Talk:Jadoon/Archive 1

Latest comment: 12 years ago by Sitush in topic pashtun tribe or not?
Archive 1Archive 2


[1]: I suspect this is vanity, but I know nothing about the topic. - Jmabel | Talk 06:31, 15 September 2006 (UTC)

Notable Jadoons

Iqbal Khan Jadoon. (13th Chief Minister of NWFP) Amanullah Khan Jadoon. (Minister of Petroleum and Gas) Colonel Ghulam Mustafa Khan Jadoon,Ex District Nazim of Abbottabad Khan Gohar Rehman Khan Jadoon, Father of Iqbal Khan and Amanullah Khan Jadoon. Fareed Mohammed Khan Jadoon, Ex MNA from Abbottabad Khan Sahib Mohammed Akram Khan Jadoon,Nawnashehr, First Deputy Commisioner from Hazara before 1947 Dr Azhar Khan Jadoon ( Founder of Hira Hospital, Women medical college Nawansher, Women Institute of Technology, A political personality) Shamroz Khan Jadoon. Former minister of NWFP Ali Afzal Khan Former MPA Dr Shahnawaz Khan Jadoon Dr. Akif Zeb Khan Jadoon Shohali(PhD Chemistry Germany) Zaffar Iqbal Khan Jadoon industrialist businessman,Canada Inayatullah Khan Jadoon,son of Iqbal Khan, Businessman & Politician Mohammed Ali Khan Jadoon, IG Police,Retired 1976, Nawanshehr,Abbottabad. Mohammed Kamal Khan Jadoon,Advocate ,Nawanshehr,Abbottabad. Wing Commander Aslam Khan Jadoon of Bagra,Havellian. Mohammed Yaqub Khan Jadoon,Ex-MNA from Gandaff. Ajoon Khan Jadoon,Ex-MPA from Gandaf Ghafoor Khan Jadoon,Ex-MPA from Gandaf Dr.Wamiq Jadoon, Paediatrician,USA. Dr.Changez Jadoon,interventional Radiologist,UK Dr.Asad Jadoon,Cardiologist, USA Dr.Naila Jadoon,Gynecologist,UK Dr.Suraiya Yasmeen,Gynecologist,Abbottabad Dr.Saleem Jadoon, Anaesthetist,Abbottabad Dr.Colonel Farooq Khan, Opthalmologist,Abbottabad. Dr. Irum Jadoon,Medical Specialist,USA Dr.Taimur Jadoon,Gynecologist,UK. Bigadier Gul Khan Jadoon,Abbottabad Brigadier Afsar Khan,Abbottabad Major General Masood Khan, Abbottabad Dr. Ehsan Jadoon,Psychiatrist,Australia Air Commodore Afsar Khan Jadoon,Abbottabad Engineer Farooq Khan of Nawanshehr,Director General Qadeer Khan Research laboratories, Dr. Habib Jadoon,Medical Physician ,pakistan. Brigadier Benaras Khan Of Sheikhul Bandi, Abbottabad Taimoor Khan Jadoon, Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator, Pakistan Aasif Khan Jadoon, OCP Certified Database Administrator, Trainer at FaujiFoundation Pakistan —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:47, 9 October 2010 (UTC)


I think you must be Sughra Ahmad Mughal - since you mention that you have put up a website and refer to it.

I can give you the references that you need regarding the various Jadoon conquests but there are some things that you must understand.

Bravery or the lack of it is an heterogeneous attribute in every society, race and creed. Wikipedia is NOT an internet newsgroup or chat room - Avoid making derogatory comments about a tribe or group of people for publication on this respected online encyclopedia. It only emphasizes your own ignorance.

An educated, professional person can always express themselves in a way that does not denigrate another.

You will find when you read further below, that "Hamsaya" is a totally incorrect description of the Jadoons, ADDED by Olaf Caroe. The original documents (see below) don't use this term at all.

You also have blown out of proportion the Pathan/Pukhtoon nomenclature issue. To an Afridi, Jadoon, Wazir, Yousafzai, etc. when they speak in Pukhto, they always say Pukhtoon or Pashtoon - but in Urdu/Hindko/English - it's the habit to say "Pathan" - that is how it is at the "ground level" - understood by the ordinary folk. No big issue for the Pathans - only a big thing for the non-Pathans. Even the term "Afghani" nowadays means, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkomen, Hazara etc i.e. inhabitants of Afghanistan.

The two books you quoted have mistakes: James Spain's book has numerous mistakes on the other Pathan tribes as well (such as on the Mohmands for instance) - but that is expected - he is not an Anthropologist. If you really want to write about Pathans use references from established Anthropologists like Prof. Akbar S. Ahmed. Olaf Caroe's book also has mistakes - like the one regarding the Jadoons not helping Abbott, when in fact it was 200 Peshawaries (mentioned in his personal diaries held at the British India Office Library in London) - also if you look on his map of Pathan tribe locations, he includes the Mishwanis - who actually acknowledge they are non-Pathans - in fact the Mishwanis of Hazara say they are Syeds - and in Afghanistan, they are recognized as "Arabs". Another is his conclusions that the Jadoon's were Hamsayas - if you look at the original papers that mention these (SEE BELOW) NO WHERE is this mentioned. It is a TOTALLY INCORRECT ASSUMPTION made by Olaf Caroe.

Here are references to the Jadoon's character, and the fact they conquered those parts of Hazara where they now reside as opposed to "passive migration" (written by non-Jadoons):

Reference: Notes on Afghanistan and part of Baluchistan: geographical, ethnographical, and historical. Extracted from the writings of Afghán and Tajzík historians, geographers, and genealogists; the histories of the Ghúris, the Turk sovereigns of the Dilhí Kingdom, the mughal sovereigns of the house of Tímúr, and other Muhammadan chronicles; and from personal observations.

By Major H.G.Raverty , Bombay Native Infantry (retired). Published London, 1880.

Author of a "Grammer" and "Dictionary" of the Pus'hto or Afghan Language; "The Gulshan I-Roh, or Selections, Prose, and Poetical, in the Afghan Language;" "The Poetry of the Afghans, from the Sixteenth Century to the Nineteenth Century;" "The Fables of Aesop Al-Hakim in the Afghan Language;" "Translation of the Tabakát-i-Násirí, from the Persian of Minhá-i-Saráj;" "The Pus'hto Manual," etc etc.

"The descent of the Jzadún Afghans, called Gadúns by the tribes about Peshawar, who change the original letter "Jz" into "g", is well known to those acquainted with the genealogy of the Pus'htánah or Afghán nation. "They are descended from Jzadún, son of Parnaey , and brother of Kakar, the two latter being sons of Dánaey, son of Ghurghusht, son of Kais-i-'Abd-ur-Rashíd, entitled "the Patan." As has already been stated (at page 9) the descendants of Parnaey who were very numerous, are said to have been ousted from their lands in Sánga'h Mandáhí, in Síwístan, became dispersed, and moved northwards at a comparatively early date. It is also clear that they became greatly scattered, and that but few continued to dwell in their early seats, a vast number having migrated into India, where many are still to be found, in the southern part of the peninsula. But we need not go quite so far south to find a number of them. Besides the Jzadún Parnís on the west bank of the Indus, there are no less than six or seven thousand Parní families at this present time still located in what we call the "Hazárah District," peopling some eighteen or twenty villages. Their chief town was Najíb-ullah Garh, but great changes have taken place in these parts, now included in the Hazárah District, since the annexation of the Panj-áb, in 1849. The Safi Afghans are descended from another of Parnaey's sons, who bore the former name, and Sáfaey was therefore a brother of the progenitors of the Jzadúns.

"The Jzadúns appear to have been located near the southern slopes of the Spín Ghar range, west of Irí-ab, about the time the Khas'hís, (MY NOTE: these give rise to Khas'hís Khel or Khakhay Khel as it is written in some accounts because the Pakhto "Kheen" is the Pashto "Sheen" and is the clan from which the Yusafzai descend from), having been obliged to vacate their old seats through the hostility of the Ghwarís, (MY NOTE: written in other accounts as Ghwariah Khel, and is the clan from which the Khalils, Mohmands, Daudzais and Chamkannis descend from. Both Khas'hís and Ghwarís were brothers), moved northwards towards Kábul; and, while the Khas'hís were dwelling within the limits of the Kábul province, on the northern side of the range of Spín Ghar, the Muhammadzís joined the Yúsufzí and Mandar tribes of that sept, and together with the Jzadúns continued with them as an associated and allied tribe during their subsequent vicissitudes.

"When these tribes made a distribution of the conquered territories after the defeat of the Dilazaks near Katlang (see page 224), and they had been driven out of the Sama'h, as will be presently mentioned, the Jzadúns took the lands in the eastern part of the Sama'h, near the Abáe-Sín, and there they still dwell. During the course of some four centuries, since the period in question, considerable changes have taken place in these parts, but not so many as might have been expected with reference to the Afghan tribes of this locality, but the Jzadúns have, since that period, pushed across the Abáe-Sín, and hold lands on the east, in Kohistán of Dharam-taur, and are said to number near upon ten thousand families. They will be subsequently referred to in the account of that district or territory

"The Jzadúns are divided into three sub-tribes, which again contain minor sections which need not be enumerated here."

(MY NOTE:The name "Parnaey" is also written in some accounts as "Panris" or "Pannis").

Here is another reference from: The People of India: A series of photographic illustrations of the Races and Tribes of Hindustan. Edited by J.Forbes and Sir John William Kaye, vol. 5, London, Indian Museum 1872.

"The Jadoons are not British subjects, though they inhabit a portion of the district called Hazara. They inhabit a portion of the frontier below, that is south of the Hussanzye tribe, lying on the right bank of the Indus, and opposite to the British town of Torbeyla. Westward their territory extends till it meets the higher ranges of the Hindoo Koosh. The Mahabun mountain, with its dense forest, lies within their boundary, and the whole tract is wild and rugged in an almost inconceivable degree. Though the Jadoons accompanied the Yoosufzyes when they descended from Kabool in the fifteenth century, and conquered and occupied the valley of Peshawaur, they claim to have an independent origin, and are separate from the Yoosufzyes. The Jadoons have spread into the neighbouring district of Hazara, and now form one of the strongest tribes of that province, occupying the central portion; their villages lying from 1,500 to 6,000 feet above the plains of the Indus. The Jadoons are a fair complexioned tribe, many of them having brown hair and beards, and ruddy colour, with grey or hazel eyes, and they are, for the most part, fair, with strong, athletic forms, extremely active, and capable of enduring great exertion and fatigue."

Another reference from:

Notes on the Eusofzye tribes of Afghanistan By The Late Capt. Edward Connolly (published after his death in the First Afghan War, in the Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for the British and Foreign India, China, and Australasia. Vol.XXXV-New Series, May-August, 1841.):

"The Judoons are related to the Kaukar Affghan tribe (i.e. come from Parni, brother of Kakar - MY NOTE) and migrated to these parts, perhaps two or three centuries ago (time of writing: approx. 1838) and are divided into two great branches, Salar and Munsoor of whom the first are settled to the east of Punjtar, and the rest in Drumtour. The Salars are said to have 64 villages, and to muster 6000 matchlocks; their government is a democracy, more rigid than that even of the Euosafzyes. I was nearly causing a quarrel at Grenduf, their chief town, by inadvertently asking who was their head Mullick. We were much struck by the appearance of wealth and comfort in their villages, which are large and populous and the Hindoos seemed to be more numerous and thriving amongst them, than in any other part of the country we visited."

....and another reference: Hillary Rose in "A glossary of the tribes and castes of the north west frontier provinces and the protected territories of the north west frontier provinces, Vol. II (A to K)published 1919, Lawrence Rd, Delhi, writes:

"The Jaduns occupy all of the southeastern portion of the territory between the Peshawar and Hazara borders, and southern slopes of Mahaban, having taken their present lands in the eastern Sama after the Jaduns and various Kashi chiefs of the Afghans had defeated the Dilazaks, and when Jahangir finally crushed the Dilazaks, they spread up the Dor valley as high as Abbottabad. Early in the 18th Century, on the expulsion of the Karlugh Turks by Saiyed Jalal Baba they appropriated the country about Dhamtaur; and about hundred years later they took the Bagra tract from the remaining few Dilazaks who held it, while shortly before the Sikhs took the country their Hassanzai clan deprived the Karral of a portion of the Nilan valley".

I could go on giving you references all night, but I think my point has been made.

So again if you look at the literature it's OLAF CAROE who calls them Hamsayas - the original documents mentioning them don't SPECIFICALLY call them Hamsayas - but ALLIES. Big difference!

In fact, by going to Hazara, which is largely a non-Pakhto speaking area, the Jadoons further preserved their "Pashto pronounced" name. The first letter of "Jadoon" is spelt with a unique Pashto letter which is like the arabic "rey" but has a dot above and a dot below. In Southern (Qandahar/Helmand) Pashto this letter is pronounced as "J" and in Northern (Kabul/Peshawar) Pakhto it is pronounced as "G". Hence "Jadoon" in Pashto and "Gadoon" in Pakhto. This further supports the account that Jadoons migrated from southern Afghanistan. Write "Jadoon" with this unique Pashto letter in the beginning instead of "Jeem" or "Gaaf" and show it to any Pashtoon from Qandahar and he will pronounce it as "Jadoon"!

No Jadoon calls himself Gadoon.

Let me give you another analogy: Consider the "Bangash Pakhtoon Clan." When you write "Bangash" you use the unique Pakhto "Kheen" which in Pashto is pronounced "Sheen" (It's like the Arabic "seen" but has a dot above and below). So if I speak Pakhto I will say "Bangakh" and if I tell an Englishmen that my Pakhtoon Clan is "Bangakh" he will always call me "Bangakh" because he does not know Pashto and so is unaware of the word changes in the language.

I hope this information helps.

Adil Khan Jadoon 23:25, 13 August 2007 (UTC)

Adil Khan Jadoon!

Judged on the first couple of paragraphs that I have read in your REPLY, I came to the conclusion that it is not my worthwhile to go through the rest of your pages which I believe bear no credibility. Some of the reasons apply;

1) Repudiating the praise worthy research work of an exemplary historians like Olaf Caroe and a great living anthropologist like Dr. hab is a clear evidence of ‘YOU’ being misled by the rigidity of the primitive and antique un-enlightened minds.2) You have no idea of the criterion of the word “nationality”. Factually almost 45% of Afghan population is Pakhtuns in Afghanistan. Segmenting the entire population of a Sovereign State into groups and labeling only the minorities as ‘Afghan’ leaves no doubt about your poor knowledge, mind set and low literacy level which is so incompatible to the present modern world. 3) If you do not have the guts to take the critique then do not be open to discussion. All enlightened and educated know very well how and where to express their views.

On the above grounds it leaves no room for the enlightened to carry on any further discussion especially with you. I only respect people of knowledge, who are rational, enlightened and exhibit the protocol of communication. Unfortunately you have proven your ignorance repeatedly and beyond doubt and therefore you deserve no credibility from now on. 23:25, 13 August 2007 (UTC)

Sughra Ahmad Mughal/

The saying, “Some minds are like concrete, all mixed up and permanently set!” holds true for your way of thinking, as does the Pashto proverb, "Putting books on a donkey doesn't make it intelligent."

You asked for references and I gave them to you. If you don’t read them, it explains to everyone why you made ignorant comments in the first place. That’s your own undoing.

In fact I went to the original documents – like a serious researcher - unlike yourself whose basing your views on secondary and tertiary information that gets interpreted differently each time.

No-one can help someone who continues to disagree with the primary source, yet agrees with the secondary and tertiary sources. Speaks poorly of your research method. You obviously have your own agenda.

Serious researchers do what I do – amateurs do what you do. You’re not as “flexible in your views” as you say you are and are the one who can’t take the critique as is proven in your response.

The good thing is as a result of your inquiry, the INACCURACIES of Olaf Caroes’ book regarding the Jadoons are there for everyone to see – and the ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS correcting his assumptions are there for everyone to read!

Adil Khan Jadoon

Dear Sughra Mughal:
I have read your original comments on the Jadoon tribe and then the comments made by Adil Khan. It is clear that he has taken information from several respectable sources and he has taken the time to fully quote these in his response to you. However your response to him was very unreasonable and rude. You say in your reply to Adil Khan:
“On the above grounds it leaves no room for the enlightened to carry on any further discussion especially with you. I only respect people of knowledge, who are rational, enlightened and exhibit the protocol of communication”.
If Adil Khan is not knowledgeable, I certainly donot feel that you have the knowledge to be commenting in an authoritative way on the Jadoon tribe. It is clear for our readers to see who is more knowledgeable and correct on this subject.
Tahir Khan Jadoon.
The Prosecutor whoever you are!
I would like to draw attention of the readers to two main flaws in your case, not scholarly but ethical.
You Criticised Jadoons, ok, Mr Adnan Khan Jadoon being a jadoon directly shot didnt mind at all but cleared your mind according to your wishes mentioned above that u like good critique. Then why did you mind and offend him being not directly targeted, its not understading inspite he gave references i also read which are true.
Second if he proved your references wrong and partly, then u may explain them again wholy or may provide more references in prosecution but you didnt at all desspite being rude and offending.

I am an Historian, a europian and doing my Postdoc research about Afghan Origins now in islamabad, and according to all my 10 years study and knowledge you are wrong/poor in your prosecution, your clearance and your ethics as well. You have no right to criticise or to provide false material on any clain, tribe or origin.

mr sughra who ever u are you don't know whenever you going to say something about critical matters like Tribes,clan so think about it hundard times before say something and approach with the right material my brother Adil Khan Jadoon explined it very well with the solid proof of diffrent historions refrences i would like to say that you don't have small right to destroy and presents the wrong history of JJJJJJJAAAAAAADDDDDDDUUUUUUUNNNNNNN mind it.Sohail Khan Jadoon —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:02, 4 December 2008 (UTC)


Thanks and Regards to all readers!
Joseph Conor
England —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:38, 14 May 2008 (UTC)

Notable Jadoons (2)

  • Ali Asghar Khan Jadoon, Scout Leader, Education NJV School, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Zafar Iqbal Jadoon, Proprietor, Universal Engineering Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Zafar Iqbal Jadoon
  • Aapni Parwaaz-e-Takhayyull Thi Zamane Se Juda
  • Jiss Jagah Koyi Na Pahuncha Wahaan Tak Pahunche
  • Main Samajhta Huun Harr Dil Mein Khuda Rehta Hain
  • Mera Paigam Mohabbat Hain Jaahan Tak Pahunche
  • Zafar Iqbal Jadoon G O G JADOON G (talk)* —Preceding undated comment added 09:14, 18 April 2009 (UTC).

Gadoons/jadoons are the Pathanlike people.The Gadoons/Jadoons are mostly living in the Gadoon area of Sawabi distt.There they are known for their hospitality.They speak pashto.They are brave people. They named the area after their tribe.Members of this tribe also present in good numbers in the distt of Abott Abad where they occupied the land. The only area Gadoon in the whole country not occupied by any invaders(mugals,britishes etc). They are migrated from the southwestren afghanistan where they were came from present day Gujarat State. There is saying in pashto ,,cha pa khwa pa zemana ki yaw KHODA wou yaw Rasool wou yaw Salar ouw bal Mansour Salar and Mansour are the tow clans of Gadoon tribe always fight eachother in the past. A new sprang sub tribe is Hassazai found in Hazara. Somewhere i read that they are Jews along with other pashtun tribes (Tum ne ghlat suna hy ye Indian log heyn) We the yousufzais ,khataks are bunch of many races. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:10, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Confusion with the Yadhavs

James Tod was an Englishman and a Colonel,who served in the East India Comapany and wrote a book 'Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan Or the Central and Western Rajpoot" on his expereince in the Indian subcontinent (1) he conjectured that the Jadoons were related to the to the Yadu race (see page xviii of his book) and further wrote that they descended from Salbahan at the period of the expulsion from Gujni [1]Tod also also provides reference to a dreadful battle at Jodpoor in which a Jadoon Kishore leads the fight in 1737 [2] On the other hand William Wilson Hunter has referred to the Jadun as Rajputs of Mewat [3]. However it is clear that since James Tod was not a linguist or historian, he was simply mistaken. This is further supported by his own acknowledgement on page xviii of his book where he states as one of his headings "Conjecture regarding the Jadoon tribe of Eusofzye". In addition, Montstuart Elphinstone, a Scotsman, a Statesman, historian and first British Envoy to the King of Afghanistan and so a contemprary of Tod also did not mention this when he described his encounter with the Jadoons and Yousafzai, in his book, "Account of the Kingdom of Caubol" published in 1815, he states, "Among the Jadoons, a branch of the Eusofzyes..." (p.17). Furhermore, the "Yadu" or Yadhavs (descendants of the King Yadu and from which Lord Krishna descends from) as they are properly called do not lay claim to this assumption by Tod. Interestingly among the Pashtuns of the North West Frontier, there are Rajputs who have since converted to Islam and speak Pashto, but still claim their Rajput heritage.

This text was removed from the article. Please discuss. --Enric Naval (talk) 08:00, 28 September 2009 (UTC)

This user id has vandal deleted referenced content from this article .
Yadu_Rajput is a sock puppet of an existing experienced wikipedia editor .
The only edits it has contributed are related to deletions on this article .
See its record of contributions .
Intothefire (talk) 03:35, 28 October 2009 (UTC)

Here s the original content in the article that was removed by user Yadu_Rajput . This removed paragraph was neutral and replete with direct references .first the paragraph was edited , then a commentary added and finally removed without discussion . In the circumstance it needs to be put right back .

Intothefire (talk) 17:14, 6 November 2009 (UTC)

You're missing the point of wikipedia - argue the facts. Even Todd realises his conjecture regarding the Jadoons. This is what he writes on page 191: "Conjecture regarding the Jadoon tribe of Eusofzye, that the Afghans are Yadus not Yahudis or Jews". What is it that you don't understand? - Yadu Rajput —Preceding unsigned comment added by Yadu Rajput (talkcontribs) 23:12, 6 November 2009 (UTC)

Response 2 to user id Yadu_Rajput
Provided references from another two verifiable scholar sources apart from earlier two
  • Bellew
  • Harun Rashid
  • James Tod
  • William Wilson Hunter
Suggest you please remove your long personal commentary from the article and transfer :::::::::it to the discussion page .
The article is enriched by referenced content even if contradictory facts emerge , in the end this is the way to progress the knowledge on the subject .
Intothefire (talk) 11:39, 11 November 2009 (UTC)

(This belongs in the discussion due to its nature and the debate of the references). —Preceding unsigned comment added by Yadu Rajput (talkcontribs) 04:54, 15 November 2009 (UTC)

Confusion with the Yadavs

James Tod was an Englishman and a Colonel, who served in the East India Comapany and wrote a book "Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan Or the Central and Western Rajpoot" on his experience in the Indian subcontinent (1) he CONJECTURED that the Jadoons were related to the to the Yadu race (see page 191 of his book)("Conjecture regarding the Jadoon tribe of Eusofzye, that the Afghans are Yadus not Yahudis or Jews").

Clearly James Tod not being a linguist or historian, was simply mistaken. This is further supported by his OWN acknowledgement in his book. In addition, Montstuart Elphinstone, a Scotsman, a Statesman, historian and first British Envoy to the King of Afghanistan and so a contemprary of Tod also did not mention this when he described his encounter with the Jadoons and Yousafzai, in his book, "Account of the Kingdom of Caubol" published in 1815, he states, "Among the Jadoons, a branch of the Eusofzyes..." (p.17). Furhermore, the "Yadu" or Yadhavs (descendants of the King Yadu and from which Lord Krishna descends from) as they are properly called do not lay claim to this assumption by Tod. More interestingly among the Pashtuns of the North West Frontier, there are Rajputs who have since converted to Islam and speak Pashto, but still claim their Rajput heritage.

Another military person Major Henry Bellew also misunderstood the diverse ethnic communities of the region and borrowed Todd’s idea that the “Jadun” were Rajput origin [7], and further developed it into making the entire Pashtun nation to be of Rajput descent. An idea to which Todd also alluded to.

Another retired Pakistani brigadier Harun Rashid used Todd’s and Bellew’s references in “History of the Pathans” to perpetrate the same mistake without an scholarly critique on the literature [8]. Therefore, from the background of these authors and the fact the present day literature on Yadhav history does not agree with these statements as being accurate (see Yadhav in wikipedia and references within), it is clear these conclusions have no real foundation and were made in error.

Linguistic issues in pronouncing names by non-native speakers

It is clear that British and foreign military personnel that encountered the different ethnic communities in India in the 1800s were not really expert "scholars" or anthroplogists and often compared "apples with oranges" in their explanations as is clear from Tod's and thoughts of how "Yadus" and "Yahudis" (Jews) are spelt similarly in "english" and "pronounced the same by an Englishman" therefore are "derived one from the other". Another person guilty of this was Major Bellew, who actually theorised that ALL OF THE PASHTUNS WERE RAJPUTS[7] based on the simple fact that these names in English had similar spelling, and English-style pronounciation. A modern day analogy of this would be to consider "Ali" (an Arabic proper name) with "Alley" an English name meaning a passage between two walls, and to think that one was derived from another (related) would be incorrect. Although these words would be pronounced in the same way by an "Englishman" in their actual native tongues there are subtle differences in these words. Likewise,the "n" in Sanskrit names is very "nasal" and would be better spelt as "nr".

Another analogy is to think that the people in Pakistan with the name "Shah" are derived and the Jain (Hindu) "Shah" - spelt identically. This is again not the case. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Yadu Rajput (talkcontribs) 22:00, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

List of Referenced content from reliable sources deleted from this article


  1. ^ Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan Or the Central and Western Rajpoot by James Tod Page 222
  2. ^ Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan Or the Central and Western Rajpoot by James Tod Page 58
  3. ^ The Indian empire: its peoples, history, and products By Sir William Wilson Hunter Page 852
  4. ^ Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan Or the Central and Western Rajpoot by James Tod Page 222
  5. ^ Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan Or the Central and Western Rajpoot by James Tod Page 58
  6. ^ The Indian empire: its peoples, history, and products By Sir William Wilson Hunter Page 852

Intothefire (talk) 03:27, 23 February 2010 (UTC)

pashtun tribe or not?

[moved from article] (Jadoon is not a pathan or Afghan tribe) see reports by H.W Bellew and captain Wace. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 10:24, 25 February 2011

However, I don't see see Jadoon listed in any book about pathan tribes. I don't know enough about the topic to untangle all the genealogical trees of tribes. --Enric Naval (talk) 11:53, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

Of Course they are Pashtoon - read the above discussions and the literature on the subject and visit the country and meet the people of the subcontinent. The books you quote repeat the same incorrect reference again and again. That does not substantiate anything. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Yadu Rajput (talkcontribs) 05:15, 11 April 2011 (UTC) My brother why do you use word Pashtoon again and again, Don't you know that Pashtoon is a cultural group not an ethnic community? You ara a Pashtoon but not of an Afghan origin. You are not more Pashtoon than Sikh,Rajpoot,Gujjar,Jat,Awan,Paracha,Qazilbash,Degan,Arora,Khatri and Gakkhar living in Afganistan and among the Pashtoons of Pakistani areas. No doubt speaking Pashto and adopting Pashtoon culture is a sign of Pashtoonwali but no one may become an Afghan by this way. It is said that every Afghan is Pashtoon and every Pashtoon is not an Afghan. Kirtar Singh, Karkhano,Peshawar. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:49, 30 December 2011 (UTC)

Just stop this now, please. This page is for discussion of improvements to the article, not ranting and petty point scoring. - Sitush (talk) 09:04, 30 December 2011 (UTC)

Jadaun.Jadu ,Yadu ,Yadav jadoon are one and same

Jadaun, jadam,Jhadhav , yadav Yadu, yaduvanshi and Jadoon are same thing yaduvashi yadavs and Ahirs came from Afganistan. now i am busy will give all refrences tommorow. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:27, 5 April 2011 (UTC)

Yadavas through the ages, from ancient period to date, Volume 2

Annals and Antiques of Rajast'han Or, the Central and Western Rajpoot States ...

Anacalypsis an attempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic Isis ..., Volume 1 By Godfrey Higgins

Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 3 By Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland

The Indian Encyclopaedia: Gautami Ganga -Himmat Bahadur edited by Subodh Kapoor

The Rajpoot tribes, Volume 1

Hindu infanticide: An account of the measures adopted for suppressing the ... By Edward Moor

The cyclopædia of India and of eastern and southern Asia, commercial industrial, and scientific: products of the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, useful arts and manufactures, Volume 1

Jats, the ancient rulers: a clan study--page -119

Handbook on Rajputs By A. H. Bingley -page -82--most important

Please Work as Group not Individual Assad Abbassi

I have read al the discussion but one thing which i come to know is the prejudice of different tribes for Jadoon is at extreme. the following might be the reasons

  • 1) Other tribes don't want them to be there.
  • 2) The fact is obvious that minority always dislike as in Hazara Jadoon is a minor tribe.
  • 3) I never read any article by Jadoon against any tribe in region then why people despised JADOONS.
  • 4) Revolution eliminates all the history as from this discussion i revealed that Jadoons Have not dignity that why they are criticized.
  • 5) Frustration of English ruler and other people was more for this tribe due to their habits.

I am Asad Abbasi from Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir,and student of history in New Delhi.Respected all i want to clarify the fact that All muslims were great and they invaded this area and spread Islam In Subcontinent with great efforts.Afghans have a great contribution and Jadoon are try to through all this in hell.As my topic is not of casts, but one thing is obvious that Jadoons are not of pathan origin. Today we need unity of Islam not any thing else. As i am now investigating on this tribe, soon i will give you solid information about THE JADOONS.Template:Unsigned IP --> Regards Asad Abbassi Abbassi Bahai you live in Srinagar and you do not realise about Jaduns inhabiting in Hazara. We live among them and know them very well. You please study in your own field and do not waste your time. It is to bring in your knowledge that Jaduns are not Afghanis or Pathans. Jehadis in Jammu Kashmir were not Jaduns but Afridis and Shinwaris and military forces sent by Wali-e-Swat. You do not know that what they did in Kashmir? Your statement is itself evident that you are not really Kashmiri as Kashmiris hate them who raped honorable Kashmiri sisters and looted every kind of wealth. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:53, 12 September 2011 (UTC)


As Per Gazt of 1907 In Kashmir area there is no Mughals So Please dont waste your time. and Dont Tell us about Mughals They were rulers more corrupt as compare to today in fact all Mughal Emperors were looser who they ruled conquered area.

You are not Mughals That is Fact

Asad Abbassi,


I am from sheikhulbandi and belong to khawaj ahmed khail clan of jadoon. Respected sughara ahmad belong to our village and no doubt they are respectable and well educated family of our village and she is aunt of my close friend. My father told me that our forefathers invites grand father of respected sughara ahmad(kamal ud din)from kashmir to teach our children and gave them land and house. kamal ud din and his family are teaching us from decades and till now and they are teachers and respectable and till now their all family is well educated. I dont know they are mughals because in sheikhulbandi we call them kashmiries not mughal and one of her sister was married with a jadoon . What she write about jadoons is his own thinking and research but in village we never heard any thing wrong about jadoon from them. she is currently living in canada and respectable for us.Please brothers don't abuse here or say any thing wrong about her it is my request to my Jadun brothers. Yes we call toba to mughals baradri in sheikhul bandi but we know they were kings of hindustan and a shansha nation. In sheikhulbandi they are respectable and very noble bradri never engage in any unethical activity — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:27, 5 October 2011 (UTC)

Dear khwaja Ahmed Khail

As you and me wrote good things to settle down the issue i am reading this discussion for last few months. Neither i wrote any thing in or against any tribe nor one of "Wali Khan" a kaakar brother and you did that. But here some one abused and some one wrote Tobi etc to Sughra Ahmed. One thing is assure that all different names and IPs goes to Sughra Mughal, as she is using differnt IDs and IPs like "intothefire,Barlas, and different IPs. and she is involved in writting against Jadoons and other tribe. She is psycho and sick lady, she is suffering from inferiority complex may Allah gave her good health. In response to her ill manners activity some one abuses her and in response she or some one else replied copule of days before. These activity causes biasness, as she wrote in her website she inquired different people about Jadoon when she was in Peshawer, proves her biasness for Jadoon as it is non of her concern at all and this also shows she knows Pushto and she replied to Wali Khan in Pushto Language to find out either he is Pushtun or not but she didnot read his document that he belongs to Balochistan, shows that might be possible that he didnot knows pushto language or his dilect might be balochi etc. as i read that in which she tried to tease Wali khan by writting he is not Kakar. And many other things against people of Pukhtun Khawa. This is not an issue at all what we are we will be same and one thing is sure short she is an ill mannered lady who is using good salutations for her self on different spots. She gave lot of refrences of Different writters against Jadoons but did not accept hundred reffrences in favor of Jadoon. I analysed she want fame as it is a psychological deffeciency in different people they want to be part of society where they was refused, and they use pesimistic approach in this regard. Its a modern era of Science and Technology where bio science has significant role this issue if will take serious turn the obvious result can be scrute out by an athenticated test DNA. Brother who ever you are but as psychatrist and critical analyzer i feel doubt that you are also sughra as you gave extra respect to her in your draft but she should also realize the fact that who had called her in Abbottabad and it is the tradition of only Pushtuns when the ask any one to serve them, they also gave them piece of land as token of appriciation. She should also accept this thing that the one who called them Tobay is not the title given by Jadoons. Neither title of khan was self creation of Jadoons. The people who call them tobay also used to call Jadoons as Khan, its not our sin. I know many Mughals of Abbottabad they are good genorous and well mannered people. And knows alot of Kashmiris who they call themselves as Awan and Mughals and Qureshi are totally different from those who resides in Mirpur, rawalakot and Muzafarabad they are open heart and good people and in Abbottabad the situation is different 75% of these people are biased and cheap in different manners. Any one can survey about this its authenticated and solid statement.

 — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:47, 6 October 2011 (UTC) 


Respected All I read all coments in and again to the topic "Jadoon". All refrences and and criticism proves that Tribe have some qualties thats why it is critically evaluated by non concern people in past and hence in present. Reality is Really the thing which makes the retaliation but fact is obvious, when one who is in complex will try to release it.Jadoons are easy to handle i saw them fighting with each other for their non Pathan friends.They are good, brave ,hospitile, in good mood and worst to their enemies. One ofy class fellow from Sheikh ul bandi was Jadoon, I never can forget that man alone fighting for the rights of other by staking his future. Long ago 2005 MBA and i never saw such person in any other tribe.

for Your Refrence

view the following sources for your satisfaction. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:58, 20 June 2011 (UTC)

Gadoon/Jadoon Pathans — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:04, 20 June 2011 (UTC)

no one is great we are from hazrat adam(as)

Allah says"we have divided you in tribes and sub tribes so letting you to recognize each other. no one is better than any other except who has takwa(faith,emmaan). AND WE ARE ALL DECENDANTS OF HAZRAT ADAM(A.S) SO WE SHOULD PREFER ISLAMISM THAN CASTISM AND CASTISM IS NOT ALLOWED IN ISLAM IF WE PREFER CASTISM THAN WE WILL OUT OF ISLAM. SO BE UNIT AND DONT FIGHT ON LEISURE — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:52, 24 July 2011 (UTC)


debatable - no hard evidence. Important questions why do Jadoons not lay claim to it. Why do the other Pashtoon tribes acknowledge Jadoons as Pashtoons? There are many non-Pashtuns through out Pakistan and Afghanistan that proudly claim they are rajputs, or claim their non-pashtoon heritage etc. Why don't the Jadoons do this? Try to read critically and not be 'parrot-like".


Confusion with Yadu

(intothefire wrote: According to the eminent Pakistani Archaeologist Prof Dr Ahmad Hasan Dani,who extensively researched on the people and history of the North West Frontier province of Pakistan and adjoining areas of modern Afghanistan , the Jaduns are an Aryan tribe . “ The Pashto or Pakhto is a well-known Aryan tribe mentioned in the Rigveda along with others, Jadu (or Yadu), Kuru, Sivas and Bhalanases. The Jaduns are the modern Gaduns, Sivas have left behind their name in the modern village of Siva in Swabi tehsil, and Kuru can be recognised in the valley of Panchkora in the district of Dir and Bhalanases have left their name in Bolan Pass.[2]

From Dr. Yadu_Rajput:

  • But this is unlikely since the Rig Veda states that the “regions governed by the Yadu clan (one of the five Aryan clans mentioned in the Rig Veda) were in the southwest of the Gangetic plains, between the Chambal River, Betwa and Ken, which today corresponds to the border areas of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.” (Essential Hinduism, Steven Rosen ISBN-10: 0275990060

"Although the Pir does not fly, his disciples would have him so" - is a well known saying. Dr. Dani (god rest his soul) was a humble, and good person, and an expert in his field of archeology. The above text credited to him is an actual news paper extract -and we all know the spin that journalist put on things. I am sure if he were alive he would have agreed with me. Dr. Yadu_Rajput — Preceding unsigned comment added by Yadu Rajput (talkcontribs) 20:54, 15 September 2011 (UTC)

For All who they are against Jadoons

Dear sughra, into thefire and and all those who they are trying to humilate Jadoons should know the fact that under all circumstances though you provide very good examples, all these things are meaning less. As i am a Pakhtoon and very well familiar with all people of پختون خواه ,other than Sardar Karlals, Tanolis, Awan specially golras and very few qutab shahi awans all other tribes have no identity related to history. Accordinging to Gazzeteer of India several proffesions were mentioned in that held by different people in surrounding. Dear Sughra, Mughal family has very good repute , and as well as into the fire even you did not know who so ever you are. And in fact if you are real mughal then you should know that what British had done with mughals in past, and you avoid mentioning them. I read all the story by you mentioning assumptions of English rulers. Jadoons are Pure Pushtoon tribe, related to Us. By the way i am a Kakar afgan of Zhob studied at Ayub Medical college Abbottabad. I talked this to my Jadoon friend, and his answer really enchantered me " he replied Wali khan you know me and as well all other pushtuns. If i will do good with you definitly you will make my image as a good person and it will create my family repute good. And if any one is throwing stone on tribe shows that people of my tribe did some wrong to them. So let them say what they can."

You peole will be thinking that what i am doing on this discussion as its non of my concern. Realy i just wana show one thing what i analysed in Hazara you people are cowards and have no quality to face the facts and always trying to discriminate each others. after spending a lot of time in hazara when i come to know that Due to Pukhtunkhawa issue voilence strike hazara, really i was in greif that such beautiful and peaceful land is going to be termoiled, but when i read all these I really relaxed.That it should be done to them. I know that after reading all this article you people will also write against me no problem. Coz i know that Suhaba aur Umhat ul momineen ko agar nahin Bakhsha gia to main ya Jadoons kia cheez hain.

Keep it up all you people keep going on Because قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مَالِكَ الْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِي الْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتَنزِعُ الْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَاءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاءُ بِيَدِكَ الْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ [3:26 — Preceding unsigned comment added by Walikhanhh (talkcontribs) 04:19, 16 September 2011 (UTC)

Mr.Jadoon only for you

Mr. Jadoon, your reply to Sughra Ahmed Mughal is out of ethical limits, as you call her TOBI and you seem frustrated yourself. I think that you are a suckling baby who says that Mughals didn’t rule Hazara. Rule krna kis ko kehtey hain? Hazara smait purey Hindustan aur Afghanistan k BADSHA mughal they or ap kehtey ho Mughalon ney Hazara rule nehi kiya. Ham agar Tobay hain ya koi or lekan yaqeen se kehta hun aap logon se achi aur izat ki zindgi guzar rehey hain or na he ham ghatiya soch k log hain like you. Ham kisi k mal o dolat pe nazar nehi rakhtey or na he rat ki tariki mein logon k gharon mein nakab laganey wale log hain. Ap ney logon ko property deny ki bat ki hy, ye nehi bataya k ap logon ki jagir kahan hy? Hazara mein Swati log Allai aur Batgram k Nawab aur Khan rehey hain. Swati Konsh aur Ghari Habibullah k Jagirdar hain. Tanoli Amb or Phullra k Nawabs or baki Tanawal k Khan or Jagirdar hain. Utmanzai Khalabat, Tarbela k Khan hain, Karlal Nara Satora or Diwal Manal k Sardar or Khans, hain. Abbassi Lora or Galyat k Sardar or Khan hain, Gujar lower Hazara k jagirdar or Kotnajibullah k Sardar hain. Isi tara Syeds Kaghan or Battal k jagirdar hain, Gakhar Khanpur k Rajas or Khan hain. Turk qaum Mankrai or Behali k Jagirdar or Khan hain. Awan qaum k logon ki jagir Sikandarpur mein hy. Ham to huey Dhobi ap zara Jadoon ki jagirdari or Khani ka geographiya bata den? Ap jin ilakon mein rehtey ho whan koi Sardar, Khan ya Raja nehi hy. Agar koi hy to bs nam ka, Apni qaum mein os admi ka nam batao k jis k pas 50 kanal se zyada zamin ho. Ap ko tenant ka lafz bura laga, keun Jadoon tenant nehi ho sakta? Hm ney HAZARA ki position apko bata di ap zara GADUN mein be pata karwa lo udhar be koi jadoon jagirdar nehi hy. Humarey bap dada ne kabi faisley nehi kiye, thek magar ye to batao where do your forefathers have been holding courts? About Jadoons we know better than you. You say that Ham Log Itni BESHARMI say apney app ko Mughal kehtey hain, for this I would like to say it is shameful and sinful for you too to use title of KHAN which really a title of Mughals/Turks/Mongols. It is for your knowledge that in Iran, Afghanistan , Pakistan and India this title is preserved only for lords and I think you are not a race of that kind. In WEBSTER DICTIONARY word Khan is defined as under "Khan (Kaan,Kan) n. [Turki khan, lord] 1. a title of Tatar or Mongol rulers in the Midle Ages 2. a title of various dignitaries in India, Iran etc". It is also for your knowledge that Mir, Mirza and Afindi are titles for Turks e.g Mirza Hindal and Mirza Kamran etc. You suggested that we the Mughals should research ourselves if so PHIR AP KA MAAN KON TOREY GA? Al Hamdullila we are Mughals decedents of SAHIB E QIRAN, ALAA HAZRAT AMIR TEMUR, FATEH JAHAN, so there is no need to trace my ancestors. Han janab Sher Sher he hota hy, ye bat jano lo ham ruler they majority nehi they. Please mention where the Jadoons were kings? Pathans are braves and fighters but not Jadoons. Akbar was Akbar e Azam who is not defeated by any jadoon , secondly you say that Farid Khan (Sher Shah) was a Ghaljai, don’t you know that who are Ghalzais? (running Turk blood in their veins therefore historians sometimes argue that they are Khiljis not Ghal zoes). So my brother we know that your are a jadun only, and we know better than you that what is Pathan, what is Jadoon and who was Qais Abdul Rashid and please don’t teach us history lesson regarding ethnic study of Central Asian races. Regards BARLAS

Haqeqat ki dunya main raho Mr Barlas Mughals are no more.

History Review

dear Brother. As per your comments Jadoons donot have any land in Abbottabad. Least land owner Jadoon Has More than 200 Kanal of Land other than several enlisted in as Jagirdar own Afzal Khan Of Mangal having 129000 Kanal Land Started from Banda Sahib Khan To Boi and Turnai leave other refrences this is enough for your Knowledge.

Second objection by you is title of Khan Dear bro Khan is Title of Bani Israel evidence is city of Khan Younas, Pushtun/Pathan use this as name not Title due to fact that they are Bani Israel.

Non of Mughal King is Named as Babar Khan or Akbar Khan. But the fact is this title was given to Rajputs and other fighting tribes by Mughal Emperor for their bravery.

In turkey this title is only used for Kings Till Khilafat-e-usmania. Respected Brother you said Ghaljais are having Turk Blood in their veins thats why they are called as Ghaljais is wrong. Ghaljai is derived word of Pushto from the Word Ghor Zoeys meaning is Sons of Mountains. And in Pushtuns non of the family is using Mothers tribe name after his name. There are several tribes lived in Mountains named as Ghaljais including Ahmed Zais Aka khel Suliaman Khel etc.

Taimoor when entered in Qandhar left area without messing with people their as per his own biography.

I can also use foul language but it is useless i do agree with Wali Khan Statement All tribes are one and same if they follow Islamic Codes. But as one of Jadoon i felt sorrow about yours, Sughra, And Jadoon comments which really hurt me like you.

Ms Sughra Mughal There are lot of other feilds where you can research and can bring prosperity as You Mentioned you are a teacher. But here you are wasting your energy, as well as causing different people to stand against each other which is against the profession of Teaching. Your work is based on English Writers, who they just Divided us. Very simple thing is all fingers are not equal likewise all people are not same, an if some one from Jadoon Tribe did any wrong to you, you should target him as you used wrong words for entire Tribe, Same for you Mr Jadoon. Dear Barlas I Know this thing as Jadoon and sughra hurt us make us to write for and against i gave some refrences as for your Knowledge. And Hopefully i will Request you to please donot write any thing against any tribe.

Sincerely yours — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:52, 28 September 2011 (UTC)

Jadoon bhai

You delete some time article which you think are not written by you or not in favour so therefore it is requested that plez do not do so and plez try to become courgeing one to face all that. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Walikhanhh (talkcontribs) 18:36, 21 September 2011 (UTC)

Respected Barlas

I read this article and before any thing i would like to tell you one thing that Sughra Mughal is baised alOng with many other people with Jadoons. As you can see in above all discussions when one of the jadoon Adil khan try to convience her with refrences,she denied only to stay with some English writers who they wrote against Jadoons as Non Pathan due to their language As Hindko in Hazara. And amongst these Several including James Abbott mentioned them as Pure Pushtuns.Niamat ullah Haravi an ancient Persian in 1612.AD wrote genological tree of Pushtun showing Jadoons as Pathans. Dear brother We All are Sons of Adam and according to Quran "Tribes are only to recogonise you". And if some one try to humilate you by hurting ur recognition so what you will do? We will be what we are we can never changed by saying of any one. As you said that you are Barlas desended from Amir Taimoor and if i say you are not will hurt you but will not change your tribe. Not only you we know that before them Alaxender ruled this area and he has also desendents over here. Same is the case with us. Dear bro i gave you refrence that ghalzais it is true coz i talked to a Aka khel and he told me what i wrote before. Secondly i told you Name of a person Afzal Khan having Land 129000 kanal it is also true coz according to Gazateer his Grand Father was having Property worth 1200 in about 1848. Which you can see in book by Sultan khan with refrences. Third thing i told you about Khan not title but name of Bani Israelis as i read it some where and will gave you refrence.

At all i would like to Thank you for your good comments thats we should not humilate each other. A fact need no justifications. I suggested Ms Sughra to research in other feild like her core subject i was not disappointing her. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:13, 30 September 2011 (UTC)

Deletion of cited content including Professor Ahmad Hasan Dani's quote

This article urgently needs protection .
Cited content from reliable sources is repeatedly deleted .
Discussions are replete with Abuse , Individuals are named , Ad hominem and personal attacks which is against Wikipedia policy , see Wikipedia:No personal attacks, discussions in non English languages .

Here's a recent instance of deletion from the article.
Professor Ahmad Hasan Dani is an eminent scholars from Pakistani of International repute and recognition and also the recipient of the Hilal-e-Imtiaz from Government of Pakistan .
On 15 September 2011 Yadu Rajput deletes the following content

According to the eminent Pakistani historian and Archaeologist Prof Dr Ahmad Hasan Dani,who extensively researched on the people and history of the North West Frontier province of Pakistan and adjoining areas of modern Afghanistan , the Jaduns are an Aryan tribe .

Yadu Rajput who has repeatedly deleted cited content deletes this content .

When I restore it on 15 September 2011 , the content is now immediately deleted by 15 September 2011

Meanwhile Yadu Rajput provides a justification for deletion
and presumptuously concludes comments on the eminent Professor Dani with I am sure if he were alive he would have agreed with me .

Professor Dani's article is available at Colonial NWFP or Pakistani Pakhtunkhwa? Prof. Em. Dr Ahmad Hasan Dani ,Pakhtunkhwa Times

Intothefire (talk) 14:42, 30 September 2011 (UTC)