User:BlytheSpindlerRichardson/sandbox/Riff: Off the Cuff Conversations Podcast

Riff: Off the Cuff Conversations (Podcast)




Riff: Off the Cuff Conversations is a podcast hosted by Paige and Blythe Spindler-Richardson that launched in February 2020. Their conversations analyze culture, entertainment, mental health, and who decided white muslin was to become the '90s boy band uniform. Anything and everything is up for discussion, even their incredibly long names!


Episodes Synopsis
Episode 1: The Truth About Social Anxiety Welp, we're getting right to it! In their pilot episode, Blythe and Paige discuss their experiences of social anxiety, American culture's perception of the disorder, and how the Internet is becoming a haven for people a little less than likely to feel comfortable chatting with a grocery store cashier.
Episode 2: Modern Comedy and Realism With comedy constantly redefining itself and recently turning away from solely emotionality to emphasize realism and authenticity in the current climate, Blythe and Paige discuss what it means to be funny in 2020.
Episode 3: Middle School Cringe-worthy fashion choices and lingo, Midwestern show choir absurdity, and the controversy around Dodgeball; Blythe and Paige discuss the highs and lows of their middle school days.
Episode 4: A Wonderful Town With Trader Joe's as a lifeboat, Paige and Blythe's college experience in New York City was definitely a world of frank realities and a lot of insight.
Episode 5: Game Geekery Reminiscing about indoor activity origins, Paige and Blythe become nostalgic about obscure computer games off the old family desktop to My Scene Makeover MADNESS.
Episode 6: Vegetarian Times From side-eyed glances during school lunches to annoying vegans, Paige and Blythe discuss what life-long vegetarianism has meant to each of them.
Episode 7: Magical Thinking Fairies and mermaids and sea monsters, oh my! A thorough nerd session between Blythe and Paige ensues on the topic of all that is supernatural.
Episode 8: Angles, Levels, Picture From sock-puppet shows to Les Mis fanaticism, Blythe and Paige review the crucial role of theater in their lives.
Episode 9: That's Annoying Paige and Blythe go on a truly unpredictable rant where the most petty of pet peeves reveal systemic social and societal dilemmas.
Episode 10: Calling on Mr. Sandman Whether nightmares or hilariously strange scenarios with celebrity guest cameos, dreams allow you the level of creative freedom you didn't know you had. In this episode, Paige and Blythe recount their own amusing subconscious theatrics.
Episode 11: A Language We All Understand As Stevie Wonder said, music is a world within itself, so to follow the trend of sharing personally influential music Paige and Blythe discuss artists and eras that define the geography of their musical tastes.
Episode 12: B(ad) Movies Sometimes the best films are those that make you cringe until you cry. In this episode, Blythe and Paige ready the guillotine for the likes the High School Musical franchise as well as lesser-known beauts including horrendous Food Fight!.
Episode 13: It's Gonna Be Meh Angular dances, questionable harmonies, and matching flow-y white linen outfits, oh MY! Paige and Blythe reflect on the groups and teeny boppers of the 90's and early 2000s that laid the foundation of what it means to be a teen idol.
Episode 14: Y'all Twins? You heard it here first; Blythe and Paige are definitely identical twins. After years of questions, comments, and dreaded gawkers, the time is overdue to set the record straight for all the singletons out there.
Episode 15: Capitalism Sucks Hoo-wee, American culture really is dysfunctional, and at the foundation  of its corruption is how we prioritize the workplace and financial gain  over human lives. In this episode, Blythe and Paige question Uncle Sam  and his materialistic ways.
Episode 16: Black Lives Matter Allyship/A Personal History with Animal Rescue Blythe and Paige touch on resources for education in Black history and reforming the American justice system to help all of us better understand our roles in the current movement before diving into multiple experiences of wildlife and pet rescue.
Episode 17: The Anti-Hero Adjacent Protagonist Sometimes television shows are an escape, and sometimes they reflect our deepest flaws. Paige and Blythe compare the protagonists of some of their favorite shows--Ramy, Fleabag, and Atlanta--and how they expose the darker, and more resonant, facets of humanity.
Episode 18: Girls' Club More often than not, mainstream Feminism focuses on white, cis women and a lukewarm, neo-liberal approach to change. Discussing the importance of intersectionality to the movement, especially when it has outwardly become so exclusionary, pussy hats and TERFs are on the guillotine Blythe and Paige.
Episode 19: (Not) Pushing it to the Limit Maybe being ripped isn’t all of what exercise should be about. Paige and Blythe examine the Western view of what it means to move and how competition and goal-oriented fitness deny just being comfortable and functioning in this vehicle we call a body.
Episode 20: Hometown Cringe What do "Cashew Chicken", Brad Pitt, and performances of Country ballads belted at middle school talent shows have in common? Springfield, Missouri! Blythe and Paige give a howdy-doo to the good, the bad, and the ugly of their hometown.
Episode 21: That's Annoying... Part 2 With all of the irritating nonsense in the world, we had to do it to ya again. Paige and Blythe detail their frustrations with insensitive Boomers, self-centered white protestors, fantasy fiction and more.
Episode 22: Orderly Conduct What does it take for a person to become a disciplined, respectful citizen? Blythe and Paige ask questions about the roles of parenting, physical discipline, and cancel culture to come closer to understanding when and why rules should be followed or broken.
Episode 23: Cheese It Like parmesan on a bowl of spaghetti, the cheesy things in life really do elevate the standard of living in this world. Paige and Blythe discuss the spectrum of less-than-sophisticated cultural icons, stereotypical romance encounters, and their love of corniness.
Episode 24: Reflections on the Past Year It's Blythe and Paige's birthday! And on the plate this week, we dig into some revelations, lessons and thoughts had in the span between 23 and 24 years of life.
Episode 25: You Love to See It Whatta we love? Wholesome masculinity! Compassionate animals and people! Old-people pickled foods! Paige and Blythe take the antithesis of their annoyances in this lovey-dovey episode.
Episode 26: What We're Going to Do is Go Back... Way Back Ever get a blast from the past when you hear a song or see a strange dollar store toy? Blythe and Paige remember the delight of movie store trips, childhood bath times, and college horror stories through the touchstones of visual and auditory time capsules.
Episode 27: What A Mess! Our brains are full of junk—which Blythe and Paige know from personal experience—so if you're going to make sense of and find the value in the clutter of life, you've got to get on that Hazmat suit and dumpster dive.
Episode 28: Mental Clutter Ever have a humiliating, but hilarious, word flub or a strangely specific commercial haunt your consciousness? Well, we certainly have! Blythe and Paige unearth the tidbits and oddly memorable cultural artifacts stuck in their heads.


