
Preventive Strategies




One of the main ways to prevent OSD is to check the participant's flexibility in their quadriceps and hamstrings. Lack of flexibility in these muscles can be direct risk indicator for OSD. Muscles can shorten, which can cause pain but this is not permanent.[1] Stretches can help reduce shortening of the muscles. The main stretches for prevention of OSD focus on the hamstrings and quadriceps. [2]



This test can see various warning signs that predict if OSD might occur. Some of the things that ultrasonography can detect if there is any swelling that has occurred within the tissue as well as cartilage swelling. [3] Ultrasonography's main goal is to identify OSD in the early stage rather than later on. It has unique features such as detection of an increase of swelling within the tibia or the cartilage surrounding the area and can also see if there is new bone starting to build up around the tibial tuberosity.

This picture is an example of how to stretch the quadriceps muscle.
  1. ^ Lucena, G. L., Gomes, C. A., & Guerro R. O. (2010). Prevelance and Associated Factors of Osgood-Schlatter Syndrome in a Population-Based Sample of Brazilian Adolescents. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 39, 415-420. doi: 10.1177/0363546510383835.
  2. ^ Kabiri, L., Tapley, H., & Taplay, S. (2014). Evaluation and conservative treatment for Osgood-Schlatter disease: A critical review of the literature. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 21, 91-96.
  3. ^ Nakase, J., Aiba, T., Goshisma, K., Takahashi, R., Toratani, T., Kosaka, M., Ohashi, Y. & Tsuchiya, H. (2014). Relationship between the skeletal maturation of the distal attachment of the patellar tendon and physical features in preadolescent male football players. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 22, 195-199. doi: 10.1007/500167-012-2353-3.