Tasting during preparation of naivedyam.


The article states that tasting during preparation is strictly prohibited. What is the source for this?

The naivedyam is offered to the diety and subsequently served to the attending devotees. It is all the more important to make it in the right taste.

Tasting it after preparing, and before offering to dirty first may not be correct, but it is needed to be tasted during preparation (for eg: while mixing ingredients) so that naivedyam doesn't end up tasteless. We owe this to the diety and also to the attending devotees.

Too many times, I've seen people ruining the taste and deny devotees the great experience of a tasty prasadam because they take this rule (of not tasting ingredients before offering) too far. I am yet to find any scripture which gives precise guidance on this.

Devotion and common sense, both are important. Chary pr23 (talk) 04:41, 21 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Diety* Chary pr23 (talk) 04:42, 21 November 2021 (UTC)Reply