Talk:Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident/sources

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== Some kind of categorization, like primary, secondary, high reliability==

==== Title of the source ====

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  • Quote:
    1. relevant quotes here, these should be also present in the quote= parameter of the Template:Citation used to describe the article
    2. another quote from this source
    3. etc ...
  • Note: ... an interpretation regarding this source (optional)

Event was staged or at least they where not genuine Falun Gong practitioners


Falun Dafa Information Center, PRESS STATEMENT, January 23, 2001

  • Quote:
    1. "This so-called suicide attempt on Tiananmen Square has nothing to do with Falun Gong practitioners because the teachings of Falun Gong prohibit any form of killing. Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of the practice, has explicitly stated that suicide is a sin.",
    2. "The state-run Xinhua News Agency, the PRC Foreign Affairs Ministry, and every arm of the PRC government have fabricated countless lies against Falun Gong this should be mentioned Not long ago, the spokesperson of China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry claimed that no one has been sent to labor camp for practicing Falun Gong. Yet, just days later, another government newspaper touted that over 400 Falun Gong practitioners have been “reformed” in one labor camp alone in Liaoning Province."
  • Summary: Practitioners are forbidden any form of killing and the PRC and it's every arm have fabricated countless lies against Falun Gong. The PRC uses any form of disinformation even with the cost of contradicting itself, according to FDI.

Secondary sources


High reliability sources


Event was a genuine protest


Primary sources


Secondary sources


High reliability sources


Not taken stance, but reports both sides


Primary sources


Secondary sources


High reliability sources


David Ownby, Falun Gong and the future of China


  • Quote: it would be good to copy pages 216 and 217 from this book
  • Summary: Time of reporting, and citing the PRC propaganda on the immolators belief of going to "a wonderfull world with gold everywhere", and citing the inconsistencies presented by the diaspora practitioners, quick fire extinguishers. Then goes on with the findings of Philip Pan, a journalist from Washington Post, who traveled to Kaifeng to find Liu Chunling and Liu Siying, whose neighbors where not aware that they where Falun Gong practitioners. Liu Chunling was very brutal, strucked her elderly mother and worked as an escort in a local nightclub. Which is hardly a typical profile of a practitioner. ...

"China's transformations: the stories beyond the headlines", by Weston, Timothy B.


  • Quote:
    1. "Falun Gong practitioners succeeded in creating a considerable sympathy for the plight of their fellow practitioners in China playing on the anti-Communist sentiment that continues to resonate in some parts of the continent, as well as on the claim that freedom of speech and freedom of religion are universal values that should be respected universally."
    2. "Nor is it surprising that jails, detention centers and labor camps came to be filled to overflowing with Falun Gong practitioners. In the fall of 1999, practitioners in North America began to track the anti-Falun Gong campaign in China and set up websites to disseminate the results of their findings worldwide."
    3. "Such flames became all too deadly in 2001, when a number of Falun gong practitioners apparently set themselves on fire in Tienanmen Square on January 23, resulting in five deaths. This incident remains highly disputed, Falun Gong practitioners and spokesman insisting that the event was staged by Chinese officials (who long refused, for example, to allow Western journalists to interview those who had survived their own attempted self-immolation, although it would seem that such interviews would have been a golder opportunity for China to illustrate that Falun Gong 'drives people crazy')".
    4. please feel free to add to it, it would be good to copy pages 104, 105, 106
  • Reference used in article for: "Jensen and Weston (2006) noticed a marked change in the tone of Li Hongzhi's messages following the ban: practitioners who remained steadfast against the oppression would survive the apocalypse while those who succumbed to pressure would not. Those who died or had suffered were promised 'consummation', or 'enlightenment.'", "Jensen and Weston remarked it was clear from Li Hongzhi's messages that he advocated martyrdom over prudence, and that 'if the Chinese authorities lit the fire, Li just as clearly fanned the flames.'"

Tiananmen tense after fiery protests


  • Quote:
    1. "Police ran to the man and extinguished the flames. Moments later four more people set themselves alight as military police detained the CNN crew, which had been taping the events."
    2. "Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the spiritual group, Gail Rachlin, said the report that the five were members of Falun Gong was part of an effort against the group by the Chinese government.
      "Don't you see what the PRC (People's Republic of China) is doing? They're trying to get into the media, which is what they said they would try to do. This is a one-sided media campaign and they're trying to engage others, like CNN," Rachlin said."



Question: Where in his writings does Li Hongzhi advocate martyrdom or promise 'consummation' to those who are killed? --HappyInGeneral (talk) 22:31, 12 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

I double checked this with Ownby, look at his quotes I have added. Shii (tock) 01:03, 23 November 2009 (UTC)Reply