User:Cac3tus/Books/North Africa

North Africa

Timeline of events preceding World War II
Events preceding World War II in Asia
Events preceding World War II in Europe
Timeline of World War II (1939)
Timeline of World War II (1940)
Timeline of World War II (1941)
Timeline of World War II (1942)
Timeline of World War II (1943)
Timeline of World War II (1944)
Timeline of World War II (1945)
Timeline of the Eastern Front of World War II
List of military engagements of World War II
List of World War II military operations
Mediterranean and Middle East theatre of World War II
Military history of Italy during World War II
Royal Italian Army (1940–46)
North African Campaign
Western Desert Campaign
Operation Torch
Tunisia Campaign
Italian invasion of Egypt
Operation Compass
Operation Sonnenblume
Siege of Tobruk
Operation Brevity
Operation Battleaxe
Operation Crusader
Battle of Gazala
First Battle of El Alamein
Battle of Alam el Halfa
Second Battle of El Alamein
Battle of El Agheila
Run for Tunis
Battle of Sidi Bou Zid
Battle of Kasserine Pass
Battle of Medenine
Operation Pugilist
Battle of El Guettar
Battle of Wadi Akarit
Order of Battle
Order of Battle, East African Campaign (World War II)
Operation Brevity order of battle
Battle of Crete order of battle
Syria-Lebanon Campaign order of battle
Operation Battleaxe order of battle
Operation Crusader order of battle
Battle of Alam el Halfa order of battle
Second Battle of El Alamein order of battle
Operation Husky order of battle
Allied invasion of Italy order of battle
Moro River Campaign order of battle
Battle of Monte Cassino order of battle January 1944
Anzio order of battle
Second Battle of Monte Cassino order of battle February 1944
Operation Diadem order of battle
Operation Dragoon order of battle
Gothic Line order of battle
Operation Grapeshot order of battle
Erwin Rommel
Albert Kesselring
Georg Stumme
Ettore Bastico
François Darlan
8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37/41