Portal:Literature/Did you know/Week 16

... that Girl with a Pearl Earring (pictured) is a 17th century painting by Jan Vermeer which inspired Tracy Chevalier to write a historical novel of the same name?

... that Warner Baxter, Alan Ladd, Robert Redford, and Toby Stephens have all played Jay Gatsby?

... that Will Warburton is a grocer?

... that Was machen wir jetzt? (2000) and Das blaue Kleid (2002) are novels by German film director Doris Dörrie?

... that ghoti is supposed to be pronounced /fɪʃ/ or /.../ (that is, no sound; silence), and that the coinage of the word is often attributed to George Bernard Shaw?

... that Herman Melville's novella Billy Budd, set aboard the HMS Bellipotent in the year 1797, is the literary basis for Benjamin Britten's opera, Billy Budd?

... that Regeneration, The Eye in the Door, and The Ghost Road are the three novels which make up Pat Barker's Regeneration Trilogy?