
Starting Value Hero Limit Veteran Limit Epic Limit
PHY 5 7 8 8
SPD 6 7 7 7
STR 4 6 7 8
AGL 3 5 6 7
PRW 4 5 6 7
POI 4 5 6 7
INT 3 5 6 7
ARC 4 6 8
PER 3 5 6 7
Height Weight
Male 5 ft. 1 in. - 6 ft. 3 in. 110 - 200 lbs.
Female 4 ft. 7 in. - 5 ft. 9 in. 90 - 170 lbs.

Humans are by far the predominant race living in the Iron Kingdoms, and perhaps across Caen itself, as they have been observed on several continents. Mankind has been prevalent in western Immoren for as long as legends have been told, with civilizations stretching back six thousand years and untold millennia before that as nomadic tribes. Humans are an adaptable and hardy race capable of a broad range of careers ad thriving in every geography, from the frozen northern mountains to the arid desert wastes. Humans have been at the forefront of invention and pioneered many of the technologies that the nations of the region rely upon, including alchemy and mechanika.

The five Iron Kingdoms were the inheritors of the Thousand Cities Era, a time when countless petty fiefdoms emerged across the region. This has given rise to the proliferation of human ethnicities and cultures, each proud of its history. Many of the people of western Immoren have distinct physical traits and can be recognized on sight.

Humans come in a wide range of appearances, with great variance in skin pigmentation, height, hair and eye color, and body build. Most Immorese humans have pale of olive skin, but there are those who are exceptionally pale and others with very dark skin. Hair colors are usually shades of brown but include black, red, blond, and many shades between. Humans identify whit one another more by shared languages and nationality than by superficial physical distinctions.



Humans are able to take the Gifted, Intellectual, Mighty, and Skilled archetypes.



A Human starts the game with two languages: his native language and one other he has picked up in his travels. If a character is from Cygnar or the Protectorate, his native language is Cygnarian/Sulese. If he is from Khador, his native tongue is Khadoran. If the character is from Llael, he speaks Llaelese. If he is from Ord, he speaks Ordic. A character from isolated or distinct tribes speaks the language of his people.

Additional Characteristics

  • Exceptional Potential – Humans are extremely adaptable and talented individuals. You character begins the game with your choice of +1 PHY, +1 AGL, or +1 INT. Add this bonus before spending Advancement Points. Note this bonus does not increase the character's racial maximum, just the starting value.


Starting Value Hero Limit Veteran Limit Epic Limit
PHY 6 7 7 8
SPD 4 5 6 6
STR 5 6 7 8
AGL 3 5 6 7
PRW 4 5 6 7
POI 3 4 5 6
INT 4 5 6 7
ARC 4 6 7
PER 3 4 6 7
Height Weight
Male 4 ft. 4 in. - 5 ft. 0 in. 150 - 190 lbs.
Female 3 ft. 11 in. - 4 ft. 7 in. 105 - 145 lbs.

Dwarves are the sturdy and long-lived folk who hail from the northern nation of Rhul, a sprawling mountainous civilization based around extended family clans. Rhul is the longest enduring and stable civilization in western Immoren. Rhulfolk, as dwarves are commonly known, are stalwart in body and demeanor and generally optimistic about overcoming hardship or obstacles. They readily embrace mechanika, steam power, and manufacturing. They are relatively slow innovators but have shown superlative skill in adapting and improving upon these fields. Most dwarves take considerable pride in their individual areas of expertise, whatever they may be; preforming good work is a core value of their culture. This has led to Rhul's reputation for fine crafted goods as well as exceptionally disciplined and professional mercenaries and soldiers. there is truth to the dwarven reputation as a law-abiding people. Primacy of law is vital in Rhul, where arbitration is overseen by the priests of the progenitor gods with sacred solemnity. Most dwarves do not make idle promises. This has encouraged a fondness for negotiating detailed contracts that other races may find tedious. Rhulic law includes stipulations for settling disputes by violent duels and feuds, which has led to martial traditions being enthusiastically embraced by all walks of life. Rhulfolk have been living in human cities for sentries and face no real discrimination. The solidarity of the Rhulic people is well known and well deserved, as even strangers will go to great lengths to look after one another. Physically dwarves are shorter on average than humans, but they make up for it by being quite stout in frame. They can expect to live about half again as long as humans. Dwarves demonstrate a similar range of skin tones and hair colors as human ethnicities in the same northern regions. Most Rhulfolk have a pragmatic attitude toward clothing, armor, and weapons and prefer function over ostentation.



Dwarves are able to take the Gifted, Intellectual, Mighty, and Skilled archetypes.



A dwarf starts the game with two languages: Rhulic and one other he has picked up in his travels.

Additional Characteristics

  • Load Bearing – Dwarf characters start the game with the Load Bearing ability. This ability is in addition to any others the character gains from his starting career.
  • Connections (clan) – Dwarf characters begin with Connection (dwaven clan). This is in addition to any other connections the character starts with.


Starting Value Hero Limit Veteran Limit Epic Limit
PHY 5 7 8 8
SPD 6 7 7 7
STR 5 6 7 8
AGL 3 5 6 7
PRW 4 5 6 7
POI 3 4 5 6
INT 3 5 6 7
ARC 4 6 7
PER 3 5 6 7
Height Weight
Female 4 ft. 7 in. - 5 ft. 9 in. 100 - 160 lbs.

Satyxis are fearsome women from the island of Satyx, a legendary place hidden somewhere among the fog-shrouded Scharde Islands. Theirs is an ancient race, known for its cruelty and skill in combat. Once they were human, but for over a thousand years they have been known as the foremost living servants of Lord Toruk. They are easily distinguished by the twisted horns growing from their skulls, a physical manifestation of the dragon blight that transformed their race.

Some mainlanders think the Satyxis’ form is connected to Toruk, but this blight originates from a different dragon, now deceased. In 1650 BR, over six centuries before the founding of Cryx, the Dragonfather battled the white dragon Shazkz in the skies over Satyx. Though Shazkz tried to defend himself, Toruk savaged the lesser dragon and consumed his essence. Blighted blood rained down on the island. The lands were corrupted and changed, the sands poisoned, and the men of Satyx withered into malformed husks. The women of the island, though, changed in different ways. They became something inhuman, growing their characteristic horns and having their already heightened cruelty twisted and refined into something truly terrifying. When Toruk came to claim the island as part of his domain, the Satyxis queen was quick to join the fate of her people to the great dragon, offering him warriors and worship. From that day forward, many skilled Satyxis raiders have sailed among Cryxian pirate fleets as sea reavers. Their society is inextricably bound up in blood rituals and cycles of predation upon those living on the mainland, making them feared and despised by the majority of non-Cryxians. Satyxis are killed on sight in most mainland towns and cities and are treated warily even in those few pirate dens where they are sometimes seen.



Satyxis are able to take the Gifted, Mighty, and Skilled archetypes.



Satyxis start the game with three languages: Satyxi, Scharde, and one other they have picked up in their travels. Satyxi is generally used only for communication between Satyxis and in rituals and is not widely spoken

Additional Characteristics
