
Chad MEnsinger RA2


          The first new source I used was on how the government officials were not putting the right stats out. Greece was lying about their borrowing so they could get rid of political meddling (Emmott 2012).  Unlike Wikipedia this source goes into detail on one specific part of the cause of the debt crisis.  From reading the new source I learned that Eurostat had been noticing a strange thing going on with Greece's statistical number and would change for the worse when they figured it out.  Once this had been going on for to long the government officials realized they needed help and needed to gain the trust of the investors back.  The crisis showed us that credible statistics is very important to the government so they can figure out what and where the problems are so they can fix them before they get worse (Emmott 2012).  
          This second source has a lot of detail on Greece's GDP and it was published on the 2nd of Oct 2012 so it is as present as it gets.  This source is saying that with each step Greece is taking forward it is making it even harder for Athens to make the numbers align (Baker 2012).  This article just gives way more detail about how the whole country is struggling and that while Greece is making any improvements it is making it harder on Athens to make any progress.  Wikipedia just said that Greece's GDP growth rates were lower while the new source talks about how low they are how these numbers effect all of Europe and what may happen to Greece if they keep on this path (Baker 2012)
          Wikipedia had good facts but they were quite broad.  I researched one sub note in the wikipedia page and came up with a very defiant source that talks about how the debt is sweeping across Europe and therefore depriving the euro.  Protests have been popping up all through Europe: France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain (Callinicos 2012).  Reading this I learned that Greece has a very strong workers movement which is why there is so much resistance in changing (Callinicos 2012). This talks about more of how many countries are becoming infected by the Greece disease and that it is going to be really hard to find a result to this problem (Callinicos 2012).      



Callinicos, A. (2012, October 02). The debt crisis spreads from greece across europe. Socialist Worker U.K.

Baker, L. (2012, October 02). One step forward, two back for Greece on debt. Fox Business

Emmott, R. (2012, April 17). Europe tries to come clean on economic statistics. Reuters Camcsum (talk) 15:59, 3 October 2012 (UTC)