
Terell H.


Quick Overlook

Also Known As
Uncle Terell
Big Lenbo

**His name is only spelled with one "r".** A picture representing one of Terell's favorite hobbies. Terell H. is a student that attends High School and frequently watches Anime. Below is a list of his favorite Animes. Another favorite activity for Terell to take part in is to watch AMVs (Anime Music Videos) of edgey bands like Linkin Park, Slipknot, Skillet, and Pierce The Veil.

# Anime
1 Dragon Ball Z
2 Naruto
3 Tokyo Ghoul
4 Fate Zero
5 Dragon Ball Super
6 Seven Deadly Sins
7 Parasyte

He also enjoys to skate except when it's -9,000 Degrees Kelvin - Then it's too cold. He can pop a "steazy" and even a varial kickflip. He is very proud of his ability to perform a varial kickflip. He likes video games (especially Dragon Ball Z games like Xenoverse and Xenoverse 2). He also finds listening to Hip-Hop artists like Logic, Kendrick Lamar, Logic and Logic. He is very comical with being quoted saying classic-Terell lines such as "I'll eat your booty if you pull that shenanigan again" [Altered to protect children].

Sophomore Year


Sophomore year is when he took Geometry with Mr. Lofthouse. He was but a mere little baby when he walked into that class. With fellow friends such as Andrue and super-senior Tori. Through the first few weeks he only stayed with his group of hoodlums, until the new seating chart came. He was stuck next to a random white kid named Chris H., and sat behind a kid named Ewan who is a close friend to Chris. As Terell Warmed up to Chris they both realised that they are both equally as stupid as each other, and on top of that they shared the same sense of humor. Later in the year they realised that Lofthouse was the only cool teacher in the whole school. He let Terell and Chris just chill in his class (as long as they were doing good in class ~ Lofthouse).

Junior Year


Junior year rolls around and the schedules just got released. By chance both Chris and Terell got Lofthouse once again. This time they were the kings of the class and were the only ones tat weren't awkward and quiet like the rest of the class. By this time Lofthouse, Chris and, Terell had a certain mentality towards the class and the behavior within the class. He let them be crazy and didn't really care what they did.

Senior Year


Nobody cared what anyone did at this point, there was free reign once Chris and Terell were allowed to go outside for lunch and study hall. They had the capability to meet up with Andrue, Jaylen and, Avion just to name a few. Together they would listen to trash music and make fun of people. Academically, Terell had many classes that were hard AF and he dropped them. (It's ok Terell).

Outside of School


Outside of school Terell skates and hangs out with friends. He goes and skates regularly honing his kickflip and his "steazy" skillz. He frequently enjoys video games and to this day: Anime.

A picture "accurately" representing Terell's pro skillz.

Down Below is a graph representing Gayness over time. ( Got 'em).