Point, June 1995, Salt Lake City, UT.
  10. Dilts, Robert, NLP, Self-Organization and Strategies of Change Management, Anchor Point, July 1995, Salt Lake City, UT.
  11. Dilts, Robert, Dynamic Assessment, Anchor Point, October 1995, Salt Lake City, UT.
  12. Dilts, Robert, Bringing Light Into The Darkness: The Principle of Positive Intention, Anchor Point, December 1995, Salt Lake City, UT.
  13. Dilts, Robert, Modeling the Wisdom of Jesus, Anchor Point, February 1996, Salt Lake City, UT.
  14. Dilts, Robert, Thought Viruses, Mental Maps and Health, Anchor Point, March–April 1996, Salt Lake City, UT.
  15. Dilts, Robert, Darwin’s Thinking Path, Anchor Point, November 1996, Salt Lake City, UT.
  16. Dilts, Robert & DeLozier, Judith, Map and Territory, co-authored, Anchor Point, May & June 1997, Salt Lake City, UT.
  17. Dilts, Robert, The Process of Reimprinting, Anchor Point, July & August 1997, Salt Lake City, UT.
  18. Dilts, Robert, Time Lines, Anchor Point, October 1997, Salt Lake City, UT.
  19. Dilts, Robert, NLP and Intellectual Property, Anchor Point, December 1997, Salt Lake City, UT.
  20. Dilts, Robert & DeLozier, Judith, The Evolution of Perceptual Positions, co-authored, Anchor Point, September 1998, Salt Lake City, UT.
  21. Dilts, Robert, Transderivational Morphology, Anchor Point, May, 1999, Salt Lake City, UT.
  22. Dilts, Robert, Research and NLP, The Health Attractor Journal, September 1999, Salt Lake City, UT.

Notes and references

  1. ^ "Index to Comic Art Collection: "Gee" to "Geezil"". Michigan State University Libraries Special Collections Division. Archived from the original on 2007-08-29. Retrieved 2007-09-18.
  2. ^