Main Page

This is my (\wowzeryest\) user page. I created this as an extension of the Wikipedia. A reason for why I don't just use the regular Wikipedia is so I can make certain facts that are too controversial available on the internet (because, if i put them on the regular Wikipedia then my account might get suspended or worse). I also use this to beta-test new concepts to check their validity (don't worry, ill explicitly emphasize when something is beta-testing).

What This Is About

Currently, there is only 1 mathematical formula (theorized by me, but probably not originally) that I am beta-testing. There are no other things that are currently on display here.


The following is a list of precursors you should know before continuing on:

Proven Information

This is the place where you can visit my pages of valid information I don't want to risk posting on the regular Wikipedia.

Roblox Blog Extension

Roblox is not a safe place to blog, so thees pages are being used as substitutes:

Beta Testing

These are the pages of the the ideas I am beta-testing. Please note that I posted any of these pages here because I could not find the information readily available elsewhere on the internet. This is the list:

My Name Subject Short Description Release Date
Slope Formula Additions Mathematical Formula 2D slope for 3D line in a 3D coordinate plane 5/11/15