Talk:Miss Right Now

Latest comment: 16 years ago by CharlesMGraham in topic Untitled



Though I don't doubt the depth of Right's sentiments, it's rather the form of her expressions that I find both fastidious and abusive. The lockstep ideological conformity of Right's adherents and their mindless parroting of Right's crotchety cliches about sectarianism have reached a level of absurdity hardly matched by any historical example that comes to mind. Am I saying that pointing out that Right's commentaries are completely ultra-jaded is a sure way to release an outpouring of scorn and resentment from Right? Yes. That innocent children have been brainwashed by Right's heartless goals? Maybe. That the best advice I can give to a group is to extirpate mandarinism root, trunk, and branch? Definitely.--CharlesMGraham (talk) 21:52, 11 August 2008 (UTC)Reply