Relevant Information


AlatarTheBlue, a native American English speaker, is a historical fashion enthusiast, amateur programmer, aspiring polyglot, and longtime nerd. They also have considerable interest and experience in comparative religions, specifically in the Protestant branch of Christianity. They have taken up the mantle of "correcting misattributed quotes" on Wikipedia pages, mostly those pertaining to Marxism, anarchism, and historical philosophers thereof.

Topics Edited


AlatarTheBlue edits on a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to, Attic Greek, Ancient Greek, History of fashion design, anarchism, marxism, communism, Calvinism, and the Presbyterian Church in America-- and, as their username implies, Lord of the Rings.

Opinions on Grammar


In general, AlatarTheBlue tries to stay out of grammatical editing wars. If you change their contributions or reject grammatical edits, that's fine. They will edit the following grammatical errors when they find them:

  • 'Comprised of' vs 'composed of'
  • 'Irregardless' (they consider this to be fine in speech, not being a language prescriptivist, but not appropriate for formal writing. The sole exception is obviously when it is in a quote.)
  • Apostrophe S: particularly regarding the fact that all names ending in s (Miles, Charles, Lewis) have an apostrophe s, not an apostrophe, added to the end (and thus become Miles's, Charles's, and Lewis's) with a few historical exceptions (Jesus being the main one, as well as other biblical figures).
  • The Oxford comma is the glory of man.

foonotes/foonote/foot notes/foot note

 This user has adopted the typo "Foonotes" to nurture.
 This user has adopted the typo "Foot notes" to nurture.