
Diddle kid is a young superhero created by Game Grumps

Diddle Kid is a Fictional Character invented by the popular YouTubers called Game Grumps. Diddle Kid is a young superhero who saves cities from mainly hostage situations but can also perform many other his heroic tasks.

His superpowers however are limited but powerful, using his great power of stupidity he can almost defeat any other enemy. Diddle Kid's Main arch nemesis is the Diddler (who is often mistaken for the DC villain The Riddler.

Recent Fights


In a recent fight between the Diddler and Diddle Kid, the Diddler held a city captive. Batman was called by local police but instead Diddle Kid was the only one available to save the city from captivity. The Diddler terrorised many people in the city by mocking them and making fun of them. Later in the fight Diddle Kid and The Diddler where surrounded by policemen. The policeman couldn't decide which one to shoot, the Diddler and Diddle Kid both asked to be shot but Diddle Kid (using his superior powers) got The Diddler shot by the policeman. The following day Diddle Kid and the Police Officers who shot the Diddler were decorated as heroes in the city.



Diddle Kid thinks that Batman is an expensive superhero who doesn't appreciate helping others. Diddle Kid claims that he is much cheaper and that he is much better.