Argumentum ad populum is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition must be true because many or most people believe it, often concisely Other names for the fallacy include common belief fallacy or appeal to (common) belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to the masses, appeal to popularity, argument from consensus, authority of the many, bandwagon fallacy, consensus gentium (Latin for "agreement of the people"), democratic fallacy, and mob appeal.

Effect on Wikipedia

  • Non logic based Democracy influenced decision making processes
  • Compromised Article titles
  • Accepting content on basis of number of citations accepted to majority consensus is Argumentum ad populum
  • Compromised content and information black out due to not accepting non popular reference sources

List of articles With Word Muslim or Islam in title
Muslim Islam Comment
Muslim dietary laws This needs to be Islamic dietary laws
Apostasy in Islam Article Former Muslim of Ex Muslim needs to exist separately because title Apostasy in Islam has Islamic normativity that atheists don't share
Islamic culture Needs to be Muslim culture
Islamic literature Needs to be Muslim literature
Islamic architecture Needs to be Muslim architecture

Islamic Golden Age

Needs to be Muslim Golden Age
Women in Islam Need to be Muslim women
Islamophobia Need to be Anti Muslim Sentiment