(Everything here is just thoughts and gibberish - don't take it seriously)

Beyond Years: A Philosophy of Precocious Wisdom


I may not be a famous politician, president, or dictator. I may not be a mathematician, scientist, or someone who is well known for their intelligence and conquered feats. But I am a person - one of the human species. I do have a mind, thoughts, and a conscious. Personally, I would argue that my mind is 'beyond my thirteen years.' I have the qualities of an average human being. This is simply the perspective of human life from a thirteen year old who is going to college at an early age.

The world is not cruel. Simply, it is the people who inhabit the world that make the planet so very cruel. But one might ask, if the people who inhabit the world are cruel, what is considered cruel and what is not? I will answer this from my own debatable perspective.

The first step to answering this question is to consider how I personally see the world around me and how I fit into it with the other millions of humans who populate the face of the planet Earth. The plain answer is currency - money. Money supposedly runs the world. From buying a coffee in the morning when going to work to buying a space rocket that might revolutionize the world in spatial studies, money is what empowers people. People often deny this argument, and instead argue that people such as elected politicians run the world. I agree with this statement to a certain extent. For example, the president, king, or dictator of a country all help establish new laws and regulations and influence the public's thoughts. What contradicts this theory is that all of these people in power over such countries, both big and small, are corrupt. In fact, I believe that all human beings are corrupt. Everyone has their own opinion of what is corrupt and what is not, which precisely makes them corrupt themselves. Despite the fact that everyone has their own opinions, there is still a somewhat universal agreement on what is and is corrupt. Here is an example. There are two politicians running for president, one known as A, the other B. A does not have too many supporters, so he convinces B's supporters to join him instead. How does A do this? A convinces the supporters that he will give them all jobs if he is elected for president, so long as they vote for him. B's previous supporters are now A's supporters, wanting jobs. Politician A does this until he has the majority of voters supporting him, guaranteeing his victory in the election. The supporters of A voted for him to get jobs. They want jobs so that they can get money, since money is an equal to power. This returns to my statement before - money runs the world.

One may say that not all politicians do such a thing to influence voters, so they are not corrupt. They might not be as corrupt as others, but how were they chosen to be candidates for the election? Most of the time, people who are running for elections are already powerful people, or people who strive for power, not mainly the occupation they run for. Power is mainly obtained by money. For example, many of the United States presidents are wealthy before they even come into office. Same goes with many other cases around the world.