Some Wikipedians may wonder wot iym abart. So, in strict chronological order, here are some significant life moments that have helped shape me:

  • I was born in Jamaica. Expelled from my mother feet first in what is known as breech birth.
  • I was obviously male.
  • I was blue initially, then pink. A Caucasian.
  • I was two weeks old when rushed to hospital after some serious projectile vomiting. I had pyloric stenosis.
  • I died during the surgical procedure, pyloromyotomy, to correct the stenosis. My heart stopped beating and I turned blue again.
  • I was urgently and intensely attended to until I turned pink again.
  • I took receipt of a puppy which I named "Midge". Because, my parents told me later, evening midges and mosquitoes were buzzing about when one landed on my arm and I promptly swatted exclaiming "naughty Midge!"; my puppy came bounding up to me. Midge later proved to be a crucial addition to my life...
  • I lost the end of one of my fingers when a door slammed shut during a hurricane.
  • I loved evenings spent on our verandah listening to father, an engineer, fine trumpeter and composer, play modern jazz and calypso with local as well as American and European musicians.
  • I fell drunk into our swimming pool during a party after drinking the dregs from peoples glasses/bottles. My constant companion, Midge, alerted some kind people.
  • I was dragged from the water and found to be blue again.
  • I was pumped a lot and had air forced into my lungs before I turned pink again.
  • I was later handled by Noel Coward...I simply adore his music and lyrics.
  • I received a donkey to ride upon around the Ewarton countryside as I tended to wander off alone for hours collecting plants, insects and smelly dead things. I named my donkey "Pedro".
  • I became inconsolable when Pedro was killed by a sugar cane lorry and Midge seriously injured. Thrown clear as Pedro took the impact, I suffered only minor cuts and bruises.
  • I think mother came close to a nervous breakdown soon after this incident when my sister ate Belladonna flowers and almost died. Though my poisoned sister allegedly tried running across the ceiling, she was kept in a bath of ice for a day to reduce her temperature and hallucinations. The whole neighbourhood ferried ice from their fridges to keep her from dying.
  • I and my sister were hurriedly brought to England by my parents.
  • I immediately detested the British weather which, in return, displayed its detestation of me and promptly gave me Pneumonia.
  • I endured months of near insufferable pain due to surgery which needed to be corrected twice in Guy's Hospital, London.
  • I discovered "Systema Naturae" by Carolus Linnaeus amongst my grandparents books during a long period of convalescence.
  • I was given the King James Bible to read and encouraged to think about it.
  • I determined myself an atheist by the time I had reached the end of the Old Testament.
  • I loved natural history. A passion which had developed whilst immersing myself in the flora and fauna of Jamaica.
  • I knew I was Homosexual by the age of 8 (well, bi-sexual really but some within what's called the gay community think that's a cop-out)
  • I finally reached the age of ten!
  • I had also concluded I would be a firm believer in Free Speech.
  • I was opposed to any form of Censorship.
  • I had read all the English, French, American and Russian literary classics and more besides.
  • I was by now proficient at seducing talk and debate hike and camp listen and discuss music explore my sexuality with.
  • I was an avid lover of music and hitch-hiked to the Isle of Wight Festival to see Jimi Hendrix perform - I was thoroughly disappointed with him and highly impressed by the lyrical genius of Joni Mitchell.
  • I travelled to Trinidad with father as he had work to complete at the Texaco Oil Refinery near San Fernando. We sat sweltering in the plane on the airport runway as I watched the Trinidadian police accompany Abdul Malik (Michael X) from somewhere at the airport to a waiting vehicle. This was to be the closest I ever got to seeing a bit of Islamic radicalism.
  • I rejected any and all fundamentalist ideologies. They disturb strong antipathies in an atheist.
  • I suffered alcohol poisoning during the Trinidadian carnival and lost two days of consciousness. As if my first encounter with alcohol hadn't been bad enough! I have not touched alcohol since.
  • I returned to England sobbing on the plane as the captain announced the temperatures in Port of Spain: 80ºF and London: below 32ºF.
  • I evolved into a political activist and held memberships with several pressure groups. Including, CND, Anti-Nazi League, Gay Liberation Front and other Human Rights groups which splintered. Don't they all?
  • I would most probably have been described by some ignorant people as a Leftist.
  • I was really an humanitarian.
  • I had no political, nationalist, religious or other bias to endanger my humanitarianism.
  • I was not a Hippy.
  • I grew my hair long only to get wolf-whistled by some builders one day. Flattered.
  • I nevertheless had my hair cut promptly as I was not female. If I were going to get fucked by anyone...they had to know what it was they were fucking.
  • I did use LSD on a number of occasions. Though I did not use any other recreational drugs.
  • I am now pausing to make a cup of tea.
  • Oh, before I nip off, I should say:
  • I have been joined in Civil Partnership by a Jewish man I enjoy enormously.
  • I will be back later...