Briefs4reskin is a fictional character.



Esty Figaro encounters a monolith on Jupiter. He is then instantly aged and on his deathbed. He points to a monolith and suddenly becomes a fetus, which is transported to Earth in the womb.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in someone's room, where a person had started fixing his figure. He then realised that he had been put inside a computer. Owner of this computer have renamed him Briefs4reskin. He is referred to as B4 for short.

At first, it was a tight fit, but he was so-so satisfied with his face on the back of the display and lived his life at his leisure.

But the computer owner told him that you would die by 2060. When B4 asked why, she said it was because it was the year orangutans became extinct on Earth.

In 2030, B4 was reborn as a female orangutan and addressed a group of foolish humans in the centre of a big city about the dangers of the planet in human terms.

She then travels to the rainforest to witness the dying forest. In 2060, the Earth's rainforests disappear and, unfortunately, she dies too.



B4 interacts with different creatures in virtual reality. What they use to communicate is not human language. They confirm each other's intentions by sending viruses they possess like radio waves.

They can be infected by the other's viruses, but this rather encourages their own unexpected evolution.

All non-human organisms, including plants, animals and extraterrestrials, consider humans to be like extremely vicious viruses that constantly destroy others. They preach that in order to protect the global environment, Human population must be controlled and eventually reduced.



Mammal friends】

Bird friends】

Plant friends】

They are strongly opposed to deforestation.



B4 likes music.

【Favorite Band (musician)】

She tells us the songs she wants to hear before she dies are 'Fallen Angel' and 'Starless'.