
     It is said that we people need to have a purpose in our lives to make it worth it, but why is everyone purpose different if we are looking for the same goal. What makes us have mean. We from my limited experience the meaning of life is nothing. There is no meaning unless given meaning. We human strive to do what we can to be the best and who we are but in all truth we a nothing but lost. A lot of people that look for meaning will never find it. Tribes find meaning in there everyday life. Survive and thrive is a meaning. Not power or money cause you'll always want more in the end. So if we really look at what makes us, us. Then we will see that we are what we are not striving to be. We are what we have settled as. To avoid this being my intro I won't reference anything extensively. Some find meaning in love or companionship. Protecting or helping people. Each was is how we settle to be. To strive to find meaning is to loose the meaning you already have. Even the worse person on the planet has meaning. Now I understand I say meaning a lot in this but that's the meaning of this article. In america its the worst, since everyone wants to be someone, strives to be someone which is fine they may settle and truly find meaning in there life, but they will always be striving for more, to be more, loosing the meaning the true meaning of life, and that is to make it easier for the next generation. Evolution and the just normal life taught us that even if you don't believe evolution, hear me out. Creatures change to make a job (Surviving) easier for them, cause evolution, giving them an advantage, and are we still not doing just that, evolving to make our lives easier. So yes they are contradictory in the sense of being settled is to find purpose, but to strive to make it easier for a new generation, but that's just it, confusing, nobody has the answer or ever will, but if you are happy and find a purpose then should't that be your meaning.