
The Springbok Nude Girls are a leading South African band/musical group. Their career commenced in 1995 and they've had a very loyal following ever since. A page for this band already exists; I am merely fleshing out their discography. In terms of current events; after reuniting the band will be releasing a new studio album early in 2007. The front man, Arno Carstens, is currently a 'hot commodity', appearing on the covers of magazines (Top Billing, SA) as well as in feature-length articles about himself and the band (eg, in Glamour magazine). The Nude Girls were frontrunners in a wave of rock bands to come out of South Africa in the early nineties, and they still have a very large following, both here and in the UK where many ex-pats live. It would be a gaping omission to remove this artist/band from Wiki. I don't really know how else to motivate this. I am not their publicist. I don't know them personally at all. They have simply created work that is canonical and integral to the development of modern South African music, which merits their presence on Wiki.