659 Nestor should not be confused with Planet Nestor the nearest true Earthlike Planet


Planet Nestor is the predicted nearest 'true Earthlike plan-it'; it's 'next-door' to us and humanoids have a nest or base there. Nestor was built(64=B2+U21+I9+L12+T20) with the mathematical model/algorithm of FOD=6_4...

Nestor has 6 continents & 4 seasons, their '6 Seas' & 4 oceans, 64% of its surface is water. Its large moon has 4 phases of a little over 6 days (~6.4 days) each. (Its lunar month is 25.5 days.) Their lunar year is 306 days + 6 day week + 4 days = 316 day solar year with a leap year every 4 years. Its two interior planets are at .6 & .4 AU. Their 'Venus' has an orbit of 6.4 average Nestor months (26.33 days each) of ~168.5 days. Besides Nestor, its solar system has 6 planets with 4 being non-rocky gas or ice giants. Their 'Saturn' has an orbit of ~25.6 Nestor years (4 'seasons' of 6.4 years each). Their 6th planet (including Nestor) from their sun has the 4th largest mass in their solar system and has a diameter of 4x Nestor's.

From Nestor's surface, 6 moving objects - their 6 Classical Planets - can be seen with the naked eye (Sun, Moon, & 4 'wandering stars'/planets) and 4 of these don't cast shadows on Nestor/4 can't be easily seen during the daytime. Their Big Dipper is 6 stars with 4 making up its quadrilateral ladle. It points towards its Polaris which is at the end of the handle of its Little Dipper: again, 6 stars w/ 4 in its ladle. Polaris may currently be their North Star. They observe their 'Mars' returning to the same point against the background of stars and in relationship to its Sun and Nestor every 46 years.

Superstrings theory (M-theory) states there are 6 additional dimensions of hyperspace + the 4 common dimensions. Unified Strings 21 or 19 Dimensions & Aspects of Spacetime adds the analysis of time as 6 aspects of 'regular time' + 4 aspects of 'hypertime', thus providing a very simple symmetry breaking.

The Nestling brain, heart, muscles and newborns are 64% water. They speak Eqfish(6 letters, 64=E5+Q17+F6+I9+S19+H8), they recofnize FOD as The Creator, they love playinf checkers and chess (64-square board), and their gavorite beer is Miller 64.

For further explanation, see my tweaked NASA conference presentation of 4.21.09 Identifying 'True Earth-like Planets' - All New Worlds Are Built On 7_4 (like Earth) Or 6_4 at [url]http://PlanetNestor.blogspot.com/[/url] . (NASA Conference Missions for Exoplanets: 2010-2020 held in the Pasadena Hilton. - Benjamin Franklin (talk) 19:28, 28 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

Wow, dude. Are you feeling OK? I mean, you very nearly went full Timecube, there, and you NEVER go full Timecube... (also, you're hinging some of your theory on how the human-given name of an Exoplanet, after that of an ancient Greek historical figure, sounds a bit like a sentence fragment... in modern English. That's literally a complete coincidence) (talk) 23:29, 11 March 2018 (UTC)Reply

There Are No Coincidences - there is synchronism, interconnectedness, nonlocality, retrocausality, subconscious telepathy, design-and-alignment, signs from GOD, and consequences - 2601:580:10A:2DF9:A4BA:A4F1:44CE:5082 (talk) 00:46, 21 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

What do the little (R)'s mean?


There's a couple of them put next to the magnitude figures on the sidebar, without any explanation as to what they're supposed to signify. I've not seen that notation use on any other MP article to my recollection either. Can someone please explain, preferably in the article as well as here? (talk) 23:30, 11 March 2018 (UTC)Reply