Brother MK I


The new OMACs are controlled by the Brother MK I satellite. Brother MK I was created by Batman and programmed by Pseudopersons, Inc., scientist Buddy Blank, who in this retelling of the story is a partner of Wayne Industries.[1] Its sole purpose was to gather data on all metahumans, both villain and hero. Batman had grown distrustful of metahumans after discovering that the Justice League altered his memories following an altercation with Doctor Light (see Identity Crisis). Alexander Luthor, Jr. later gave the satellite sentience as part of his plans.[clarification needed] Maxwell Lord, recently promoted to the top rank of Checkmate, subverted the original mission of the Brother MK I satellite by inculcating a fear and suspicion of all metahumans. The first OMAC test subject was renamed "Buddy Blank", after the scientist who programmed the satellite.[2]

The OMACs' history may be more recent than Brother MK I's itself. Equus and Pilates, formerly featured in Superman: For Tomorrow, are later denounced as former iterations of the OMAC concept. In JLA: Classified an all mechanical OMAC is an enemy of the Metal Men. Since then, the design has improved to the current form, with little to no changes to the base model.[clarification needed]

Possible Future


In Batman #700 (June 2010), in a vignette within the issue, Damian Wayne, as Batman, is shown having succeeded at what his father had failed: regaining control of Brother Eye.[3]

Brother Eye


When Maxwell Lord brainwashed Superman to kill Batman, Wonder Woman, and possibly the rest of the JLA, Wonder Woman broke Lord's neck to free Superman from his control. Because Lord proffered this solution while held by her Lasso of Truth, Diana believed this was the only course of action possible; she was fiercely criticized from many quarters.

Brother MK I, rechristening itself Brother Eye, initiated the "KingIsDead" protocol. Specifically designed to be used in the event of Lord's death, it ordered all of the OMACs (all 1,373,462 of them) to attack and kill all the metahumans on Earth and destroy Checkmate. A group superhero effort stopped the attack, using an EMP blast as well as a "Shut Down" command given by Sasha Bordeaux, who had become a third-generation cyborg linked to Brother Eye, now designated Blacknight 1. These measures effectively freed the majority of the OMAC hosts from their nanotech forms and reduced the number of OMACs to roughly 200,000.

Truth and Justice


In response, the satellite broadcast footage of Wonder Woman executing Maxwell Lord, preceded by the word MURDER, to media outlets all over the world, destroying her reputation. After this, Brother Eye initiated the final protocol, "Truth and Justice", by having all the remaining OMACs invade and attack her homeland, Themyscira, to wipe out all of the Amazons.

It was revealed that Alexander Luthor was the one who wrestled control of Brother Eye away from Batman. He used it to calculate the coordinates of where his multiverse tuning fork would concentrate its energy as part of his attempt to re-create Earth-Two, and in turn, a perfect Earth. Brother Eye continues to aid Alex Luthor by remapping out the multiverse and helping to guard the tuning fork, reasoning that it would eliminate the need for heroes like those who Batman had created it to monitor by aiding in the creation of a perfect Earth.

Downfall of Brother Eye


Batman leads a collection of superheroes, consisting of: Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Green Arrow (only because Batman is attempting to trust people again and contacted him to see if he would come), Mister Terrific, Black Lightning, Black Canary, the new Blue Beetle, Metamorpho, Booster Gold and Sasha Bordeaux, to Earth's orbit using Intel from Booster Gold and Ted Kord's spaceship. Blue Beetle manages to reveal Brother Eye in orbit by negating its vibrational frequency. Brother Eye sends OMACs and the two groups clash.

With the two Green Lanterns fighting off most of the OMACs and Brother Eye's defenses, the heroes' ship crashes into Brother Eye. Metamorpho provides an oxygen supply as Blue Beetle and Booster Gold remain behind on the ship to guard it, but Blue Beetle later assists in the destruction of the device that Brother Eye used to hide in orbit. Batman goes to distract Brother Eye by shutting down the central computer, although Brother Eye tries to distract him by showing him Nightwing's confrontation with Superboy-Prime. Sasha, linked to Oracle, goes to upload every computer virus on Earth into Brother Eye's system as well as trying to prevent the artificial gravity from shutting down. Black Canary goes to the surveillance room to use her sonic scream to blind the Eye. Black Lightning and Mr. Terrific go to the memory banks so that Black Lightning fries as much circuitry as possible while Mr. Terrific, invisible to machines and electronics, delivers the fatal blow by knocking Brother Eye off orbit using its orbital thrusters.

The plan works, and Brother Eye is deactivated, and begins to fall apart. All of the remaining activated OMACs shut down, releasing their hosts. As the heroes evacuate the falling Brother Eye, it tries to take Batman down with it, telling him he can never trust the costumed heroes again after what they did to him. Batman, however, says that he will take his chances, and accepts Hal Jordan's aid in getting to safety.

After crash-landing in Saudi Arabia, Brother Eye tries to download its system into Sasha as a means of self-preservation. However, Sasha manages to destroy the satellite, freeing herself from the nanobots infecting her.

Final Crisis


In Final Crisis, Darkseid and his prophets from Apokolips have taken new forms as humans on Earth after mass-distributing the Anti-Life Equation around the world. Batman has been captured; Superman is on a journey in the multiverse; and Wonder Woman has become a Female Fury. With most of the world's population under the influence of the equation, they are effectively under Darkseid's control seemingly making him the ruler of the Earth.

In the one-shot Final Crisis: Resist, Mister Terrific and the Checkmate organization are working to mount a resistance against Darkseid, but seemingly do not have the means to do it. Sitting in despair in a Checkmate stronghold, Snapper Carr, through his hopeless rantings, gives Mister Terrific an ingenious idea. Using Sasha Bordeaux to make contact with Brother Eye, he convinces the A.I. to help them, explaining that it will surely be destroyed if Darkseid indeed captures the world.

Realizing this, Brother Eye accepts Mister Terrific's terms and reveals that there are still millions of people infected with OMAC nanotech. These people, now mindless drones of Darkseid, are overwritten by Brother Eye and become OMAC soldiers under the command of Mister Terrific. This gives Checkmate and him the means to forcefully resist Darkseid.

During the Final Crisis events when all seems lost, Lord (Brother) Eye prepares to leave the doomed Earth with his OMACs and the people of Command-D, the bunker underneath Blüdhaven, and start a new society on another Earth in another universe. To this end, he asks Renee Montoya to serve as the head of a to-be-founded Global Peacekeeping Agency, her faceless appearance as the Question being an allusion to the faceless agents of the GPA from the original OMAC series.

DCU: A Brave New World/OMAC


On June 28, 2006, DC released DCU: A Brave New World, which was the epilogue to the OMAC limited series.

Brother Eye has not been fully decommissioned and lies in a NORAD facility. Michael Costner is the last OMAC unit, kept as emergency backup, and Brother Eye calls to him.

This Brother Eye has corrupted programming and now believes that all humans need to be subjugated and/or exterminated, whether metahuman or not. It has also recently begun to manifest disassociative behavior with at least two "personalities" now being heard in the OMAC's internal conversations. Brother Eye attempts to make Costner rebuild itself, but is forced to face his wrath when Costner regains control of both his forms, human and OMAC, and subsequently destroys Brother Eye again; although a tiny fraction of it is still active.

  1. ^ Countdown, no. 30 (October 3, 2007). DC Comics.
  2. ^ Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka and Judd Winick (w), various artists (a). Countdown to Infinite Crisis, no. 1 (May 2005). DC Comics.
  3. ^ Batman #700