RFC Status Reference Notes
6528 Obsolete F. Gont; S. Bellovin (February 2012). Defending against Sequence Number Attacks. Internet Engineering Task Force. doi:10.17487/RFC6528. ISSN 2070-1721. RFC 6528. Obsoleted by RFC 9293. Obsoletes RFC 1948. Updates RFC 793.
6536 Obsolete A. Bierman; M. Bjorklund (March 2012). Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) Access Control Model. Internet Engineering Task Force. doi:10.17487/RFC6536. RFC 6536. Obsoleted by RFC 8341.
6554 Proposed Standard J. Hui; JP. Vasseur; D. Culler; V. Manral (March 2012). An IPv6 Routing Header for Source Routes with the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL). Internet Engineering Task Force. doi:10.17487/RFC6554. RFC 6554.
6555 Obsolete D. Wing; A. Yourtchenko (April 2012). Happy Eyeballs: Success with Dual-Stack Hosts. Internet Engineering Task Force. doi:10.17487/RFC6555. ISSN 2070-1721. RFC 6555. Obsoleted by RFC 8305.
6563 Informational S. Jiang; D. Conrad; B. Carpenter (March 2012). Moving A6 to Historic Status. Internet Engineering Task Force. doi:10.17487/RFC6563. ISSN 2070-1721. RFC 6563.
6585 Proposed Standard M. Nottingham; R. Fielding (April 2012). Additional HTTP Status Codes. Internet Engineering Task Force. doi:10.17487/RFC6585. ISSN 2070-1721. RFC 6585. Updates RFC 2616.
6592 Informational C. Pignataro (1 April 2012). The Null Packet. Independent Submission. doi:10.17487/RFC6592. ISSN 2070-1721. RFC 6592. This is an April Fools' Day Request for Comments.
6593 Informational C. Pignataro; J. Clarke; G. Salgueiro (1 April 2012). Service Undiscovery Using Hide-and-Go-Seek for the Domain Pseudonym System (DPS). Independent Submission. doi:10.17487/RFC6593. ISSN 2070-1721. RFC 6593. This is an April Fools' Day Request for Comments.
6598 Best Common Practice J. Weil; V. Kuarsingh; C. Donley; C. Liljenstolpe; M. Azinger (April 2012). IANA-Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Address Space. Internet Engineering Task Force. doi:10.17487/RFC6598. ISSN 2070-1721. BCP 153. RFC 6598. Updates RFC 5735.