list of sentient weapons.

Having a long tradition stemming from ancient mythology, religious beliefs and to modern fiction a sentient weapon is a weapon that displays signs of having self-awareness and or a will of its own. It's mind source can be from any of a number of origens including a haunting ghost or demon,an imprint from a previous owners own spirit, an artificial intelligence created by science, magic or superscience, an organic brain, or a mind-transfer from another already sentient creature. The weapons themselves can be as diverse as the imaginations of the storyteller but seem to fit in a number of categories as listed here.

to be considered for this list the applicant must have be intended to be used as a weapon at its inception.

key of idicaters of sentience.

  • Aid. Assistence (autonomic overide of handlers motor control to reflexivly provide ability beyond handlers own.)
  • Age. Agency (displays a need to accomplish a certain task.)
  • Aud. Audience (vocalized speach or speach-like patterns.)
  • Aut. Automatic (acts on its own without being directed.)
  • Con. Conversation (telepathicly or conventionaly discusses courses of action with others.)
  • Cog. Cognition (has an awareness of what is happening around it.)
  • Emo. Emotion (displays of emotion such an empathy with handler, or entreating handler for action/inaction.)
  • Hau. Haunted (known to have a soul of its own. or contain souls of others.)
  • Imp. Impression (fosters overwhelming emotion in others not originating from other stimuli.)
  • Ins. Instinct (reacts to stimuli as would a living creature.)
  • Int. Intelligence (has an ability to solve problems such as descerning friend from foe or adapting to situations.)
  • Kin. Kinetic (capable of intentional/directed movement often supernaturaly.)
  • Par. Parasitism (overides hosts will and or motor fuctions as in possesion.)
  • Sel. selection (accepts or rejects handlers often by remaining dormant.)
  • Vol. Volative (expresses a wish or permission to act originating in its own will.)
  • Man. Manna (Handler gains potency from a spiritual union with the weapon often consumes the spirits/powers of the vanquished.)
  • Zoo. Zoomorphism (animation resembling natural movements of living creatures, limbs, mouths,etc.)

Man portable

Name Form Indicaters Source
A . . .
Anglachel sword con/vol/hau Tolkien's legendarium
B . . .
Babbo morphic toy aud/con/emo/hau Mar anime
C . . .
D . . .
Dyrnwyn sword sel English legend
E . . .
Excalibur sword Sel English legend
F . . .
Fiery sword in eden sword? age/aut/kin Bible Garden of Eden
G . . .
Gram (mythology) sword sel Teutonic myth
H . . .
I . . .
J . . .
K . . .
Keyblade key-like sword sel kingdom hearts game series
L . . .
Lula sword aud/con/zoo Dave the barbarian cartoon
M . . .
Mana weapons stone age Man Polonesian tradition
Mana weapons sword,spear,axe,etc man/sel secret of mana game series
Muramasa katana etc. man/imp Japanese legend
Masamune katana etc. man/imp Japanese legend
N . . .
O . . .
One Ring gold band imp/age/man J.R.R Tolkien's fiction
P . . .
Phurba dagger kin/zoo The Shadow (film)
Q . . .
R . . .
S . . .
Saba short sword con/aud/zoo power rangers tv series
Sharur sword aud/ag/par/vol Sumarian myth
Silver orb floating ball kin/age/cog Phantasm (film) series
Skofnung sword hau Teutonic myth
Soul Edge/Soul Calibur morphic swords man/par/hau Soul (series) games
Sword in the stone sword sel Arthurian legend
Sword of truth sword sel/imp Legend of the seeker fiction
Sword of Gryffindor sword sel/cog/man Harry Potter fiction
Sting short sword cog Tolkien stories
Sun sword hilt sel Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon
T . . .
Tenseiga sword cog/emo/vol Inuyasha anime/manga
Tetsusaiga sword sel/man Inuyasha anime/manga
The Glaive shuriken kin/man Krull film
Tokijin sword imp/ag/par Inuyasha anime/manga
Tsukumogami variety of items zoo/int Japanese mythology
U . . .
V . . .
Vampire slayer whip vol/emo Castlevania game series
W . . .
Witch blade gauntlet par/imp/sel comic/anime
X . . .
Y . . .
Z . . .


Name Form Indicaters Source
A . . .
B . . .
C . . .
D . . .
E . . .
F . . .
Feathertop animate effigy emo/aut/cog/int/con/aud short story
G . . .
Golem of Prague animate effigy emo/aut Folklore
H . . .
I . . .
J . . .
Johny #5 robot int/cog/aud/con/age/aut/emo Short Circuit films
K . . .
K9 robot dog int/cog/aut/aud/con Sci-fi series
L . . .
M . . .
Megadeus humanoid sel/age/vol Big O (anime)
N . . .
O . . .
P . . .
Q . . .
R . . .
Replicators morphic nanomachines age/emo/aut/int/aud/con Stargate SG-1 tv series
S . . .
Screamers evolving machines age/emo/aut film
T . . .
Terminator robot sometimes clad in living tissue. age/emo?/aut/con/ins/int/aud Terminator (franchise)
Talos humanoid int/aut greek mythology
U . . .
V . . .
W . . .
X . . .
Y . . .
Z . . .


Name Form Indicaters Source
A . . .
AM Supercomputer aud/emo/cog/con/int/age I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
B . . .
C . . .
D . . .
E . . .
F . . .
G . . .
H . . .
I . . .
J . . .
K . . .
L . . .
The Lexx titanic bug emo/ins/con/aut Lexx sci-fi series
M . . .
The Mangler industrial machine age/hau/aut film franchise
N . . .
O . . .
P . . .
Q . . .
R . . .
S . . .
Skynet supercomputer int/age/aut/cog Terminator film franchise
Supercomputer supercomputer int/age/aut/cog Superman III
T . . .
U . . .
V . . .
W . . .
X . . .
Y . . .
Z . . .

Biological artifice

Name Form Indicaters Source
A . . .
Red Ribbon Androids 1-20 human-machine hybrids int/cog/aut/zoo/age/aud/con Dragon Ball anime series
Atma/Ultima/Omega weapon Quadraped zoo/varies Final Fantasy recuring character in game series
B . . .
Baby humanoid int/cog/age/aud/con/aut/zoo Dragon ball GT story arc
C . . .
Cell humanoid insectoid int/cog/age/aud/con/aut/zoo Dragon Ball Z story arc.
D . . .
E . . .
F . . .
G . . .
H . . .
I . . .
J . . .
K . . .
L . . .
M . . .
Majin Buu humanoid int/emo/aut/zoo/aud/con Dragon Ball Z story arc
N . . .
O . . .
P . . .
Q . . .
R . . .
S . . .
Stitch 6/4 limbed alien canine int/emo/aut/cog/zoo/aud/con/ins Disney films and cartoon series.
T . . .
U . . .
V . . .
W . . .
X . . .
Y . . .
Z . . .