This template is used to create an indented entry in the Hornbostel–Sachs classification of instruments.

Entries should be understandable without having seen higher level entries.



{{HS number|1}}

1: Idiophones. instrument in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds, without requiring stretched membranes or strings.

while {{HS number|11}}

11: Struck idiophones. Instruments that produce sounds through vibration caused by percussion action - hitting, shaking, or scraping.
Complete list
1: Idiophones. instrument in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds, without requiring stretched membranes or strings. edit
11: Struck idiophones. Instruments that produce sounds through vibration caused by percussion action - hitting, shaking, or scraping. edit
111: Directly struck idiophones. Instrument that is struck by a player directly; either by mechanical intermediate devices, beaters, keyboards, or by pulling ropes, etc. edit
111.1: Concussion (clapper) idiophones. Complementary sound producing parts are stuck against each other. edit
111.11: Stick concussion idiophones. Stick clappers. edit
111.12: Plaque concussion idiophones. Plaque clappers. edit
111.13: Trough concussion idiophones. Trough clappers. edit
111.14: Vessel concussion idiophones. Vessel clappers. edit
111.141: Hollow vessel concussion idiophones. Natural and hollowed vessel clappers. edit
111.142: Vessel concussion idiophones with manufactured or everted rims. edit
111.2: Percussion (mallet) idiophones. Instrument struck with or against a non-sonorous object. edit
111.21: Stick percussion idiophones. edit
111.211: Individual percussion stick idiophones. edit
111.212: Sets of percussion sticks. edit
111.22: Plaque percussion idiophones. edit
111.221: Individual plaque percussion idiophones. edit
111.222: Sets of plaque percussion. edit
111.23: Tube percussion idiophones. edit
111.231: Individual tube percussion idiophones. edit
111.232: Sets of tube percussion. edit
111.24: Vessel percussion idiophones. edit
111.241: Percussion vessels where the vibration is strongest near the vertex: Gongs. edit
111.241.1: Individual gongs. edit
111.241.2: Sets of gongs. edit
111.242: Percussion vessels where the vibration is weakest near the vertex: Bells. edit
111.242.1: Individual bells. edit
111.242.11: Individual resting bells whose opening faces upward. edit
111.242.12: Individual hanging bells suspended from the apex. edit
111.242.121: Individual hanging bells suspended from the apex without internal strikers. edit
111.242.122: Individual hanging bells suspended from the apex with internal strikers. edit
111.242.2: Sets of bells. edit
111.242.21: Sets of resting bells whose opening faces upward. edit
111.242.22: Sets of hanging bells suspended from the apex. edit
111.242.221: Sets of hanging bells without internal strikers. edit
111.242.222: Sets of hanging bells with internal strikers. edit
112: Instrument that is not directly struck by a player; percussion results indirectly by some other movement by the player. edit
112.1: Shaken indirectly struck idiophones. edit
112.11: Suspension rattles. edit
112.111: Strung rattles. Rattling objects that are strung in rows on a cord. edit
112.112: Stick rattles. Rattling objects strung on a bar or ring. edit
112.12: Frame rattles. edit
112.121: Pendant rattles. edit
112.122: Sliding rattles. edit
112.13: Vessel rattles. edit
112.2: Scraped indirectly struck idiophones. edit
112.21: Scraped sticks. edit
112.211: Scraped sticks without a resonator. edit
112.212: Scraped sticks with a resonator. edit
112.22: Scraped tubes. edit
112.23: Scraped vessels. edit
112.24: Scraped wheels/Cog rattles. edit
112.3: Indirectly struck split idiophones. edit
12: Instruments set into vibration by plucking. edit
121: Instruments set in vibration by lamellae within a frame or hoop being plucked. edit
121.1: Clack idiophones or Cricri, plucked idiophones in which the lamella is carved in the surface of a fruit shell, which serves as resonator. edit
121.2: Guimbardes and Jaw harps, plucked idiophones in which the lamella is mounted in a rod- or plaque-shaped frame and depends on the player's mouth cavity for resonance. edit
121.21: Idioglot guimbardes. The lamella is of one substance with the frame of the instrument. edit
121.22: Heteroglot guimbardes. The lamella is attached to the frame of the instrument. edit
121.221: Individual heteroglot guimbardes. edit
121.222: Sets of heteroglot guimbardes. edit
122: Instruments set in vibration by lamellae attached to a comb being plucked. edit
122.1: Instruments set in vibration by lamellae attached to a comb being plucked: lace lamellae. edit
122.11: Lace lamellae without resonator. edit
122.12: Lace lamellae with resonator. edit
122.2: Instruments set in vibration by lamellae attached to a comb being plucked: cut-out lamellae. edit
13: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing. edit
131: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: sticks. edit
131.1: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: individual sticks. edit
131.2: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: multiple sticks. edit
131.21: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: multiple sticks with direct friction. edit
131.22: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: multiple sticks without direct friction. edit
132: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: plaques. edit
132.1: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: individual plaques. edit
132.2: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: multiple plaques. edit
133: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: vessels. edit
133.1: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: individual vessels. edit
133.2: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by rubbing: multiple vessels. edit
14: Instruments set into vibration by blowing or moving air. edit
141: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by blowing upon a stick or sticks. edit
141.1: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by blowing upon a stick or sticks: individual. edit
141.2: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by blowing upon a stick or sticks: multiple. edit
142: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by blowing upon plaques. edit
142.1: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by blowing upon plaques: individual. edit
142.2: Instruments in which the substance of the instrument itself produces sounds and are set into vibration by blowing upon plaques: multiple. edit
15: Idiophones not allocated a number in the Hornbostel-Sachs system. edit
2: Instruments in which sound is produced primarily through a vibrating membrane (membranophone). This includes all drums. edit
21: Instruments which have a struck membrane. edit
211: Instruments which have a directly struck membrane. edit
211.1: Instruments which have a directly struck membrane in which the body of the drum is dish- or bowl-shaped (kettledrums). edit
211.11: A single instrument which has a directly struck membrane in which the body of the drum is dish- or bowl-shaped. edit
211.12: A set of directly struck membranophones with dish- or bowl-shaped bodies. edit
211.2: Instruments which have a directly struck membrane in which the body is tubular (tubular drums). edit
211.21: Tubular drums in which the body has the same diameter at the middle and end (cylindrical drums). edit
211.211: Cylindrical drums with only one usable membrane. edit
211.211.1: Cylindrical drums with only one usable membrane and the end without a membrane is open. edit
211.211.2: Cylindrical drums with only one usable membrane and the end without a membrane is not open. edit
211.212: Cylindrical drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.212.1: Single cylindrical drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.212.2: Sets of cylindrical drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.22: Tubular drums in which the body is barrel-shaped (barrel drums). edit
211.221: Barrel drums with one usable membrane. edit
211.221.1: Barrel drums with one usable membrane in which the other end is open. edit
211.221.2: Barrel drums with one usable membrane in which the other end is closed. edit
211.222: Barrel drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.222.1: Individual barrel drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.222.2: Sets of barrel drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.23: Tubular drums in which the body is double-conical. edit
211.231: Double-conical drums with one usable membrane. edit
211.231.1: Double-conical drums with one usable membrane in which the end without a membrane is open. edit
211.231.2: Double-conical drums with one usable membrane in which the end without a membrane is closed. edit
211.232: Double-conical drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.232.1: Individual barrel drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.232.2: Sets of barrel drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.24: Tubular drums in which the body is hourglass-shaped. edit
211.241: Hourglass tubular drums with one usable membrane. edit
211.241.1: Hourglass tubular drums with one usable membrane in which the other end is open. edit
211.241.2: Hourglass tubular drums with one usable membrane in which the other end is closed. edit
211.242: Hourglass tubular drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.242.1: Individual hourglass tubular drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.242.2: Sets of hourglass tubular drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.25: Tubular drums in which the body is conical-shaped (conical drums). edit
211.251: Conical drums with one usable membrane. edit
211.251.1: Conical drums with one usable membrane in which the end without a membrane is open. edit
211.251.2: Conical drums with one usable membrane in which the end without a membrane is closed. edit
211.252: Conical drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.252.1: Individual conical tubular drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.252.2: Sets of conical tubular drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.26: Tubular drums in which the body is goblet-shaped (goblet drums). edit
211.261: Goblet drums with one usable membrane. edit
211.261.1: Goblet drums with one usable membrane in which the other end is open. edit
211.261.2: Goblet drums with one usable membrane in which the other end is closed. edit
211.262: Goblet drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.262.1: Individual goblet tubular drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.262.2: Sets of goblet tubular drums with two usable membranes. edit
211.3: Instruments which have a directly struck membrane in which the body depth is not greater than the radius of the membrane (frame drums). edit
211.31: Frame drums which do not have a handle. edit
211.311: Frame drums which do not have a handle which have one usable membrane. edit
211.312: Frame drums which do not have a handle which have two usable membranes. edit
211.32: Frame drums which do have a handle. edit
211.321: Individual frame drums which do have a handle. edit
211.322: Sets of frame drums which do have a handle. edit
212: Instruments which have a membrane and are shaken. edit
22: Instruments with a string attached to the membrane, so that when the string is plucked, the membrane vibrates. edit
23: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates as a result of friction. edit
231: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates as a result of friction from being rubbed by a stick. edit
231.1: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates as a result of friction from being rubbed by a stick: individual. edit
231.11: Friction drums with a stick that can not be moved inserted in a hole in the membrane and subject to rubbing, causing friction on the membrane. edit
231.12: Friction drums with a semi-movable stick inserted in a hole in the membrane. edit
231.13: Friction drums with a freely-movable stick inserted in a hole in the membrane and rubbed against it. edit
231.2: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates as a result of friction from being rubbed by a stick: multiple. edit
232: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates as a result of friction from a cord. edit
232.1: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates as a result of friction from a cord and the drum is held stationary. edit
232.11: Instruments in which the drum is held stationary while playing and have only one usable membrane. edit
232.12: Instruments in which the drum is held stationary while playing and have more than one usable membrane. edit
232.1: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates as a result of friction from a cord and the drum is twirled by a cord, which rubs in a notch on the stick held by the player. edit
233: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates as a result of friction from being rubbed by hands. edit
24: Instruments which do not produce sound of their own, but modify other sounds by way of a vibrating membrane. edit
241: Instruments which do not produce sound of their own, but modify other sounds by way of a vibrating membrane without a chamber. edit
242: Instruments which do not produce sound of their own, but modify other sounds by way of a vibrating membrane with a chamber. edit
25: Membranophones not allocated a number in the Hornbostel-Sachs system. edit
3: Instruments in which sound is produced by one or more vibrating strings (chordophones, string instruments). edit
31: Instruments which consist solely of a string bearer or a string bearer with a resonator that is not integral to the instrument edit
311: Instruments with a string bearer shaped like a bar, or consisting of a sideways board (bar zithers) edit
311.1: Instruments with a flexible or curved string bearer edit
311.11: Instruments with a string made from the bark of a cane, still attached at both ends edit
311.111: Instruments in which there is only one idiochord string edit
311.112: Instruments in which there are more than one idiochord strings, all of which pass over a bridge or toothed stick edit
311.12: Instruments with string made from a different material than the string bearer edit
311.121: Instruments with only one heterochord string edit
311.121.1: Instrument does not have a resonator, not counting the human mouth as a resonator edit
311.121.11: Instrument does not have a tuning noose edit
311.121.12: Instrument has a tuning noose, i.e. a fiber noose that divides the string into two parts edit
311.121.2: Instrument has a resonator edit
311.121.21: Instrument has an independent resonator edit
311.121.22: Instrument has a resonator that is attached edit
311.121.221: Instrument does not have a tuning noose edit
311.121.222: Instrument does have a tuning noose edit
311.122: Instrument has several heterochord strings edit
311.122.1: Instrument has no tuning noose edit
311.122.2: Instrument has a tuning noose edit
311.2: Instrument has a rigid and inflexible string carrier (stick zither) edit
311.21: Instrument has a string carrier with one curved, flexible end (musical bow) edit
311.211: Instrument has one resonator gourd edit
311.22: Instrument has no curved or flexible end (true stick zither) edit
311.221: Instrument has one resonator gourd edit
311.222: Instrument has more than one resonator gourds edit
312: Instrument has a string bearer made of a vaulted surface (tube zithers) edit
312.1: Instrument has a string carrier made from a complete tube (whole-tube zithers) edit
312.11: Instrument is an idiochord edit
312.12: Instrument is a heterochord edit
312.121: Instrument has no extra resonator edit
312.122: Instrument has an extra resonator edit
312.2: Instrument has strings that are stretched across a convex gutter (half-tube zithers) edit
312.21: Instrument is an idiochord edit
312.22: Instrument is a heterochord edit
313: Instrument has a string bearer made from canes tied together like a raft (raft zithers) edit
313.1: Instrument is an idiochord edit
313.2: Instrument is an heterochord edit
314: Instrument uses a string bearer that is shaped like a board, or is the ground (board zithers) edit
314.1: Instrument with strings parallel to the string bearer edit
314.11: Instrument without a resonator edit
314.12: Instrument has a resonator edit
314.121: Instrument has a resonator bowl, made from fruit shells or similar objects, or an equivalently-shaped carving edit
314.122: Instrument has a resonator made from slats (box zithers) edit
314.2: Instrument consists of strings that are at right angles to the string bearer edit
314.21: Instrument has only one string, and the ground is the string bearer (ground zithers) edit
314.22: Instrument has a board which acts as string bearer for multiple strings stretched across a notched bridge (harp zithers) edit
315: Instrument with strings stretched across the mouth of a trough (trough zithers) edit
315.1: Instrument without a resonator edit
315.2: Instrument has a resonator, made from a gourd or similar items edit
316: Instrument uses strings stretched across an open frame (frame zither) edit
316.1: Instrument has no resonator edit
316.2: Instrument has a resonator edit
32: Instruments in which the resonator and string bearer are physically united and can not be separated without destroying the instrument edit
321: Instruments in which the strings run in a plane parallel to the sound table (lutes) edit
321.1: Instruments in which each string has its own flexible carrier (bow lutes) edit
321.2: Instruments in which the string is attached to a yoke that consists of a cross-bar and two arms, with the yoke lying in the same plane as the sound-table (lyres or yoke lutes) edit
321.21: Instruments in which the resonator is bowl-shaped, either carved or natural edit
321.22: Instruments in which the resonator is a built-up wooden box edit
321.3: Instruments in which the string bearer is a plain handle (handle lutes) edit
321.31: Instruments in which the handle passes diametrically through or over the resonator (spike lutes) edit
321.311: Instrument with a resonator made from a bowl, either natural or carved (spike bowl lutes) edit
321.312: Instruments in which the resonator is in the form of a box (spike box lutes, spike guitars) edit
321.313: Instrument in which the handle passes diametrically through the walls of a tube (where the depth of the body exceeds the radius of the membrane) (spike tube lutes) edit
321.314: Instrument in which the handle passes diametrically through the walls of a circular frame (where the depth of the body does not exceed the radius of the membrane). (spike frame lutes) edit
321.32: Instrument in which the handle is attached to, or carved from, the resonator, like a neck (necked lutes) edit
321.321: Instrument whose body is shaped like a bowl (necked bowl lutes) edit
321.322: Instrument whose body is shaped like a box (necked box lutes) edit
321.33: Instrument in which the handle extends into but does not pass completely through the resonator (tanged lutes) edit
322: Instrument whose strings are at right angles to the sound table, such that a line between the lower tips of the strings would point at the neck (harps) edit
322.1: Instrument without a pillar (open harps) edit
322.11: Instrument has a neck that curves away from the resonator (arched harp) edit
322.12: Instrument has a neck that sharply angles away from the resonator (angular harps) edit
322.2: Instrument has a pillar (frame harps) edit
322.21: Instrument has no tuning action edit
322.211: Instrument is diatonic edit
322.212: Instrument is chromatic edit
322.212.1: Instrument has strings in one plane edit
322.212.2: Instrument has strings in two planes which cross each other edit
322.22: Instrument has tuning action edit
322.221: Instrument can be tuned with hand levers edit
322.222: Instrument can be tuned with pedal-operated levers edit
323: Instrument has strings that lay at right angles to the sound table, so that a line joining the lower tips of the strings would be perpendicular to the neck, and the instrument has a notched bridge. edit
33: Chordophones not allocated a number in the Hornbostel-Sachs system. edit
4: Instruments in which sound is produced through vibrating air (aerophone). This includes wind instruments and free-reed instruments. edit
41: Instruments in which the vibrating air is not contained within the instrument. edit
411: Instruments in which an air-stream meets a sharp edge, or a sharp edge is moved through the air. edit
412: Instruments in which the vibrating air is not contained within the instrument and is interrupted periodically. edit
412.1: Idiophonic interruptive aerophones or reeds. The air-stream is directed against a lamella, setting it in periodic vibration to interrupt the stream intermittently. edit
412.11: Concussion reeds. edit
412.12: Percussion (single lamella) reeds. edit
412.121: Individual percussion reeds. edit
412.122: Sets of percussion reeds. edit
412.13: Free reeds. edit
412.131: Individual free reeds. edit
412.132: Sets of free reeds. edit
412.14: Band reeds. edit
412.2: Non-idiophonic interruptive instruments. The interruptive agent is not a reed. edit
412.21: Rotating aerophones. The interruptive agent rotates in its own plane and does not turn on its axis. edit
412.22: Whirling aerophones. The interruptive agent turns on its axis. edit
413: Instruments in which the sound is caused by a single compression and release of air. edit
42: Instruments in which the vibrating air is contained within the instrument. edit
421: Instruments in which the vibrating air is contained within the instrument and is created through air blowing against an edge. edit
421.1: Flutes without fipple/duct. edit
421.11: End-blown flutes (the player blows against the sharp rim at the upper open end of a tube) without fipple/duct. edit
421.111: Individual end-blown flutes without fipple. edit
421.111.1: Individual end-blown flutes without fipple in which the other end is open. edit
421.111.11: Individual end-blown flutes without fipple in which the other end is open without fingerholes. edit
421.111.12: Individual end-blown flutes without fipple in which the other end is open with fingerholes. edit
421.111.2: Individual end-blown flutes without fipple in which the other end is stopped/closed. edit
421.111.21: Individual end-blown flutes without fipple in which the other end is stopped/closed without fingerholes. edit
421.111.22: Individual end-blown flutes without fipple in which the other end is stopped/closed with fingerholes. edit
421.112: Sets of end-blown flutes without fipple. edit
421.112.1: Sets of open end-blown flutes without fipple. edit
421.112.11: Sets of open end-blown flutes without fipple tied together in a raft/board shape. edit
421.112.12: Sets of open end-blown flutes without fipple tied together in a round/circle shape. edit
421.112.2: Sets of closed end-blown flutes without fipple. edit
421.112.3: Sets of mixed open and closed end-blown flutes without fipple. edit
421.12: Side-blown flutes (the player blows against the sharp rim of a hole in the side of the tube) without fipple/duct. edit
421.121: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple. edit
421.121.1: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple which are open. edit
421.121.11: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple which are open without fingerholes. edit
421.121.12: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple which are open with fingerholes. edit
421.121.2: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple which are partly stopped/closed. edit
421.121.3: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple which are stopped/closed. edit
421.121.31: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple which are stopped/closed without fingerholes. edit
421.121.311: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple which are stopped/closed without fingerholes with fixed end. edit
421.121.312: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple which are stopped/closed without fingerholes with adjustable end. edit
421.121.32: Individual side-blown flutes without fipple which are stopped/closed with fingerholes. edit
421.122: Sets of side-blown flutes without fipple. edit
421.122.1: Sets of open side-blown flutes without fipple. edit
421.122.2: Sets of closed side-blown flutes without fipple. edit
421.13: Vessel flutes without distinct beak (the body of the pipe is not tubular but vessel-shaped) and without fipple/duct. edit
421.2: Flutes with fipple/duct. edit
421.21: Flutes with external fipple. edit
421.211: Single flutes with external fipple. edit
421.211.1: Open single flutes with external fipple. edit
421.211.11: Open single flutes with external fipple without fingerholes. edit
421.211.12: Open single flutes with external fipple with fingerholes. edit
421.211.2: Partially stopped single flutes with external fipple. edit
421.211.3: Stopped single flutes with external fipple. edit
421.212: Sets of flutes with external fipple. edit
421.22: Flutes with internal fipple. edit
421.221: Individual flutes with internal fipple. edit
421.221.1: Individual open flutes with internal fipple. edit
421.221.11: Individual open flutes with internal fipple without fingerholes. edit
421.221.12: Individual open flutes with internal fipple with fingerholes. edit
421.221.2: Individual partly-stopped flutes with internal fipple. edit
421.221.3: Individual stopped flutes with internal fipple. edit
421.221.31: Individual stopped flutes with internal fipple without fingerholes. edit
421.221.311: Individual stopped flutes with internal fipple without fingerholes with fixed end. edit
421.221.312: Individual stopped flutes with internal fipple without fingerholes with adjustable end. edit
421.221.32: Individual stopped flutes with internal fipple with fingerholes. edit
421.221.4: Vessel flutes with fipple. edit
421.221.41: Vessel flutes with fipple without fingerholes. edit
421.221.42: Vessel flutes with fipple with fingerholes. edit
421.222: Sets of flutes with internal fipple. edit
421.222.1: Sets of open flutes with internal fipple. edit
421.222.11: Sets of open flutes with internal fipple without fingerholes. edit
421.222.12: Sets of open flutes with internal fipple with fingerholes. edit
421.222.2: Sets of partly-stopped flutes with internal fipple. edit
421.222.3: Sets of stopped flutes with internal fipple. edit
422: Instruments in which the vibrating air is contained within the instrument and is created through air directed against a lamella or pair of lamellae which periodically interrupt the airflow and cause the air to be set in motion. edit
422.1: Instruments in which the player's breath is directed against a pair of lamellae which periodically interrupt the airflow and cause the air to be set in motion. edit
422.11: Individual oboes. edit
422.111: Individual oboes with cylindrical bores. edit
422.111.1: Individual oboes with cylindrical bores and without fingerholes. edit
422.111.2: Individual oboes with cylindrical bores and with fingerholes. edit
422.112: Individual oboes with conical bores. edit
422.12: Sets of oboes. edit
422.121: Sets of oboes with cylindrical bores. edit
422.122: Sets of oboes with conical bores. edit
422.2: Instruments in which the player's breath is directed against a single lamellae which periodically interrupt the airflow and cause the air to be set in motion. edit
422.21: Individual clarinets. edit
422.211: Individual clarinets with cylindrical bores. edit
422.211.1: Individual clarinets with cylindrical bores and without fingerholes. edit
422.211.2: Individual clarinets with cylindrical bores and with fingerholes. edit
422.212: Individual clarinets with conical bores. edit
422.22: Sets of clarinets. edit
422.3: Instruments in which a reed vibrates through [at] a closely fitted frame. There must be tone holes, otherwise the instrument belongs to the free reeds 412.1. edit
422.31: Single pipes with free reed. edit
422.32: Double pipes with free reed. edit
423: Instruments in which the vibrating air is contained within the instrument and is created through the player's vibrating lips setting the air in motion. edit
423.1: Instruments in which the player's vibrating lips set the air in motion and are the only means of changing the pitch. edit
423.11: Conch (serving as horn). edit
423.111: End blown conch. edit
423.111.1: End blown conch without mouthpiece. edit
423.111.2: End blown conch with mouthpiece. edit
423.112: Side-blown conch. edit
423.12: Tubular trumpets. edit
423.121: End-blown tubular trumpets. edit
423.121.1: Straight end-blown tubular trumpets, neither bent nor folded. edit
423.121.11: Straight end-blown tubular trumpets, neither bent nor folded without mouthpiece. edit
423.121.12: Straight end-blown tubular trumpets, neither bent nor folded with mouthpiece. edit
423.121.2: Curved or folded end-blown tubular trumpets, neither bent nor folded. edit
423.121.21: Curved or folded end-blown tubular trumpets, neither bent nor folded without mouthpiece. edit
423.121.22: Curved or folded end-blown tubular trumpets, neither bent nor folded with mouthpiece. edit
423.122: Side-blown tubular trumpets. edit
423.2: Instruments in which the player's vibrating lips set the air in motion though the pitch may be altered mechanically . edit
423.21: Keyed chromatic horns. edit
423.22: Slide chromatic horns. edit
423.23: Valved chromatic horns. edit
423.231: Valved chromatic horns with cylindrical bores. edit
423.232: Valved chromatic horns with semi-cylindrical bores. edit
423.233: Valved chromatic horns with conical bores. edit
43: Aerophones not allocated a number in the Hornbostel-Sachs system. edit
5: Instruments that generate their sound electronically (electrophone). edit
51: Instruments having electric action. edit
52: Instruments having electrical amplification. edit
53: Instruments in which sound is produced by electrical means. edit
54: Electrophones not allocated a number in the Hornbostel-Sachs system. edit

See also

Hornbostel-Sachs musical instrument templates ()